
Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

author:Emotional University Hall
Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now
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Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

In Wenzhou, Zhejiang, an incredible story is unfolding. 31-year-old Tian Dongxia is already a mother of nine children, but she has not stopped giving birth.

Her goal is jaw-dropping – to get together the children of the zodiac. This seemingly crazy plan caused an uproar on social media.

Some praised her for contributing to the country's prosperity, while others questioned whether she could give enough love to each child. However, Tian Dongxia's original intention was unexpected: she just didn't want to waste her husband's excellent genes.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

What is the story behind this unique reason? Let's unravel the mystery of this extraordinary family together.

The story of Tian Dongxia and Zhao Wanlong began on a high school campus. Two young teenagers secretly exchanged glances in class, and the seeds of love quietly sprouted in their hearts. After graduating, they decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand without hesitation, although their friends around them were worried about their "rash" decision.

However, the attitude of the Zhao family's parents was unexpected. Not only did they not oppose it, but they gave the most unwavering support to the young couple. The excellent family conditions provide a solid backing for the young couple, allowing them to pursue their careers and dreams without worry.

Just as the two were devoting themselves to their careers, an unexpected surprise struck. The news of Tian Dongxia's pregnancy made the whole family ecstatic, especially Zhao Wanlong's parents, who couldn't wait to welcome the arrival of a new life.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

Under the careful care of her family, Tian Dongxia spent a comfortable and comfortable pregnancy. Zhao Wanlong is even more incarnated as a caring and warm man, always paying attention to his wife's emotional changes, making her feel full of love.

Nine months later, they welcomed their first baby, a cute girl who belonged to the tiger.

Looking at her infant daughter, Tian Dongxia had an idea in her heart: if she can have another boy, she will definitely be as handsome and chic as her husband. The idea soon became a reality, and two years later, the birth of a pair of dragon and phoenix twins brought more joy to the family.

At the same time, Zhao Wanlong's career is also in full swing. In just a few years, he has become a high-profile young entrepreneur. Looking at her husband's achievements, Tian Dongxia had a strong desire in her heart: to continue to pass on her husband's excellent genes.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

She loved her husband deeply and admired his talents and abilities. In her eyes, Zhao Wanlong is not only an outstanding entrepreneur, but also a mature, stable and charming man.

Whenever she saw the smart and clever children, Tian Dongxia became more determined in her thoughts.

This seemingly simple wish became the main driving force for her later life. She is determined to keep her husband's good qualities alive in more children, even if it means more challenges and responsibilities for her.

Tian Dongxia and Zhao Wanlong's extraordinary fertility journey began in 2011. That year, they welcomed their first daughter, a lively and cute little tiger. The arrival of this new life not only brought endless joy, but also ignited the spark in Tian Dongxia's heart to continue to give birth.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

Just two years later, in 2013, the arrival of a pair of dragon and phoenix twins left the whole family ecstatic. Tian Dongxia was praised by relatives and friends as the "great hero" of the Zhao family, and this praise strengthened her determination to continue to expand the family.

She loved her husband deeply and wanted to pass on his good qualities.

In 2016, a fourth child was born. This fair-skinned and lovely little girl seems to be the perfect combination of the advantages of her parents, which strengthens Tian Dongxia's belief.

Since then, her fertility road has been out of control.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

In the next few years, Tian Dongxia will usher in a new life almost every year. In 2017, a lively chicken girl joined the family. In 2018, the arrival of a smart and clever dog boy added more joy to the family.

In 2019, another extremely cute pig boy became a new member of the family. Every birth of a child fills the family with laughter.

However, the birth experience in 2020 has brought unprecedented challenges to Tian Dongxia. The global outbreak of the new crown epidemic prevented her from accompanying her husband to the hospital as usual.

Facing the process of childbirth alone, Tian Dongxia's heart was full of complicated emotions. But when she saw the newborn baby rat, all her worries and hardships turned into tears of excitement in her eyes.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

After two years of adjustment, Tian Dongxia ushered in her ninth child in 2022, a healthy and lively tiger girl. So far, she has given birth to nine children, and she is one step closer to the dream of "zodiac" in her heart.

In the past nine years of childbirth, Tian Dongxia has experienced countless joys, hardships and challenges. Every pregnancy, every birth, is a miracle of life.

She interprets the greatness of maternal love in her own way, and is also realizing her unique life value.

