
2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

author:Xiao Kai takes you to see the world

In the tide of globalization, how many Chinese entrepreneurs have the dream of conquering the world, crossing the ocean, looking for a new business territory.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

A shocking news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, which made the hearts of countless people tighten - two top executives from China's medical device industry suffered the bad luck of kidnapping and ripping tickets in the Philippines, a land that should be full of opportunities.

This is not only a tragedy for two people, but also a profound wake-up call for all overseas dreamers.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

Two elites with successful careers and happy families, with infinite hopes for the future, embarked on a flight to the Philippines.

They may have planned every detail, from the project investigation to the market layout, every step is full of hope and passion.

Fate played a cruel joke on them, and it all came to an abrupt end.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

This incident, like a sudden thriller, makes people sigh, and has aroused widespread attention and deep reflection from all walks of life.

The heavy price behind the dream

These two leaders in the medical device industry, with infinite curiosity and desire for the unknown world, embarked on a journey to the Philippines.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

Their company has long been well-known in the field of domestic medical devices, with outstanding performance and good reputation.

But for them, it's the beginning, not the end.

With an unquenchable flame burning in their hearts, they are eager to replicate and amplify this success to the international stage, and the courage to open up and not be afraid of challenges is like a chivalrous man in a martial arts novel, which makes people respect and applaud.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

But fate, sometimes it's like an old naughty boy who loves to joke, always catching you off guard when you are most inadvertent.

This time, it put away its smile and showed its cold side.

What was supposed to be a journey with a full load turned out to be a contest of life and death, and the ship of dreams encountered stormy seas in a foreign land and finally sank.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

What is particularly distressing is that the family story of one of the victims is simply sad for the hearer and crying for the listener.

He has a pair of elderly parents who look forward to the stars and the moon on weekdays, and they hope that their son can come home to see more.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

When the heartbreaking news came, the two old men seemed to be drained of all their strength in an instant, and their tears were like a flood that burst the embankment, and they couldn't stop it.

Who is the security alarm bell for?

Netizens jumped on this speedboat of public opinion, expressing their opinions, and their emotions were intertwined into a complex picture.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

Some people sighed lightly, feeling that the fragility of life is like dew drops in the morning light, fleeting, and people have to cherish every warmth and companionship that can be held in front of them.

They gently remind everyone: cherish the people in front of you, and don't let the busyness of life become an excuse for regret.

On the other hand, there are also voices of worry.

Netizens seem to have experienced this storm firsthand, and their worries about overseas security issues are overflowing.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

Their words reveal a deep resonance - in the pursuit of the dream of the stars and the sea, the string of safety can never be loosened.

Everyone sounded the alarm bell and warned themselves and their friends: no matter how bright your dreams are, don't forget whether the road under your feet is solid, and staying vigilant is the best responsibility for yourself and your family.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

There is also a netizen's message, like the brightest star in the night sky, illuminates people's hearts.

He said: "We always like to imagine ourselves as the protagonists of the story, thinking that we can easily get around all difficulties.

But in reality, it never plays according to the script, and the danger is like a ghost in the dark night, quietly lurking in every corner.

So, friends, don't care who you are, how rich you are, how much status you have, when you go out, you have to have more eyes and learn to protect yourself.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

These words, simple and unpretentious, but hit the heart directly, making people nod their heads and think deeply.

Overseas security concerns and countermeasures

This incident is simply a thunderclap in the field of overseas security, which not only tears open the cold shell of the criminal case, but also is like a sharp scalpel, accurately cutting through the fog of overseas security issues.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

At the beginning, our Chinese enterprises were full of spirit and strode towards the international stage, and Chinese faces and Chinese voices became louder and louder around the world.

But who would have thought that behind this glamorous beauty, there are many undercurrents surging.

You see, how many Chinese are struggling overseas, some for career territory, some for academic pursuits, and some simply want to live a different life.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

But the days overseas are not as calm as the backyard at home.

kidnapping, blackmail, these words that sound like people are shaking their hearts, and they will pop up from time to time; Violent attacks and economic fraud are even more difficult to prevent; Even big dramas such as political persecution can sometimes be sung on small overseas stages.

The types of security risks are even more diverse than those found in supermarkets.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

Overseas dreams need to be cautious

Speaking of which, we Chinese are breaking through overseas, and it is really stormy and difficult.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

In recent years, overseas has not been a paradise, but a labyrinth full of trials, and from time to time compatriots have encountered trouble there.

From the news of kidnappings on the mysterious continent of Africa, to the scam traps hidden in Southeast Asia, to the sudden terrorist attacks on the streets of Europe, and the occasional gunfire in the United States...... Every time I hear this, my heart hurts like a pinprick in a needle.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

These things are like a dazzling red light, shining on the road of our dreams, reminding us: The overseas world, no matter how wide and free it is, we must abide by the rules and know how to protect ourselves.

Don't think that outside borders, law and security don't matter to you, that's a big mistake.

But then again, we can't stop walking just because there are potholes in the road, right? Dreams still have to be chased, and overseas opportunities still have to be seized.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

The key is how to chase and how to catch, and there is a lot of knowledge here.

We have to use our brains, we have to have a plan, we have to be like a detective, we have to scout every possible risk in advance, and think of countermeasures.

It's like going on a trip, you have to check the weather forecast and bring rain gear; In the same way, when you go overseas to pursue your dreams, you must first study the security map thoroughly to know where there are minefields and how to avoid them.

2 Chinese executives were kidnapped and torn up in the Philippines Follow-up: insiders spoke out Official bulletin Comment on the fryer

You have to put on armor, prepare dry food, and bring the tenacity of not giving up, but most importantly, you have to engrave the words "safety first" on your heart plate and let it be the compass of your actions.

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