
Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

author:Sweet mom works hard

There is a folk proverb that has been widely circulated among the people, which says that the weather in March of the lunar calendar is related to the weather in April, that is, "March is afraid of March and July, April is afraid of the first day of the new year, and the first day of the third and seventh months is not afraid, and I am afraid of the twelfth day of April. ”

I believe that many elderly people or farmers who have farmed in the countryside have heard of it. In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, it is even more special, and there are many proverbs related to it among the people, such as "big drought and small drought, but May 13" and so on.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

However, what I want to share with you today is another statement, because the 28th day of May in the lunar calendar has arrived, and there is a saying among the people that "I am most afraid of the 28th day of May and the 28th day of the sunny", so what day is this day, why are you afraid that it is a sunny day? Let's learn about the wisdom of the ancients.

(1) What day is the 28th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar?

There are many rain-related days in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, such as: the first day of the fifth lunar month; Dragon boat rain on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month; May 13 Guan Gong sharpened the knife rain; May 18 Dragon King washed the street rain; May 25 dragon rain; The twenty-eighth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is the day when the folk legend says that the city god washes the street and rains.

It can also be seen from this that there is a lot of rain in May, and it rains most of the days, and according to the experience of the ancients, it is good to rain on these days.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

In the past, there were City God Temples in many places, and the one enshrined in them was the City God. In the past, as the patron saint of the place, the belief of the city god spread all over the country, and in the traditional customs of the mainland folk, the 28th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar every year is regarded as the day of "the city god washing the street".

It is said that on this day, the Lord Chenghuang will personally inspect the world and bring a heavy rain to the common people, washing the streets with rainwater, which means cleansing and purification.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

Therefore, it is generally believed that the rain on May 28 is an auspicious omen, indicating the blessing of the Lord Chenghuang and the gift of nature. In the past, it was believed that no matter how heavy the rain was, it was not afraid of it, because there was a folk saying that "if you are not afraid of May 25, you are afraid of May 25", that is, it is a good thing to rain on this day, and heavy rain does not matter.

(2) Why do you say "I am most afraid of the 28th and 1st day"?

This statement is actually the experience of the ancients. In China's long-standing farming culture, weather changes are closely related to agricultural production, and farmers have summed up a series of proverbs and customs to predict weather and crop harvest by observing natural phenomena, and this sentence is one of them, and there are many proverbs related to it among the people.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

According to the experience of the ancients, if it is sunny and there is no rain on the 28th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, there are often two worries, the first is that there is less rain in the future, and there may be a major drought.

In the folk, there is a saying that "May looks at the 38th, the first 8th no rain and 28 rests, and the 38th no rain and so on", which refers to the fifth month of the lunar calendar, counting on the eighth, eighteenth and twenty-eighth days of the first month, if it rains in these days, it indicates that there will be more rain behind.

And if there is no rain on the eighth day of the first month, just wait for the eighteenth, if the eighteenth does not rain, just look at the twenty-eighth, and the twenty-eighth does not rain, then it can only wait until the beginning of the autumn solar term, in other words, the rain is less.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

In addition, there is "28 rainless rice flowers, 38 rainless drought to the end", which means that it has not rained on the 28th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, so there is very little rain this year, and it may continue to be dry. Therefore, the folk proverb "I am most afraid of the sunny day of May 28", reflecting the farmers' desire for rain and fear of drought.

The second worry is that I am afraid that the grain harvest will not be good in the future. Because in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the temperature is high and the sunshine is strong, which is a critical period for the growth of crops, especially rice and other paddy field crops, which urgently need sufficient water to ensure their normal growth.

If there is no rain on May 28, according to the experience of the ancients, this is often a sign that the grain harvest of the year will not be good. Among the people, there are sayings such as "if there is a shit, just look at May 28", "May 38 rains, the dragon king comes to deliver grain" and so on, all of which illustrate this situation.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

And although this statement is a bit simplistic and one-sided, it also has some basis. Because crops grow vigorously in May and the demand for water is high, if there is a drought during this period, it is not good for their growth, and the natural yield is not high.

After all, in the past, drought was one of the last disasters that farmers wanted to face, which not only affected the growth of crops, but also directly related to the harvest and livelihood of the year.

It is precisely because of these folk proverbs that there is a saying that "I am most afraid of the sunny day of May 28", which is not only the experience of farmers passed down from generation to generation, but also the natural laws that they have summed up based on long-term observation and practice.

Tomorrow, May 28, as the old saying goes, "I am most afraid of the sunshine of the 28th day", what is the saying? Why are you afraid?

They not only guide farmers in their agricultural activities, but also help them respond to natural disasters.

For example, when a possible drought is predicted, farmers take measures in advance, such as building reservoirs, diverting water for irrigation, and selecting drought-tolerant crop varieties to mitigate the impact of drought on agricultural production.

The 28th day of the fifth lunar month has arrived, what is the weather like in your hometown? There is still rain in the forecast in my hometown, and this rainy weather has lasted for more than 1 week, and I don't want it to rain. #头条创作挑战赛#