Although continuous childbirth has caused a certain burden on the body, Tian Dongxia enjoys it. She enjoys the warm moment of being surrounded by children, and she also sees the continuation of her husband's excellent qualities in each child.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

This sense of happiness and accomplishment cannot be replaced by any material conditions.

In the face of doubts and surprises from the outside world, Tian Dongxia has always maintained a calm and firm attitude. She is well aware that her choice may not be understood by everyone, but she firmly believes that it is out of love for her husband and love for her family.

In her view, the arrival of every new life is a precious gift, worthy of her all to care for and nurture.

Now, Tian Dongxia's "Zodiac" plan is still three years away. Behind this seemingly crazy plan is her infinite love for family and respect for life.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

Whatever the future holds, Tian Dongxia has written a unique life legend in her own way, and her story will continue to inspire people to think about life, family and love.

To many, raising nine children may seem like an impossible task. However, Tian Dongxia's family environment provides a solid foundation for this "impossible".

As the CEO of Wanzheng Power Group, Zhao Wanlong has sufficient financial strength to support the needs of this big family.

In order to better take care of this large family, Tian Dongxia hired six nannies. These right-hand men are responsible for daily tasks such as cooking, laundry and cleaning the home, allowing Tian Dongxia to devote more energy to the education and companionship of her children.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

She doesn't need to work hard for menial household chores and doesn't have to worry about financial pressure. This gives her more time and energy to pay attention to the growth of each child, listen to their voices, and give them enough love.

In terms of travel, the home is equipped with several full-time drivers. Whether it's a family outing or a daily activity, it's easy to handle. This arrangement not only ensures the convenience of family life, but also saves Tian Dongxia a lot of worries.

However, even in such privileged conditions, taking care of nine children is still a huge challenge. But Tian Dongxia enjoyed it. She enjoys the warm moment of being surrounded by children, and she also sees the continuation of her husband's excellent qualities in each child.

This sense of happiness and accomplishment cannot be replaced by any material conditions. Tian Dongxia's lifestyle has sparked widespread discussion in society. Some envy her superior conditions, while others question whether this lifestyle is suitable for most families.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

However, for Tian Dongxia, she is just interpreting the meaning of love and family in her own way.

In this special family, we see not only material abundance, but also a kind of cherishing of life and love for family. Tian Dongxia's story may give us some enlightenment: a happy family life requires not only a material foundation, but more importantly, love and understanding between family members.

Despite having given birth to nine children, the 31-year-old Tian Dongxia still retains an astonishing youthful vitality. Her face is still delicate, her figure is well maintained, and her gestures exude the smart temperament of a woman under the age of 30.

This not only makes her often mistaken for the child's sister when she goes out with her children, but also becomes the focus of many people's curiosity.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

In the face of doubts and surprises from the outside world, Tian Dongxia has always maintained a calm and firm attitude. She is well aware that her choice may not be understood by everyone, but she firmly believes that it is out of love for her husband and love for her family.

In her view, the arrival of every new life is a precious gift, worthy of her all to care for and nurture.

However, taking care of nine children does come with a huge challenge. Even with the help of a nanny and family, Tian Dongxia still needs to devote a lot of time and energy to pay attention to the needs of each child.

She needs to balance the emotional needs of each child and ensure that they are all adequately loved and cared for. It was a huge test for her, both physically and mentally.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

However, these challenges did not shake Tian's determination to continue giving birth. Her goal is still to get together the zodiac, and behind this seemingly crazy plan is her infinite love for family and respect for life.

She enjoys the process of giving birth to life, and she also sees the shadow of herself and her husband in each child.

Tian Dongxia's story provokes people to think about the modern family and the role of women. She interprets the greatness of maternal love in her own way, and is also realizing her unique life value.

No matter what the outside world says, she sticks to her choice and interprets her philosophy of life with actions: love, family and the meaning of life.

Tian Dongxia is addicted to giving birth to a baby? I gave birth to 9 at the age of 31, but I just don't want to waste my husband's good genes, how about now

Tian Dongxia's "Zodiac" plan is still three years away, and this unique fertility story has sparked widespread discussion from all walks of life. Some praised her for her contribution to the prosperity of the country, and praised her courage and determination.

There are also those who question the appropriateness of such extreme childbearing behavior, and worry about whether the children will receive enough care and resources.

However, for Tian Dongxia, her original intention has always stemmed from her deep love for her husband and love for family life. She wants to enjoy the warm time with her husband and her children by her side.

This seemingly simple wish provokes us to think deeply about the balance between personal choice and social responsibility.

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