
Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

author:Hebei Cultural Tourism

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When it comes to China's ancient capitals, it is estimated that the first places that come to mind will be big cities such as Xi'an, Beijing, Luoyang, and Nanjing, which are full of strong historical atmosphere and are still glorious after thousands of years.

Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

Figure - Schematic map of the location of the ancient capital

China's most famous are the eight ancient capitals, which have risen and fallen in the long river of history to the present day, witnessing the development of the entire Chinese history. In addition, there are some famous ancient capitals that have declined or even disappeared in the development of history, and Yecheng is one of them. Yecheng, the famous capital city in ancient times, successively served as the capital of Cao Wei, Later Zhao, Ran Wei, Qianyan, Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties, the scope of the ruins includes the western part of Linzhang County, Hebei Province and the north of Anyang City, Henan Province, and the famous Tongquetai was built in Yecheng.

Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

Figure - Schematic map of the location of the ancient capital Yecheng

The name Ye has existed as early as more than 4,000 years ago, and Yecheng was founded in the Spring and Autumn Period. According to the records in "Guanzi Xiao Kuang", out of the need to compete for hegemony, the Duke of Qi Huan built five cities in a row around 685 BC, and Yecheng was one of them. From the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period, Yecheng changed hands several times and was successively controlled by Wei, Jin, Wei, Zhao and other countries. During this period, Yecheng has always been a military fortress and an important place for garrisons. After Qin unified the Six Kingdoms, the county and county two-level management system was implemented throughout the country, and Yecheng became a county-level administrative unit subordinate to Handan County. At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, Yecheng was still a county-level area and was under the jurisdiction of Wei County. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the three-level management system of state, county and county was implemented, and Yecheng was subordinate to Jizhou and became the state office, and has become an important military town in the north.

Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

Figure - Schematic diagram of the location of Ye during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period

When Yecheng was first established, the scope was limited to Linzhang County, Hebei Province, and during the Han Dynasty, Yecheng was established as a county, and the scope of Yecheng was expanded to include parts of Linzhang, Anyang and Linzhou City. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, three parts of the world, Yecheng was favored by Cao Cao with absolute geographical advantages, Cao Cao took Yecheng as the center of power, and built the capital Yecheng, which was the beginning of the construction of Yecheng. For more than a century after that, Yecheng served as the capital of six dynasties and once developed into the most prosperous city in the north.

Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

Figure - Humanities map of Handan City, Hebei Province

The surrounding area of Yecheng is flat and belongs to the plain area, and the roads extend in all directions. At the same time, the Zhangshui, Huanshui and other water systems in Yecheng are interconnected with the Yellow River, Baigou and other water systems, and the water transportation is very developed. The most important thing is the location of Yecheng, which happens to be in the center of the seven prefectures of Hebei, Qing, You, And, Yan, Henan, Sili, etc., with this place as the center to radiate outward, and it is more convenient for personnel and materials to come and go. From Yecheng to the east, through Cangtingjin (now Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province) across the Yellow River, up to the west of Yanzhou, radiating to all parts of Shandong; From Yecheng to the west, through the Fukou and through the Taihang Mountains, you can enter the Bingzhou area of the Shanxi Plateau; From Yecheng to the north, through the Handan area, you can go directly to Jicheng (now Beijing), the capital of Youzhou; After crossing the river from Yecheng to the south through Liyang (now Jun County, Hebi City, Henan Province), you can directly reach the East Henan Plain.

Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

Figure - Schematic diagram of the layout of Yecheng

From a military point of view, Yecheng has a very good defensive advantage. There are Yellow River moats on the east and south sides of Yecheng, as long as they are fortified at several major locations such as Liyang, Cangtingjin, and Baima, they can prevent the attack of enemy troops on both sides; In the north, there are Zhang, Huan and other water systems flowing through, which are also two natural defense lines to block the enemy; There is the Taihang Mountains in the west as a natural barrier, and you only need to hold the mouth to block the incoming enemies in the Bingzhou area. According to the records in the "Minutes of Reading History and Public Opinion", since the Spring and Autumn Period, Yecheng has been a key military place for the rulers of the past dynasties to defend and send troops to attack.

Yecheng, the former ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the place where Cao Cao was built, disappeared in the long river of history?

Figure - Schematic map of the topography of Hebei and the location of Yecheng

Linzhang and Anyang both belong to the ancient Yedi, generally we say Yecheng refers to the Yecheng ruins of Linzhang County, so Linzhang County is also known as "the hometown of the Three Kingdoms, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties". Yecheng has such a wonderful past, why is it now an unknown small county town? From Cao Wei to the Northern Qi Dynasty, Yecheng as the capital and the central city of the north, has always been valued, the development is extremely prosperous, after the fall of the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty set the capital of Chang'an, Yecheng as the capital of the history of the capital ended, but the status is still important. After Yang Jian usurped the throne, in order to prevent the opposition of his Yecheng governor Wei Chi Hui from resisting again, he ordered the burning of Yecheng, and the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties became a ruin overnight. Prior to this, Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Buddha, Yecheng as the center of Buddhism at that time had been hit hard, and after the fire burned Yecheng, Yecheng completely decayed. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Yecheng, which became Ye County, was incorporated into Linzhang County and existed as its subordinate town.

Source: Cultural Tourism Linzhang

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