
Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

author:Shanyu chats about the world
Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

On an ordinary day in 2000, an unusual wave was set off on the shores of Hangzhou's West Lake. The once glorious Overseas Chinese Hotel is now in decline, but it has unexpectedly become the focus of the auction.

When the auctioneer's hammer fell, an unexpected result shocked everyone present - Lou Zhongfu, a successful entrepreneur, who pocketed it at a staggering 200 million yuan.

In the face of everyone's doubts and incomprehension, Lou Zhongfu looked calm. His gaze inadvertently swept over the seemingly ordinary painting of "Early Sunshine" in the lobby, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What did the business elite see? Will he decide to be reckless and adventurous, or will he have hidden insight? A gripping business legend is slowly unfolding.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

In 1959, West Lake ushered in an eye-catching new member - Overseas Chinese Hotel. It not only occupies a unique geographical location, but also is unique in the hotel industry in Hangzhou with its unique artistic atmosphere.

The hotel's founder, who knew that in order to stand out in a highly competitive market, a great location alone was not enough.

In order to enhance the hotel's character and appeal, the owner made a bold and wise decision: to invite two of the most renowned contemporary artists to create exclusive works for the hotel.

These two masters are Wu Fuzhi and Pan Tianshou. Their joining has undoubtedly added a strong cultural heritage to the Overseas Chinese Hotel.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

Wu Fuzhi splashed ink and created "Beauty Extends Life"; Pan Tianshou's pen is like a god, presenting the peerless work of "Early Sunshine". These two paintings soon became the "treasures of the town" of the Overseas Chinese Hotel, attracting countless guests to stop and admire.

Every guest who visited was fascinated by these two exquisite works of art and praised the extraordinary taste of the Overseas Chinese Hotel.

With the blessing of these two famous paintings, the reputation of the Overseas Chinese Hotel has spread far and wide. It is no longer just an ordinary hotel, but has become a beautiful scenery in Hangzhou, and a model of the perfect combination of art and commerce.

Tourists come from far and wide not only to enjoy the beautiful scenery of West Lake, but also to see the style of these two masterpieces.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

However, time flies like a song. With the passage of time, the aura of the Overseas Chinese Hotel gradually faded. The once-bustling lobby has become deserted, and the lavish décor has become a bit old.

Emerging hotels have sprung up, eating into the market with more modern amenities and services. Despite this, the two precious paintings still stick to the lobby of the hotel, as if silently telling the glory of the past.

When news of the 2000 auction broke, many lamented that the former landmark was about to change hands. However, no one expected that this would be a turning point in the fate of the Overseas Chinese Hotel, and an opportunity to rejuvenate it was quietly coming.

In 1979, the operators of the Overseas Chinese Hotel were faced with a difficult choice. "The First Sunshine", which has been hanging in the lobby for 20 years, has brought countless glory to the hotel, but the traces of time have quietly climbed this precious painting.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

To ensure the longevity of this artistic treasure, they made a bold and secret decision: to carefully store the original.

However, "The First Sunshine" has long become an iconic symbol of the Overseas Chinese Hotel, and rashly taking it down is tantamount to depriving the hotel of its soul. After careful consideration, the owner of the hotel came up with a clever plan to protect the authenticity without losing the hotel's characteristics: invite Pan Tianshou's protégé to copy a replica of "The First Sunshine" based on the authentic work.

With respect for his teacher and dedication to art, this disciple devoted all his heart and soul to copying. He studied every stroke and painting of the original work day after day, striving to restore the charm of Master Pan Tianshou.

After months of painstaking work, a replica of "The First Sunshine" that can almost be faked has finally appeared. It was solemnly hung in its place in the lobby and continues to attract the attention of passing guests.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

In this way, the real "First Sunshine" was quietly hidden in a hidden corner of the hotel, and the replica continued to play the role of "the treasure of the town" as if it were fake and real.

This secret, except for a few core managers, no one knows. Year after year, the truth is obscured by the dust of time and fades out of people's memory.

Many years later, when Lou Zhongfu first heard that the Overseas Chinese Hotel treasured Pan Tianshou's "First Sunshine", he was excited. As a veteran art collector, he is well aware of the rarity value of Pan Tianshou's works.

However, a warning from a friend familiar with the matter left him confused: it is said that the "First Sunshine" displayed in the restaurant may be a fake.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

This news was like a thunderbolt, stirring up a thousand waves in Lou Zhongfu's heart. He couldn't believe that a prestigious restaurant would fool customers with fakes. But he has to admit that in the art market, it is not uncommon to confuse the real with the fake.

This question, like a thorn in his heart, not only made him doubt the authenticity of "The First Sunshine", but also inspired his determination to find out.

Lou Zhongfu tried to contact the Overseas Chinese Hotel many times, hoping to appreciate "Early Sunshine" up close, and even expressed his willingness to acquire. However, the hotel has always been vague and has neither explicitly denied it nor given a definite answer.

This attitude of wanting to talk further deepened Lou Zhongfu's curiosity and doubts.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

In this way, the mystery of the truth and falsehood of "Chu Qing" has become an unsolved puzzle, and it has also become an obsession in Lou Zhongfu's heart. This puzzle eventually became a key factor in his future decision, and also laid the groundwork for the dramatic turn to come.

