
In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

author:Shanyu chats about the world
In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?
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In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

In 2011, an astonishing piece of news caused an uproar in China's education circles: Xu Hengrui, an 11-year-old boy from Yunnan, was admitted to the law department of Chinese University with an excellent score of 31 points above the first line.

This news is like a bombshell, which has sparked widespread discussion across the country.

However, the admiration was soon mixed with skepticism. Some people marveled at Xu Hengrui's extraordinary intelligence and praised him as a true genius; Others have expressed concern about the high pressure on children at such a young age, questioning whether this is a well-planned "uprooting".

What's more, they directly blame the existence of a black-box operation, suspecting that this is an elaborate scam.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

Is Xu Hengrui's story the rise of genius, or is there another hidden story? Let's walk into the world of this Yunnan prodigy and uncover the truth behind this legendary story.

Xu Hengrui's legend began in 2000, when he was born into a wealthy family in Yunnan Province. Since childhood, Xu Hengrui has shown extraordinary wisdom.

When he was 3 years old, a surprising scene happened: his mother only read the "Three Character Classic" twice, and the little Xu Hengrui was able to recite the whole text fluently, which shocked the whole family.

This unusual behavior is not accidental. When Xu Hengrui was 4 years old, he showed an amazing talent for calligraphy. With just one demonstration from his parents, he was able to memorize the exact order of the strokes of each character and reproduce it perfectly in the dictation test.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

This extraordinary memory and learning ability attracted the great attention of his father Xu Wenlin.

In order to confirm his son's potential, Xu Wenlin took Xu Hengrui for an intelligence test. The results confirmed their conjecture: Xu Hengrui's IQ far exceeded the level of his peers.

The result was both ecstatic for the family and a sense of responsibility.

However, the real challenge began after Xu Hengrui entered the school. Soon, he discovered that the school curriculum was too simplistic for him. When he was in the second grade, Xu Hengrui expressed his troubles to his father: "The content taught by the teacher is too slow, and I can understand a lot of knowledge just by looking at it a little, but the teacher has to explain it repeatedly, which makes me feel bored."

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

Faced with this situation, Xu Wenlin made a bold decision. He sent his son to a luxurious villa in Kunming, where he was cared for by his wife and nanny, while at the same time paying a lot of money to hire professional teachers to teach him.

The decision had an astonishing effect: 6-year-old Xu Hengrui completed the entire primary school curriculum in just half a year, and at the age of 7, it took another year to master the junior high school curriculum.

At the age of 8, Xu Hengrui ushered in an important turning point in his life. Thanks to his father's efforts, he successfully entered Maitreya No. 1 Middle School to study in high school. As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention.

Some people were amazed and called Hengrui a "prodigy"; Others have expressed concern about such a "plucking the seedlings" approach to education, questioning whether this way of learning will deprive children of the joy of childhood.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

However, Xu Hengrui does not seem to feel pressured by this. Outside of his studies, he still maintains his love for sports and games. Whether it's football, table tennis or badminton, he shows a lot of interest and enthusiasm.

This kind of lifestyle that attaches equal importance to learning and entertainment shows Xu Hengrui's maturity and balance that does not match his age.

Xu Hengrui's story is not only the growth process of a genius boy, but also a model of how to cultivate and guide special talents. It shows us how gifted children, with the right guidance and support, can break out of the routine and create miracles.

Xu Hengrui's high school life is very different from that of ordinary students. In order to better adapt to the learning rhythm of this prodigy, Xu Wenlin once again made a bold decision: to bring his son home to the middle school, only to keep the student status, and at the same time set up an elite team of teachers composed of senior graduate students from prestigious schools to tailor a study plan for Xu Hengrui.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

The composition of this education team is unique. In addition to the professional teachers of each subject, there is also a special management supervision teacher. The teacher's role is to coordinate the teaching progress of all subjects and ensure that Xu Hengrui's learning is both efficient and comprehensive.

This well-designed teaching model allows Xu Hengrui to learn in the way and pace that suits him best, and give full play to his natural potential.

However, even geniuses such as Xu Hengrui have their own "weaknesses". He has difficulty studying in a quiet state for long periods of time, often feels impatient while doing questions or tests, and longs to go outside.

Faced with this challenge, the teachers came up with an innovative solution: as long as Xu Hengrui was able to successfully complete his learning tasks, he would be allowed to enjoy the outdoors at his own leisure.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

This flexible learning method has stimulated Xu Hengrui's enthusiasm for learning. He always grasps the knowledge points quickly, and then can't wait to run to the outside world. Xu Wenlin also realized that he could not only immerse his son in books, so he took him to experience various sports and activities, such as swimming, skiing and golf.

Among them, Xu Hengrui developed a strong interest in automobiles, which made his life more colorful.

In the exam, Xu Hengrui showed a unique style: he answered the questions very quickly, but it was difficult to sit for a long time. In one English test, he completed all the questions in just over 40 minutes and insisted on handing in the papers in advance.

This performance both showcased his extraordinary intellect and sparked curiosity and discussion about his learning style.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

Although Xu Hengrui spent most of his high school career away from school, he still kept in touch with his classmates. He occasionally goes back to school to play basketball with his classmates and enjoy group activities.

This balanced lifestyle has allowed Xu Hengrui to grow up rapidly, but he has not completely departed from his normal social life.

Xu Hengrui's high school experience is an exemplary case of how to teach students according to their aptitude. It shows how to think outside the box and creatively design educational programs when dealing with special talents.

At the same time, this approach also leads us to think: how to maintain the all-round development and physical and mental health of children while pursuing academic excellence? Xu Hengrui's story undoubtedly provides us with a unique perspective.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

In 2010, an incredible piece of news caused an uproar inside and outside the exam room: Xu Hengrui, who was only 10 years old, would take the college entrance examination. This news has left many people dumbfounded, and it has also sparked extensive discussions from all walks of life.

