
22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

author:Little baba gossip

"I can't go back now, you keep going!" These were the last words left by Wang Wei when he was on a mission over the South China Sea. Subsequently, the J-8II fighter he piloted collided with the US EP-3 reconnaissance plane, and the fuselage was seriously damaged, and he had to parachute to escape. Twenty-two years have passed, and the mainland has mobilized 100,000 people to conduct a large-scale search and rescue, but no trace of him has been found.

What was the reason for this heroic pilot to mysteriously disappear in the middle of the ocean?

What is the truth behind this event?

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Wang Wei's life

Wang Wei was born in April 1968 in an ordinary family in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. From a young age, he was full of dreams of airplanes and aspired to become a pilot. This dream did not come out of nowhere, but was deeply rooted in his passion and love. When he was a child, Wang Wei often looked up at the sky, watched the plane cross the sky, and the dream of flying ignited in his heart. His parents are ordinary workers, and they want their son to have a stable job and live an ordinary and happy life. However, Wang Wei is not willing to be ordinary, he wants to fly higher and see farther.

When Wang Wei expressed his desire to become a pilot, he was strongly opposed by his parents. Parents worry that the profession of pilot is too dangerous for their beloved son. Despite this, Wang Wei did not give up his dream, but secretly applied for the Air Force Flight School. After learning the news, although the parents were shocked, they had no choice but to silently support their son's choice.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

In 1986, 18-year-old Wang Wei was successfully admitted to the Air Force Flight School. In school, with his love and talent for flying, he consistently ranked at the top of his grades. His efforts and persistence impressed the instructors and established his prestige among his classmates. In 1991, Wang Wei graduated with honors and took the initiative to apply to join the naval aviation unit.

Wang Wei, who had just joined the naval aviation unit, felt the slightest discomfort in the face of an unfamiliar environment and arduous tasks. However, he did not let the difficulties down, but quickly adjusted himself and gradually adapted to various environments and tasks. With his solid flying skills and indomitable spirit, Wang Wei quickly made a name for himself in the army and became one of the pilots with the most combat take-offs and the largest number of major missions.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

In Wang Wei's love life, middle school classmate Ruan Guoqin occupies an important position. The two are childhood sweethearts and fall in love. Wang Wei was worried that he was in a dangerous occupation that would bring endless worry and pain to Ruan Guoqin, so he made up a reason to break up with her. After Ruan Guoqin learned the truth, he was deeply moved and firmly followed Wang Wei. In 1993, the two entered the marriage hall hand in hand and became each other's strongest backing.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

On April 1, 2001, Wang Wei prepared to carry out a routine mission as usual. Before leaving, he said goodbye to his wife, full of attachment to his family and firm belief in his mission. Ruan Guoqin looked at her husband's back, and a trace of uneasiness swelled in her heart, but she didn't show it, just silently prayed for Wang Wei, hoping that he would return safely.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Perform tasks

On the same day, Wang Wei and his colleague Zhao Yu flew a fighter plane to carry out the task of tracking and monitoring the US military reconnaissance plane that illegally entered the mainland's airspace. Two J-8II fighters conducted an operation over the South China Sea and engaged in a confrontation with a US EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft. Suddenly, an accident happened, Wang Wei's fighter collided with a US reconnaissance plane, the vertical tail was seriously damaged, and the plane lost control.

At the critical moment, Wang Wei remained calm and tried various methods to control the plane, but to no avail. In the end, he had to make a difficult decision - to parachute to escape. He knows that this is not only for his own life, but also for the protection of the country's airspace. At the moment of parachuting, Wang Wei had a thousand words in his heart, but he could only leave a simple message: "I can't return now, you continue to move forward!" ”

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Wang Wei's sacrifice

After the parachute jump, Wang Wei fell into the vast sea. Despite his extensive experience in surviving at sea, the harsh environment of the South China Sea has made his situation extremely difficult. The mainland mobilized 100,000 search and rescue personnel to launch a large-scale search and rescue operation. The search and rescue area covered thousands of square kilometers of sea area and lasted 14 days, but Wang Wei's trace was never found.

Search and rescue personnel searched diligently, and they were unwilling to give up any possible leads. Every search and rescue ship and every helicopter is full of hope and respect for Wang Wei. After all, the vast sea did not bring them good news. Wang Wei's disappearance has become an unsolvable mystery and a painful historical regret.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Wang Wei's influence and commemoration

Wang Wei's sacrifice brought a huge blow and grief to his family. His wife, Nguyen Quoc Chin, deeply regretted it, but she also endured it strongly. She was specially recruited into the navy to commemorate and continue the spirit of Wang Wei in another way. Wang Wei's parents were also in grief, silently supporting their daughter-in-law's decision and proud of their son's bravery.