The 2000 auction was a tense and enthusiastic atmosphere. When the OCBC Hotel was put up for auction, many of the bidders present were eager to try it out and ready to show off their skills.

However, no one could have imagined that this auction would end up in such a dramatic way.

Lou Zhongfu sat at the auction site, unfazed on the surface, but his heart was like a river overturned. From time to time, his gaze swept over the "First Sunshine" in the lobby, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

As bidding continues to climb, many bidders are starting to shy away. When the price broke through the 100 million yuan mark, the atmosphere at the scene reached a white heat. At this moment, Lou Zhongfu took a deep breath and resolutely raised the auction card in his hand.

"$208 million!" His voice was firm and powerful, echoing throughout the auction room.

There was an instant silence as all eyes were on the bold bidder. Some marveled at his boldness, others shook their heads at his decision, and more speculated about his intentions.

Lou Zhongfu's heart beat faster, and his palms sweated slightly. As a successful entrepreneur in shopping malls for many years, he understands the importance of taking risks, but this time the stakes are too big.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

If the painting was really a fake, he would face huge financial losses and a reputational blow. But if it's genuine, it's an unimaginably big bonus.

"$208 million for the first time!" The auctioneer's loud voice broke the silence.

Lou Zhongfu looked around and found that no one was bidding anymore. His heart beat faster, and the sweat of his palms gradually soaked his sleeves.

"$208 million for the second time!"

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

Still no one is holding up a card. Lou Zhongfu's gaze fell on the painting "Early Sunshine" again, as if he wanted to penetrate the painting with his eyes to see its authenticity.

"$208 million for the third time! Deal! "

As the auction gavel fell, the audience erupted in exclamations and applause. Lou Zhongfu breathed a long sigh of relief, and the beads of sweat on his forehead finally couldn't help rolling down. He knew he had just made an astonishing gamble.

Whatever the outcome, it will be the most memorable moment of his business career.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

After the auction, Lou Zhongfu couldn't wait to come to the Overseas Chinese Hotel. His mood was mixed, both expectant and apprehensive. When he stood in the center of the lobby and carefully studied the painting "First Sunshine", a wave of disappointment suddenly surged in his heart.

Even though the painting looked lifelike, his instincts told him that it might really be a fake.

Just as Lou Zhongfu was about to accept this cruel truth, an unexpected discovery changed everything. In a remote corner of the hotel, he found a painting that had been dusted for a long time.

As he carefully removed the painting and wiped off the thick dust, he was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

This turned out to be the real work of "The First Sunshine"! The painting is well-preserved and the brushstrokes are exquisite, undoubtedly by Master Pan Tianshou. Lou Zhongfu's mood instantly climbed from the bottom to the peak.

He realized that instead of losing money, he might have created a business legend.

At this moment, Lou Zhongfu finally understood the meaning of his gamble. Once again, his instincts and judgment have been tested, and this venture will pay him immeasurable rewards.

After the auction fell under the hammer, Lou Zhongfu stepped into the Overseas Chinese Hotel with mixed feelings. His eyes were immediately drawn to the painting in the center of the lobby. However, when he looked closely, a trace of disappointment welled up in his heart.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

Although the painting may seem lifelike, his years of collecting have taught him that it may not be genuine.

Just when Lou Zhongfu was about to accept the fact that he might lose money, fate gave him an unexpected surprise. While inspecting the hotel's assets, he discovers a dusty painting in a forgotten corner.

As he carefully removed the frame and gently wiped away the dust that had accumulated over the years, he was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.

This turned out to be the real work of "The First Sunshine"! The painting is well-preserved and the brushstrokes are exquisite, undoubtedly by Master Pan Tianshou. Lou Zhongfu's mood instantly climbed from the bottom to the peak.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

He realized that instead of losing money, he might have created a business legend.

At this moment, all doubts and worries vanished. Lou Zhongfu's instincts and judgment have been tested once again, and this seemingly risky decision will bring him immeasurable rewards.

He couldn't help but lament that sometimes, the biggest opportunities are often hidden in the most inconspicuous places.

In 2019, when the original work of "Early Sunshine" ended with 2. When the sky-high price of 0.5 billion yuan was sold, Lou Zhongfu's myth of "picking up leaks" finally settled. This seemingly crazy decision ultimately proved his extraordinary business acumen.

Lou Zhongfu: Spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel, and saw a painting hanging in the lobby, picking up a hotel for nothing

Lou Zhongfu's story teaches us a vivid business lesson. In the ups and downs of the business world, daring to take risks and being good at discovering overlooked values can often obtain unexpected returns.

His success was not just a result of luck, but also the result of thoughtfulness and courage.

This modern version of the story of "buying and returning the pearl" will always inspire those who come after to find opportunities in uncertainty and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. It reminds us that true business wisdom lies not only in accurate judgment, but also in the potential value that is seen or not seen.

The legend of Lou Zhongfu will undoubtedly leave a strong mark in the history of business.

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