
Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die
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Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

In September 2021, in a nursing home in Hong Kong, a respected old man passed away quietly. He is Hong Junyan, a professor and economist at Peking University who was once well-known in the academic world.

However, in the twilight of his life, the once high-spirited scholar faced unimaginable dilemmas.

His daughter, Hong Huang, a media personality known for her sharp views and independent personality, couldn't help but let out a heart-wrenching emotion after witnessing her father's situation in his later years: "Let me live in a nursing home, I'd rather die."

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hong Huang's life experience is rich and colorful, from a famous family to a media leader, what kind of life wisdom does her story reflect? Let's step into Hong Huang's world and explore her profound insight into the dignity of life.

Hong Huang's growth trajectory is legendary. She was born in No. 51 Shijia Hutong in Beijing, a once celebrity-filled mansion that witnessed her childhood. Her mother, Zhang Hanzhi, as Zhang Shizhao's adopted daughter, is not only a foreign language teacher for national leaders, but also stepped onto the podium of Tsinghua University at the age of 25.

His father, Hong Junyan, was a well-known economist. Such a family background should have paved a way to a traditional socialite.

However, Hong Huang's life trajectory has unexpectedly deviated from the established track. At the age of 9, she was sent to boarding school and began her journey of living independently.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

What's even more surprising is that at the age of 12, she went to the United States to study as part of a study abroad team. This experience of studying abroad not only broadened her horizons, but also profoundly shaped her independent character.

After returning to China, Hong Huang has transformed into a young woman full of rebellious spirit. She has the courage to challenge convention, constantly try new things, and show an innate curiosity and desire to explore.

In the tide of the Internet era, Hong Huang is like a fish in water, she frankly admits that she is the most suitable person for this era, willing to collide with various ideas and concepts, and even accept negative evaluations calmly, and draw strength from them.

"I've spent my whole life trying to break free from all kinds of constraints." This sentence expresses Hong Huang's philosophy of life. She is not content to rely on her family aura, but wants to be recognized through her own efforts.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

It is this spirit of pursuing independence and daring to challenge that has transformed her from the highly anticipated "famous lady" to the controversial "famous ruffian".

Hong Huang's growth process shows how a soul who is not willing to be ordinary can find a balance between tradition and modernity, bondage and freedom. Her parents originally hoped to train her to be a famous lady full of aristocratic temperament, and named her Hongmian, which means that she will become a real famous queen.

However, fate seems to have arranged it in advance, and a clerical error spelled her name as Hong Huang, as if to foreshadow that she was destined to become a person who shines with a unique light.

Hong Huang's story is not only a personal growth legend, but also a microcosm of an era. Her experience illustrates how to find a balance between respecting tradition and pursuing oneself in a rapidly changing society, and how to maintain the ability to think independently in a complex environment.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Her transformation reveals that it is possible for each of us to break free from the shackles and pursue our true selves.

Hong Huang's love life is like a drama of ups and downs, and her four marriages have witnessed her persistent pursuit of love and continuous exploration of herself.

In 1984, Hong Huang, who had just graduated from Varsa University in the United States, joined a well-known foreign company with great ambition. In a foreign country, she met her first love and soon entered the palace of marriage.

However, the seemingly peaceful and comfortable life made Hong Huang feel lost. She recalled: "Although everything was calm in that life, it made me feel as if I had entered my old age ahead of schedule, and my life lacked purpose.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

This unbearable blandness eventually led to the marriage coming to an end in 1996.

The object of the second marriage was director Chen Kaige, who later became famous. At that time, Chen Kaige was still an unknown young director, but his talent and artistic temperament deeply attracted Hong Huang, who also loved art.

However, married life is not a fairy tale. Hong Huang confessed: "In that marriage, I found that I was gradually losing myself and began to develop strong jealousy.

Whenever Chen Kaige devotes himself to work, I worry about his whereabouts. This feeling made her feel like a "wicked woman" who ran counter to the self-image she was pursuing.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

In the end, Hong Huang chose to end the marriage bravely.

The third marriage was with the French diplomat Poncey. This relationship came and went quickly, and Hong Huang later reflected that it may have been because he was too impulsive and blind. Although her marriage was short-lived, it was during this period that Hong Huang resolutely quit her original job and devoted herself to the career of founding the women's fashion magazine "iLOOK World City", which opened her brilliant chapter in the media industry.

Hong Huang, who has experienced three marriages, finally found true love in the ordinary. Her fourth husband, Yang Xiaoping, is very different from her predecessors. Yang Xiaoping has an ordinary education, a mediocre background, and even has a mixed-race daughter.

However, it was such an ordinary person who gave Hong Huang unprecedented peace and happiness.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hong Huang affectionately described: "In the days of spending time with Yang Xiaoping, we always feel extremely comfortable, and we can really feel the peace between each other, isn't this the first beautiful appearance of love? This marriage seems to be a kind of redemption for Hong Huang in the first half of her life, allowing her to find her true self and happiness in the ordinary.

Looking back on Hong Huang's four marriages, we can see the growth and transformation of a woman in love. From the pursuit of excitement to the desire for peace, from being attracted by talent to cherishing inner peace, Hong Huang's marriage process reflects her thinking about life and self-awareness.

She has the courage to pursue love, and she is not afraid to end an inappropriate relationship, and this courage and determination are the embodiment of her independent personality.

