
Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

author:Entertaining jokes

Edit: Entertainment Jokes

58-year-old star Chen Yalun has the skill to freeze her age, focusing on developing her career in the mainland, she was once the queen of scandals, her love life is complicated, and she has scandals with many male stars.

Once in love with composer Huang Shangwei, she has been separated and reunited many times for 11 years, not long ago, she suddenly posted a confession to Huang Shangwei, posting a photo of an intimate hug when she was young, saying that she still can't forget it after 24 years of breakup.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

The undefeated beauty of the years, Chen Yalun's anti-aging legend

In the eyes of most people, 58 years old should be the age to tease grandchildren and enjoy the joy of family, but Chen Yalun is not.

With amazing self-discipline and unremitting efforts, she vividly interprets the phrase "age is just a number".

On social platforms, she shares not only beautiful selfies under exquisite makeup, but also her love and pursuit of life.

She lost weight successfully, as if she had gone back in time, and people couldn't help but sigh: "Where is this 58, it's clearly 28!" ”

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

Her mainland career is even more prosperous, not only frequently appearing in various activities, but also actively trying to live broadcast goods, proving with practical actions that "as long as you have a dream, it is never too late to start".

In the dead of night, she also shares her mood and insights on social platforms, and her indifference and calmness make people admire her a little more.

Scandal-ridden, the "gossip queen" in the ups and downs of love

If Chen Yalun's career is smooth, then her love life is magnificent, comparable to a large-scale drama.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

From a rising star in the film industry to a sexy goddess, there is never a shortage of suitors around her, and the objects of scandal are across the three worlds of film and television songs, from Wu Zhenyu to Li Sijie, and then to Macau's influential figure Xi Mihua, every name is enough for the media to report.

The most talked-about thing is her "cross-border relationship" with Taiwanese female singer Pan Meichen.

The two talented women cherished each other, and finally sparked a spark of love, although this relationship failed to achieve positive results, but it also added a strong stroke to Chen Yalun's emotional history.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

Chen Yalun's emotional journey, especially the love-hate relationship between him and Huang Shangwei that spanned eleven years, is undoubtedly an indelible complex color in the entertainment industry.

From the initial encounter between the two, to the mutual attraction in the depths of their hearts, to the countless scenes of love and hatred, separation and reunion, it is like an emotional drama with ups and downs, which is so real that people are embarrassed.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

In their stories, the audience not only saw the sweetness and warmth of love, but also felt the bitterness and helplessness after the breakup, as if they had witnessed a living "love and killing".

Just when everyone thought that Chen Yalun's emotional road would finally usher in peace, a sudden news in 2017 shocked everyone - she and Wu Yanzu's cousin Martin quickly entered the palace of marriage.

This sudden good news has made the outside world speculate whether she has finally found a safe haven in her life.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

Fate seems to play a joke on people, and instead of lasting as expected, this marriage came to an abrupt end after just 23 days, like a brief firework, leaving only silence and stunned after the splendor.

Such an ending not only surprised fans, but also made people sigh again that love in the entertainment industry may really be more unpredictable than drama.

Not long ago, Chen Yalun boldly posted old photos with Huang Shangwei on social platforms, and confessed affectionately: "After 24 years of breaking up, I still can't let go. ”

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

This move instantly detonated the Internet, and netizens speculated whether the two were expected to get back together.

In the face of the gossip of netizens, Chen Yalun also responded generously, not only confirming the identity of the man in the photo, but also humorously ridiculing his vision: "Look, I had a good eye when I was young!" ”

When it comes to Huang Shangwei, we have to mention that he entered the marriage hall with his girlfriend Angela, a designer outside the circle, in 2002.

This marriage seems to be stable, but it also invisibly draws an end to the story between Chen Yalun and Huang Shangwei.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

For Huang Shangwei, he found his own peace and happiness; For Chen Yalun, that unforgettable relationship has become an eternal regret and unfinished love in her heart.

Alan Chen's career continues to expand

Don't look at Chen Yalun's constant twists and turns on the emotional road, but her fighting spirit in her career is obvious to all.

From participating in the Rookie Singing Contest in 1985 to being discovered by talent scouts in 1987 and officially stepping into the showbiz, Chen Yalun has taken every step firmly and powerfully.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

From the innocent girl in "The Tide of Youth" to the bold breakthrough in "Danger", she used her efforts and courage to leave a strong mark in the film and television industry.

Especially her appearance in the film, which made her jump from a second-tier actress to a sexy goddess overnight, but Chen Yalun did not stop there, she knows that if she wants to develop in the entertainment industry for a long time, her appearance alone is far from enough.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

So, she began to experiment with different types of roles, from costume dramas to modern dramas, from comedy to tragedy, and every transformation was eye-catching.

She has not only become the spokesperson of many fashion brands, but also frequently appears in various fashion activities, interpreting the true meaning of fashion with her unique temperament.

In Chen Yalun, age is no longer a constraint, but has become her unique charm.

She uses her actions to tell the world: fashion knows no age, as long as you dare to try, you can find your own style.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

In recent years, Chen Yalun has set his sights on the mainland market, not only participating in a number of popular film and television works, but also actively involved in variety shows, live broadcasts and other fields, and constantly expanding his career territory.

Every time she tries, people can see her love and dedication to her acting career.

Chen Yalun's story is like a serial drama that can never be finished, and every turn is unexpected.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

Some people envy her ageless appearance and hot body, and some people admire her courage and persistence; But some people questioned her emotional outlook and values, thinking that she was too self-indulgent and had no clear plan and direction in her relationship and career.

In the wave of the digital age, Alan Chan is undoubtedly an active social platform influencer, who not only shares her life through the platform, but also shows a multi-faceted and authentic self.

From fitness routines to travel experiences, from food visits to fashion outfits, every news of her is full of life fireworks and personal unique charm.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

Chen Yalun does not shy away from sharing her joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and does not mind showing her vulnerability and strength, this kind of authenticity and honesty has won her the love and resonance of many fans.


For the future, Chen Yalun is full of expectations and longing, she said that she will continue to work hard in her acting career, challenge more different types of roles, and bring more excellent works to the audience.

She will also continue to pay attention to public welfare undertakings and impact more people with her actions.

In Chen Yalun's view, life is like a marathon, which requires continuous running and exploration to reach the other side of the heart.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

She believes that as long as she keeps her original intention and insists on her dreams, she will be able to shine more brightly on the road in the future.

On the bizarre stage of the entertainment industry, she writes her own wonderful chapter in her own way.

Although every step of her journey was accompanied by controversy and doubts, she never gave up the pursuit of her dreams and her love of life.

Dog blood! The 58-year-old star posted a confession to her married old love! I have been intimately hugging and breaking up for 24 years

It is this spirit of defying difficulties and moving forward bravely that makes Chen Yalun more and more beautiful and moving in the baptism of the years, and has become an immortal legend in the hearts of countless people.

In the days to come, let us look forward to more surprises and touches from Alan Chen, and continue to witness her beautiful bloom on the stage of life.

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