
China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?
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China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

In May 2017, a shocking scene was staged in an ordinary hospital in Jinan, Shandong Province. Gui Junmin, a middle-aged man, was tearfully watching his beloved wife, Zhan Wenlian, being slowly pushed into a special cryogenic cabin.

This container, with a temperature as low as minus 196°C, will become Zhan Wenlian's "home" for the next 50 years.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Just a few hours ago, Zhan Wenlian was a terminal cancer patient, and now she has become the first "experimenter" in China to receive cryonics.

Gui Junmin clasped his wife's hand and whispered a promise of a reunion after 50 years, as if it was not a parting, but a date that spanned half a century.

However, fate always likes to joke. While everyone is immersed in the couple's touching love story, the plot takes an unexpected turn four years later.

On an ordinary day in 2021, Gui Junmin was seen walking intimately with another lady and behaving intimately. This scene instantly detonated the public's doubts and controversy.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Can love really transcend time and space? Can technology really overcome death? In the face of the flood of doubts, is Gui Junmin's choice betrayal or helplessness? Let's step into the story of this couple, explore the boundaries of life, love and technology, and perhaps find some answers about human nature in this unique case.

In June 2016, the originally peaceful summer became a turning point in the lives of Gui Junmin and Zhan Wenlian. That day, Zhan Wenlian went to the hospital for an examination because of an inconspicuous lump in her neck, but the result was like a bolt from the blue - advanced lung cancer.

This diagnosis instantly pushed the loving couple into the abyss of despair.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Faced with the sudden bad news, Gui Junmin was difficult to accept at first, and even suspected that it was a misdiagnosis by the hospital. He took Zhan Wenlian to many hospitals, hoping to overturn this terrible conclusion.

However, the results of each examination inexorably confirmed the initial diagnosis.

In the following days, Zhan Wenlian began a difficult journey against cancer. She was treated with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and endured the side effects of various drugs.

Despite her physical suffering, Zhan Wenlian still maintains an optimistic attitude. In the days when her condition was temporarily stable, she even visited Hangzhou, Luoyang and other places with her family, as if she was racing against life in her own way.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Back at home, Zhan Wenlian devoted more time to cross-stitch creation. Her works soon adorned the walls of the entire home, each one carrying her love of life and hopes for the future.

Gui Junmin looked at his wife's busy figure, feeling both relieved and distressed, and secretly prayed that a miracle could happen.

However, fate didn't give the couple much respite. In December 2016, Zhan Wenlian's condition suddenly took a turn for the worse. After an ordinary walk out, she began to experience severe headaches.

At first mistaken for a cold, but it soon turns out that the situation is much more serious than expected.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

After examination, doctors confirmed that the cancer cells had spread to the brain, causing hydrocephalus. Despite immediate brain drainage surgery, Zhan's physical condition continued to deteriorate.

The pain from the cancer was getting worse and she couldn't sleep day and night. Gui Junmin looked at his wife's emaciated face, and his heart was like a knife, but he could only relieve her pain a little by constantly injecting analgesic drugs.

By February 2017, the cancer had spread throughout the body. Zhan Wenlian was admitted to the hospital's hospice ward, where she spent most of her time in a comatose state. Gui Junmin stayed by his wife's side every step of the way, full of helplessness and despair.

Just when he thought it was all about to end, an unexpected choice appeared in front of him, offering a glimmer of hope for this sad story.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

As Gui Junmin fell into despair, a technology that sounded almost sci-fi caught his attention - cryonics. This technology, which originated in the 1960s, hopes to achieve a "resurrection" after the development of future medicine by exposing the human body to liquid nitrogen at minus 196°C.

China's Yinfeng Institute of Life Sciences is one of only four institutions in the world to conduct this research.

At first, Gui Junmin was confused and skeptical about the concept. However, with the in-depth communication with the personnel of Yinfeng Research Institute, he began to be attracted to this technology.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Although he did not expect much from the so-called "resurrection", this method gave him the possibility of keeping his wife at one last chance.

At a rare moment of Zhan Wenlian's sobriety, Gui Junmin plucked up the courage to explain the plan to his wife. He whispered, "If you want, please touch my hand gently."

Zhan Wenlian used the only remaining strength in her body to touch the back of her husband's hand, thus acquiescing to this unusual decision.

However, cryonics is not without controversy.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

What's more, even if the technology succeeds, Zhan Wenlian, who wakes up fifty years later, will face a completely strange world. Her loved ones may have passed away, and society may have changed dramatically.

Faced with these questions, Gui Junmin fell into a deep contradiction. But in the end, the nostalgia for the love of the loved one overcame all the concerns. He firmly believes that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

After in-depth discussions with his family, Gui Junmin signed an agreement with Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute on behalf of his wife. As the first cryonics volunteer in China, Zhan Wenlian was exempted from the relevant fees.

The institute solemnly promised that in the next 50 years, it will perform thawing surgery for Zhan Wenlian.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

This decision not only changed the fate of Gui Junmin and Zhan Wenlian, but also opened a new page in China's medical research. However, the collision of technology and ethics has also cast a shadow over this seemingly hopeful decision.