Hong Huang's marriage story tells us that true love does not lie in the external aura, but in the inner fit. It also inspires us to keep self and grow in love, so that we can finally find happiness that suits us.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hung's career is a colourful picture of her talent and achievements in a variety of fields. As a pioneer in the field of interactive media in China, she has become a leader in the media industry by not only taking the helm of three trendsetting fashion magazines, but also running a satellite TV channel.

In 2011, she was internationally recognized for her influence and was named one of the top 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine, an honor that confirms her importance in the global media landscape.

Hong Huang started his career when he founded the magazine "iLOOK World City". The magazine quickly became a dark horse in the fashion industry with its unique perspective and bold content.

As the editor-in-chief, Hong Huang is not afraid to touch sensitive topics with his sharp writing and keen insight, and has the courage to expose the hypocrisy of high society. Her ability to use the communication nature of the Internet to explore thought-provoking topics such as gender relations has made her magazine stand out in a highly competitive market.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

In addition to his achievements in print media, Hong Huang has also extended his tentacles to the film and television industry. She has participated in films such as "Infinite Motion" and "One Step Away", and has won the recognition of the audience with her natural and authentic acting style.

This crossover attempt not only enriches her personal experience, but also showcases her diverse talents.

However, Hong's influence is not limited to her professional achievements. She actively pays attention to and participates in social issues, especially women's rights issues. Hong Huang firmly believes that financial independence is the foundation for women to earn respect.

Through her words and deeds, she has set an example of independence for many women. Her views often lead to broad discussions and drive society's thinking on important issues.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hong's road to success has not been easy. She once admitted that she is not a narcissist, but through continuous learning and hard work to achieve today's achievements. She insisted on getting rid of the shackles of her family's halo and hoped to gain recognition through her own efforts.

This spirit of pursuing independence and constantly breaking through has become the key to the success of her career.

Hong Huang's career shows how a modern woman can achieve self-worth in a complex social environment. Her story teaches us that success requires not only talent and hard work, but also courage and the ability to think independently.

She used her own experience to explain how to contribute to society while maintaining her individuality. Hong Huang's multiple identities and rich experiences have not only shaped her unique personal charm, but also provided a model for contemporary women's career development.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hong Huang's deep thinking about life and death stems from the two life and death partings she personally experienced. This experience not only changed her perception of life, but also shaped her unique perspective on the end of life.

The first is the death of his mother Zhang Hanzhi. Zhang Hanzhi, who was once in his prime, needed weekly dialysis due to kidney disease and endured great pain. Hong Huang recalled that her mother once said to her: "Why don't you let me leave, this kind of life is too boring."

This sentence was like a sharp blade, which deeply pierced Hong Huang's heart. Although he knew that there was little hope, out of responsibility to his family, Hong Huang still chose to continue to treat his mother.

However, this decision also caused her to fall into deep self-blame, worrying about whether she really respected her mother's wishes.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Immediately afterwards, the last days of his father Hong Junyan in a nursing home in Hong Kong made Hong Huang have a strong reflection on the dignity of life. The once high-spirited Peking University professor was pushed into a wheelchair in bed at the end of his life, spending only two hours a day visiting and spending the rest of his time with nursing staff.

This sight made Hong Huang's heart ache. She witnessed her father's despair and loneliness in the midst of his illness, and saw that once proud and conceited figure with infinite scenery seemed so lonely at the end of his life.

These experiences deeply touched Hong Huang and prompted her to start thinking seriously about the issue of life and death. She has repeatedly emphasized that she is not afraid to talk about death, but is more concerned about how to leave gracefully.

Hong Huang believes that since he has come to this world, he should enjoy every day to the fullest, but in the face of death, he also needs to maintain dignity.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hong Huang's views are clear and bold. She said she would rather die if she was to be admitted to a nursing home. This is not the idea of suicide, but the pursuit of quality of life.

She hopes to be able to say goodbye to her beloved at the last moment of her life, and then leave this world with dignity and autonomy.

Hong Huang's view of life and death embodies her deep understanding of human dignity and her unique interpretation of the value of life. She believes that death is not the end of life, but a new beginning to a better life.

This perspective not only reflects her courage and wisdom, but also provides us with a new perspective on the meaning of life.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

Hong Huang's story teaches us that in the face of life and death, we should maintain a sense of awe, but we should not be afraid. True wisdom lies in how to live life worth, and how to maintain dignity and autonomy in the face of an inevitable end.

Her reflections provide a valuable reference for how contemporary people face the eternal topic of life and death.

Hong Huang's life trajectory is not only a personal legend, but also reflects the changes in Chinese society. Despite her illustrious background, she chose a different path.

In the face of his family's legacy, Hong Huang has shown an extraordinary mind and a sense of social responsibility. She handed over her maternal grandfather, Zhang Shizhao's former residence at No. 51 Hutong in Beijing, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Zhang Hanzhi's daughter Hong Huang looked at her father's later life and sighed: Let me live in a nursing home, I might as well die

This decision reflects on her reflection on privilege, which she believes is that "the glory of the past is not enough to be proud of, and it is more important to seek ways to give back to society."

Hung's story provides us with a unique perspective on life, love, career, and how to maintain oneself in a complex social environment. Her experience reminds us that true inheritance does not lie in being conservative, but in being brave in innovation and contributing to society on the basis of respecting tradition.

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