On the day of the exam, Xu Hengrui, who was thin and small, walked into the examination room firmly, although his steps were immature, he was full of confidence. In the face of his father Xu Wenlin's concerned inquiry, Xu Hengrui's answer was impressive: "I didn't feel any pressure, and learning was as fun for me as playing."

These words show the prodigy's love of knowledge and openness to challenges.

However, the results of the college entrance examination did not go as Xu Hengrui expected. Despite being admitted to Tianjin Normal University of Engineering with a score of 510, this result did not meet the expectations of the young talent.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

To everyone's surprise, Xu Hengrui made a bold decision: give up the opportunity to enter the college entrance examination again.

This decision stems from Xu Hengrui's admiration for his brother. His older brother studied law at the Chinese University of China and later became an exchange student in France. Xu Hengrui hopes to follow in his brother's footsteps and enter this prestigious school for further study.

This spirit of striving for excellence shows the ambition of this young man.

After a year of hard preparation, 11-year-old Xu Hengrui walked into the examination room again. This time, his heart was both nervous and full of anticipation. After the exam, Xu Hengrui confidently said that if he fails to do so this year, he will continue to work hard next year and strive to be admitted to Peking University.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

This attitude of not giving up until the goal is reached, which makes people see the indomitable character behind this "prodigy".

In the end, Xu Hengrui was successfully admitted to the Law Department of Chinese University with an excellent score of 31 points beyond the first line. This result not only fulfilled his dream, but also immersed the whole family in immense joy.

Xu Hengrui's experience in the college entrance examination not only shows his extraordinary intelligence, but also demonstrates his determination and perseverance to pursue excellence. This 11-year-old boy has demonstrated with his actions what a true genius is: not only superhuman intelligence, but also perseverance.

As soon as the news of Xu Hengrui's admission to the Chinese People's University at the age of 11 was announced, it immediately sparked heated discussions across the country. However, the admiration was soon mixed with doubts.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

An online post is like a bombshell, pushing this Yunnan prodigy to the forefront of public opinion.

The author of this post, who claimed to be Xu Hengrui's tutor, bluntly pointed out in the article that Xu Hengrui was not the genius boy seen by the outside world. On the contrary, he described Xu Hengrui as an introverted ordinary child with heavy glasses, and his intelligence level was not outstanding.

What's even more shocking is that the post claims that Xu Wenlin spent a lot of money to create this "prodigy" image, and even hints at bribery.

The accusations spread rapidly on the Internet, causing a strong reaction from teachers and students at Renmin University. As a well-known institution with a history of nearly 100 years, Renmin University's reputation has been seriously questioned.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

Not only that, but the post also affected five named doctoral supervisors, who were groundlessly criticized for their academic integrity and professional ethics.

In the face of this storm of public opinion, Renmin University quickly responded. The school issued an official statement making it clear that Xu Hengrui's admission process was fully compliant, and that his test results had passed strict review and reached the score line of the Yunnan Provincial College Entrance Examination.

In order to dispel public doubts, the school even promised that Xu Hengrui's grades and test papers could be publicly checked at any time.

The response calmed the controversy to some extent, but Xu Hengrui and his family remained confused and hurt. In the face of these doubts, Xu Wenlin firmly promised his son that they would have a clear conscience and believe that time and facts would prove everything.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

This turmoil not only tested the psychological endurance of Xu Hengrui's family, but also triggered people's deep thinking about the fairness of genius education and college entrance examinations. It reminds us to be rational and objective while admiring genius, and to avoid being easily misled by unsubstantiated information.

At the same time, this event also highlights the importance of how to balance personal development and social recognition in the process of cultivating special talents.

After the controversy subsided, 11-year-old Xu Hengrui officially stepped onto the campus of Chinese Renmin University and began his college career. Although his father no longer hired a private tutor for him, Xu Hengrui still maintained excellent academic performance.

He studied with his classmates every day and showed extraordinary learning ability and thirst for knowledge.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

From entering school at the age of 11 to obtaining a master's degree at the age of 18, Xu Hengrui completed in seven years what ordinary people might take ten years or more to complete.

This experience not only demonstrated his ingenuity, but also his perseverance in learning and love for the law.

In the process of studying at the National People's Congress, Xu Hengrui gradually developed a deep understanding and strong interest in law. In his view, law is not only a rigorous discipline, but also an important tool for maintaining social justice.

He believes that the core of the law is to ensure fairness and justice, so that people know how to use the law to protect their rights and interests, and at the same time, they must be in awe of the law. This deep understanding of the law shows that Xu Hengrui has grown from a "prodigy" to a mature legal talent.

In 11 years, prodigy Xu Hengrui went to high school at the age of 8 and was admitted to the National People's Congress at the age of 11, how is it now?

After obtaining a master's degree, 22-year-old Xu Hengrui did not rush into the workplace, but chose to continue his studies. He is about to go to Waseda University in Japan to pursue a Ph.D. in the hope of further improving his legal literacy.

This decision reflects Xu Hengrui's never-ending pursuit of knowledge, and also shows his plans and ambitions for the future.

Xu Hengrui's growth process has brought us many inspirations. It teaches us that talent is important, but hard work and the right guidance are just as important. Whether it is a talented "prodigy" or an ordinary child, as long as there is proper training and their own persistence, they can achieve outstanding achievements in their own fields.

At the same time, Xu Hengrui's story also provokes us to think about the way of education: how to pursue excellence while maintaining all-round development? How to find a balance in the cultivation of special talents? These are questions worth pondering for every educator and parent.

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