In May 2017, this day destined to be recorded in the history of Chinese medicine quietly came. In a special ward of the hospital, Zhan Wenlian was officially declared "dead".

However, this is not the end, but the beginning of an unprecedented journey.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

The team of Yinfeng Research Institute has been waiting for a long time. At the moment when Zhan Wenlian was pronounced clinically dead, they immediately activated a technique called "perfusion". The procedure looked like a delicate operation, with researchers carefully lowering Zhan's body temperature while using special drugs to maintain her body's function.

Although she is legally "dead", her brain and other vital organs remain weakly active in the process.

After dozens of hours of careful preparation, Zhan Wenlian was finally placed in that special container filled with liquid nitrogen. When Gui Junmin touched his wife's skin for the last time, he was surprised to find that her body was still warm and soft, and there was even a trace of blood on her face.

At this moment, technology seems to really blur the line between life and death.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Watching his wife being slowly pushed into the cryogenic cabin, Gui Junmin's heart was full of complicated emotions. He was pleased with his decision and believed that it gave his wife a glimmer of life; He also grieved about the loss of his beloved, because he knew that no matter what the outcome, the process would last at least 50 years.

In the days that followed, Gui Junmin often came alone to the place where his wife was kept. He would take Zhan Wenlian's favorite flower during her lifetime and stand quietly in front of a container filled with liquid nitrogen, as if he could still feel his wife's presence through the cold metal.

He would whisper about the events of these days, sharing his joys, sorrows, and sorrows, just like the daily conversations they had when Zhan Wenlian was still alive.

However, whenever he leaves, the coldness of reality always envelops him again. He had to admit that no matter how advanced the technology is, the gap between life and death is still huge.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

His wife is in an unknown state between life and death, and he has to face a long wait and an unknown future alone.

After Zhan Wenlian's death, Gui Junmin's life fell into an unprecedented trough. The once lively home is now left alone in front of the empty room.

Every corner is filled with memories of living with his wife that both warm and pierce his heart. He often sat on Zhan Wenlian's favorite sofa, looking at the cross-stitch she made by herself on the wall, and fell into deep longing and loneliness.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Time passes like water. In the blink of an eye, four years have passed. In 2021, an unexpected turning point appeared in Gui Junmin's life.

By chance, one of his students introduced him to a woman. At first, it was just out of concern for the teacher, hoping that someone could take care of Gui Junmin, who lived alone.

However, as the contact increased, Gui Junmin found himself gradually moved by the lady's kindness and thoughtfulness. She understands his past, respects his feelings for Zhan Wenlian, and more importantly, she gives Gui Junmin the courage to face life again.

With her by her side, Gui Junmin began to reintegrate into society and regain his zest for life.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

This new relationship quickly caught the public's attention. When the news spread, public opinion instantly boiled. Many people couldn't accept Gui Junmin's choice, accusing him of betraying his promise to Zhan Wenlian, believing that he had failed the love that transcended time and space.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Gui Junmin was in a predicament for a while. He is well aware that his choices may be misunderstood, but he also understands that life must go on.

In a public response, Gui Junmin said frankly: "She is a very kind woman who supported me in my most difficult time. But what I want to explain is that my love for Zhan Wenlian has never changed, but reality does not allow us to be together for the time being.

These words not only expressed gratitude to the new partner, but also reaffirmed the deep affection for Zhan Wenlian. Gui's sincerity touched some people, but the controversy did not completely subside.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Some people understand his decision to choose a new life, believing that it is a sign of responsibility for himself; There are also those who insist that he has broken his promise and betrayed Zhan Wenlian's trust.

In the face of these different voices, Gui Junmin chose to remain silent. He knew that no matter how he explained, he would not be able to make everyone understand his choice. He could only silently pray in his heart, hoping that one day, when Zhan Wenlian was really "resurrected", she would be able to understand and forgive her decision.

This unexpected turn of events not only changed Gui Junmin's life, but also made people think: how should we balance our commitment to the deceased with our responsibility for our own lives during the long wait? Love and reality, technology and ethics, there seems to be no standard answer in this complex story.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Suppose that one day, a breakthrough in science and technology will really make a breakthrough, and Zhan Wenlian will be able to wake up. What kind of world will she face? Society in 2067 may have changed dramatically.

Her familiar relatives may have passed away, and the city she once knew may have changed beyond recognition.

In this case, how will Zhan Wenlian, Gui Junmin and his new partner get along? This question is not only about personal feelings, but also about many aspects of law and ethics.

How is Zhan Wenlian's legal status defined? Is she still married? How are her property rights protected? These are unprecedented challenges.

China's first frozen person Zhan Wenlian, her husband said that he was waiting for a reunion after 50 years, is it okay now?

Zhan Wenlian's story is not only a legend about love and technology, but also a deep reflection on life, ethics and the future.

This story tells us that although the progress of technology has given us the possibility to change our destiny, it has also brought unprecedented moral dilemmas. What might we lose in our quest for eternal life? And what might you get? These questions may only be answered when Zhan Wenlian really wakes up.

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