
In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

author:Little baba gossip

In 1950, when New China had just been founded, the whole country was engaged in an arduous battle to suppress bandits. During an anti-bandit operation in Yinxian County, Zhejiang, our army unexpectedly discovered a shocking secret in a nunnery. This discovery reveals the hiding place of the bandit leader Liu Ziliang, and also reveals a shocking history.

The seemingly ordinary picture scroll in the nunnery hides unimaginable secrets behind it, and it all started with the doubt that a nun's breasts are too big.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

Turbulent times

In 1950, when the People's Republic of China had just been founded, a large-scale campaign to suppress bandits was going on throughout the country. This campaign was an eradication of banditry and an important step in consolidating the new regime. Yin County, Zhejiang, located in the Siming Mountains, has a dangerous terrain and has always been the hardest hit area of bandits. The people here have long suffered from banditry, and they have not been at peace day and night. The bandit leader Liu Ziliang, with his cunning and ferocity, established his reign of terror in this land.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

Yin County has been a battleground for soldiers since ancient times. During the Republic of China, bandits were rampant, making the land more and more turbulent. Liu Ziliang, this name is a household name in the local area, but it is notorious. He was originally just an ordinary peasant, but because of the Japanese army's treason during the war of aggression against China, he quickly rose to become the head of the local "security regiment", and actually controlled most of Yinxian County.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

Liu Ziliang

Liu Ziliang was originally just an ordinary farmer who made a living from farming. After the outbreak of the Japanese invasion of China, Liu Ziliang chose to take refuge in the Japanese army and became their traitor lackey. With his familiarity with the local terrain, he led the Japanese army to carry out successful sweeps again and again, and quickly established his prestige among the Japanese army. In 1940, the Japanese army launched bacteriological warfare in Yinxian, and Liu Ziliang took the opportunity to plunder a large amount of property, and used this wealth to expand his own power and established the "Security Group".

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

In 1940, the Japanese army launched a brutal bacteriological warfare in Yinxian. As a minion of the Japanese army, Liu Ziliang participated in this war of extermination of humanity, and also took this opportunity to plunder the local people. Under the guise of "exterminating the plague", he forcibly requisitioned the food and property of the people, turning the entire Yin County into his personal domain. Those who rebelled against him were either killed or forced to ruin their families. Liu Ziliang's evil deeds have brought endless suffering and trauma to the people of Yinxian County.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

As his power gradually expanded, Liu Ziliang obtained the position of deputy county magistrate through bribery and threats, further consolidating his power. He used his power to continue to expand his territory against the encirclement of government forces. At the same time, he also intensified the exploitation and oppression of the people, making the situation in Yinxian even more volatile.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

In October 1950, the reconnaissance platoon of the 2nd Garrison Regiment of the 2nd Army Subdivision of the Zhejiang Provincial Military Region received an order from its superiors to completely exterminate the bandits headed by Liu Ziliang. Wu Shifa, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon, led 15 soldiers and began this arduous pursuit operation. They went deep into the Siming Mountain Range, risked their lives, and fought to the death with the bandits again and again. Liu Ziliang was cunning and abnormal, and repeatedly escaped the round-up of our army.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

During a search operation, a reconnaissance platoon led by Wu Shifa arrived at a solitary nunnery.

This nunnery is located deep in the mountains and old forests, which is particularly mysterious. When the warriors entered the nunnery, they found only one young nun here. The nun looked flustered, obviously something unusual. What is even more surprising is that this nun has too large breasts, which is very different from the image of ordinary nuns. Wu Shifa noticed the abnormality and decided to conduct a thorough search of the nunnery.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

During the search of the nunnery, the fighters found a painting hanging on the wall. This painting seems ordinary, but it faintly reveals a touch of weirdness. Wu Shifa asked the soldiers to carefully remove the painting, and found that the entrance to a secret room was hidden behind the painting. As the chamber opens, a shocking secret gradually emerges. Liu Ziliang is hiding in this secret room. After a fierce struggle, the reconnaissance platoon successfully captured Liu Ziliang.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

Liu Ziliang was arrested

Liu Ziliang's arrest caused a sensation in Yin County. In the subsequent trial, Liu Ziliang's crimes were exposed one by one. His traitorous behavior, his cruel oppression of the people, and his various evil deeds made everyone present feel extremely angry and distressed. The people demanded that he be severely punished in order to comfort the innocent souls who died in the Japanese invasion of China and banditry.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

In the end, Liu Ziliang was sentenced to death. His arrest is not only a punishment for his personal crimes, but also a justice for the entire people of Yinxian County. With the fall of Liu Ziliang, the bandits in Yinxian County were completely eliminated, and the people finally ushered in the long-lost peace and tranquility.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

During the interrogation after Liu Ziliang's arrest, the identity of the young nun was also revealed. It turned out that she was not a real nun, but Liu Ziliang's mistress. She was forced to wear a nun's costume in order to hide her eyes. Shockingly, the young nun was actually a peasant girl who was forcibly abducted by Liu Ziliang. Her daughter was sold to a wealthy merchant as a child bride, while she herself was forced to stay in the nunnery to provide a hiding place for Liu Ziliang.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery

The fate of this young nun is embarrassing. She was forcibly separated from her biological daughter and endured great pain and despair. She prays every day that she will one day see her daughter again. The reality was so cruel that her prayers never went unanswered. After Liu Ziliang's arrest, her fate remains a mystery, and perhaps she will continue her endless prayers somewhere, hoping for a miracle.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery


Liu Ziliang's arrest made the people of Yinxian finally usher in peace and tranquility. Those who once suffered from banditry can now live and work in peace and rebuild their homes. This crackdown on bandits is not only a punishment for Liu Ziliang's personal crimes, but also a justice for the entire Yin County. Wu Shifa and his warriors, with their bravery and wisdom, brought light and hope to the people of Yinxian County. This story reminds us to remember that period of history and cherish the hard-won peace and tranquility.

In 1950, our army went to the nunnery to suppress bandits, and saw that a nun's chest was too big, and a painting actually hid a mystery