In order to commemorate Wang Wei, Ruan Guoqin wrote "Watching the South China Sea - The Day of Leaving Wang Wei", which records her and Wang Wei's bits and pieces, as well as the difficult life after losing her husband. She also donated to the primary school named after Wang Wei and set up a scholarship to inspire more children to pursue their dreams.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

The country has not forgotten this hero either. Wang Wei was awarded the honorary title of "Guardian of the Sea and Air" and the first-class Hero Model Medal, and his deeds have been widely disseminated and inspired generations of young people. Wang Wei's name has become synonymous with bravery and dedication.

Wang Wei's deeds have not only been widely praised in China, but also attracted widespread attention in the international community. Many international media reported on his heroic deeds and praised him for his tremendous contributions to the country and its people. Wang Wei's name has become a symbol of bravery and dedication in the hearts of people around the world.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Plane collision incident in the South China Sea

The plane collision incident in the South China Sea occurred on 1 April 2001, when Wang Wei and his colleague Zhao Yu collided with a US EP-3 reconnaissance plane while on a mission. This incident was not only an accident, but also a serious confrontation between the two countries over the issue of sovereignty over the airspace. The US military reconnaissance plane illegally entered the mainland's airspace to carry out intelligence-gathering activities, and the mainland pilots encountered unprecedented danger while carrying out surveillance missions.

After the incident, the US military reconnaissance plane was forced to land at the Lingshui airfield on the mainland's Hainan Island, and its crew was detained by the mainland. After several rounds of intense diplomatic negotiations, the US crew was finally released, but the equipment and data on the reconnaissance plane were detained by the mainland. This incident has aroused widespread concern from the international community and made more people aware of the complex situation and tensions in the South China Sea.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Wang Wei's disappearance has added more mystery to the plane collision incident in the South China Sea. Although the mainland has mobilized a huge search and rescue force, it has never been able to find his trace. What was the reason for this heroic pilot to disappear in the middle of the ocean? Some experts believe that complex currents and weather conditions in the South China Sea may be the main reason for the difficulty of search and rescue. And Wang Wei's disappearance also made this incident an unsolvable mystery.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Wang Wei's sacrifice makes us feel the greatness of a hero, and makes us realize the importance of national security and airspace sovereignty. With his life, he defended the dignity of the motherland and protected the safety of the people. His spirit will always inspire us to move forward bravely and not be afraid of difficulties.

Under Wang Wei's influence, many young people are determined to devote themselves to the cause of national defense. They followed Wang Wei's example, studied hard, trained hard, and contributed to the security and prosperity of the country. Wang Wei's name has become a spirit, a strength, inspiring generations of young people.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Schools and communities across the country have carried out activities to commemorate Wang Wei. His story was compiled into textbooks and became a model for students to learn and understand. In Wang Wei's hometown, monuments and sculptures have witnessed people's admiration and nostalgia for him.

Every year on Qingming Festival and National Day, people spontaneously come to Wang Wei's monument and offer flowers to pay tribute to this hero. Ruan Guoqin brings her children here every year to tell the story of Wang Wei, so that more people can understand and remember this history.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

Behind Wang Wei is a strong and warm family. His wife, Ruan Guoqin, is his strongest backing. When Wang Wei was on duty, she silently took on the burden of the family, taking care of the children and the elderly. Wang Wei's parents have also always supported their son's choice, although their hearts are full of worries and uneasiness, they have never wavered in their trust and support for their son.

Wang Wei's sacrifice made his comrades-in-arms deeply regret and admire. The leaders of the army and his comrades-in-arms came to Wang Wei's home one after another to comfort and help his family. After Wang Wei's disappearance, the army organized several commemorative activities to remember the heroic pilot.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth


Wang Wei's sacrifice is not only a personal loss, but also a national regret. His heroic deeds remind us that only by being strong can we not be bullied and can we protect our homes and people. Under the sky of peace, we must not forget those heroes who were willing to sacrifice everything for the peace of the motherland. Let us pay tribute to Wang Wei, remember this history, and let the spirit of heroes stay in our hearts forever. On this blue ocean, Wang Wei's story will be passed on forever, and his spirit will also inspire more people to move forward bravely, defy difficulties, and protect our motherland.

22 years ago, Wang Wei successfully parachuted into the South China Sea, why couldn't 100,000 people find it? Uncover the hidden truth

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