
The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

In our northeast Gada, there is such a place, called Qingshi Town. Don't look at this town as inconspicuous, but in our county yamen here, there is a "selfless" county lord who is applauded by everyone. Although this county lord has a low official position, he is strictly managed, and our people live a very comfortable life, and he can be regarded as a competent and good official.

But in our town, there are always a few troublemakers. At the east end of the town, there lives the husband and wife Zhao Da and Li Hua. They usually look quite honest, but there are a lot of little ninety-nine in their hearts. They saw the power in the hands of the county lord, so they wanted to make a beauty plan and let the county lord do things for them.

Li Hua is very handsome, although she is already married, but the charm still makes people can't help but look at it twice. She usually loves to tease herself, and with that natural good voice, she can sing songs and hook away people's souls. Zhao Da moved this thought, and planned to let Li Hua seduce the county lord, so that the county lord could do things for them.

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

The couple didn't sleep all night, so they pondered about it. The next day, Li Hua dressed up in a fancy way, carrying a basket containing home-grown melons, fruits and vegetables, and went to the county yamen. She hummed a little tune all the way, fascinating passers-by. When she arrived at the gate of the county office, she deliberately shouted loudly, saying that she was here to send fresh vegetables and fruits to the county lord. The officer of the county government saw that it was a village girl, and he didn't think much about it, so he let her in.

Li Hua entered the county office, looked around, and looked for the county master. It didn't take long to find the county master who was reading the official document in the study. She pretended to be coquettish and walked in, put down the basket, and began to talk to the county lord. The county lord saw that this village aunt was handsome and spoke well, and he was a little tempted in his heart. But after all, he is a principled person and knows that he can't abandon the public for personal reasons. So, he politely declined Li Hua's kindness and asked her to go back.

Li Hua saw that the county lord did not take the bait, and she was anxious. She rolled her eyes and thought about it. She deliberately pretended to look pitiful, saying how difficult her family was, and hoped that the county lord could help. When the county lord heard this, his heart softened. After thinking about it, he promised Li Hua that he would send someone to investigate the situation in her family, and if it was really difficult, he would help.

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

Li Hua saw that the county lord agreed, and her heart blossomed. She took the opportunity to chat with the county lord for a while, and then reluctantly left the county office. When she got home, Li Hua told Zhao Da everything that had happened. When Zhao Da heard this, his heart also blossomed. He felt that this beauty plan was already half successful, as long as he added more fire, the county lord would definitely take the bait. So, the couple discussed it again and decided to let Li Hua go to the county government a few times and have more contact with the county master. Those people thought in their hearts, as long as our Li Hua can fascinate the county master, then what they want will be captured. But how could they have thought that this beauty trick finally made the county lord's daughter-in-law see through it. The county lord's daughter-in-law, that is a master with a fast head, she has already seen Li Hua's careful thoughts. She was not in a hurry, secretly observing Li Hua's every move, and she already had a plan in her heart.

One day, when the county lord was not at home, his daughter-in-law found Li Hua. She asked the maids to bring tea and snacks, and then began to chat with Li Hua. She first praised Li Hua to the sky, saying that she was smart, sang beautifully, and made good dishes, and she was really a rare good daughter-in-law. Then the conversation changed and talked about the county master's personality. The daughter-in-law said: "Although my lord is an official, he is not greedy for money and lustful. He wants to do something practical for the people, and he doesn't have anything to do with those crooked things. I know that you two have something to ask my lord, but you also have to understand that my lord is not the kind of person who messes around for personal gain. When Li Hua heard this, she felt a mess in her heart, she didn't expect the county lord's daughter-in-law to be so straightforward. She couldn't say why, so she could only nod vigorously.

The county lord's daughter-in-law saw that Li Hua had already understood what she meant, so she didn't say more. She asked the maids to send Li Hua out, while she sat in the house and began to ponder. She knew that the couple would not give up so easily, and they would definitely think of other ways to get close to the county master. So, she decided to prepare in advance and take precautions. In this way, a beauty plan full of fantasy and bizarre twists and turns quietly unfolded in Bluestone Town. As for who will have the last laugh in the end, it will depend on what happens next......

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

Li Hua came out of the county lord's mansion, and her heart was full of ups and downs, just like the winter wind in the north blowing her hair messy, and an indescribable taste was churning in her heart. She thought that her beauty and clever tongue could charm the county lord, but she didn't expect to be seen through by the county lord's daughter-in-law at a glance, this woman is really a difficult character. When he returned home, Zhao Da saw her dejected appearance, and he understood a little in his heart. He patted Li Hua on the shoulder and comforted, "It's okay, let's think of other tricks." There's nothing in this world that we can't do! Li Hua sighed and told Zhao Da the words of the county lord's daughter-in-law as they were. When Zhao Da heard this, he frowned, thought for a while, and suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "There is!" Let's have a plan and see who can play whom! In the following days, the couple began to get busy again. They first inquired around about the preferences of the county lord's daughter-in-law, and then quietly prepared a generous gift, planning to visit again. Heck, this time they've made a lot of money. Li Hua put on the most dazzling clothes and the most valuable jewelry, and the whole person looked like a fairy in the painting. Zhao Da also changed his body and changed his new outfit, looking very energetic. The two of them carried the gift and went to the county master's house.

As soon as the county lady glanced at them, she understood the little ninety-nine in her heart. But she didn't pick people up directly, but was quite warmly entertained. asked the maids to serve tea and snacks, and then began to start a family affair with the two of them. She first praised the two of them for being smart and capable, and then deliberately omitted the preferences and habits of the county master. She said, "My lord, I love to listen to people's songs. Especially the two people in our northeast, they are addicted when they hear it. As soon as Li Hua heard this, she had a plan in her heart. She hurriedly said, "Madam, then I'll sing you a piece of it, and I'll make sure you have a good time!" The county lady nodded and asked the maids to prepare their musical instruments. Li Hua cleared her throat and began to sing. sang the song "Little New Year's Greetings", with a crisp voice and a lively tune. The county lord and lady were fascinated by it, and nodded their heads from time to time to praise.

After singing, the two chatted with the county lord and lady for a while. They deliberately mentioned their own difficulties, hoping to get the county lord to help. When the county lady heard this, she had a plan in her heart. She said, "I'll tell you about you." But you'll have to do me a favor, too. When the two of them heard this, they hurriedly asked what they were busy with. The county lady said: "My lord has not been in good health recently, and he has insomnia and dreams. I have heard that you have a miracle healer who can cure this disease. Can you help me get him over? As soon as the two of them heard this, their hearts beat drums. They knew that the doctor had a strange temper and didn't usually like to go out. But in order to be close to the county master, they still agreed.

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

The next day, the two went to the miracle doctor. It took a lot of effort for the boss to say that the miracle doctor would go to the county master's house with them. The divine doctor treated the county lord and prescribed medicine. The county lord took the medicine, and his body really improved. He was so grateful to the two of them and the divine doctor that he specially set up a banquet to entertain them. At the banquet, the county lord and wife deliberately let Li Hua sit next to the county lord. She secretly observed the interaction between the two and found that the county lord was not very interested in Li Hua. She was reassured, knowing that her plan was halfway there.

In the following days, the two visited the county lord and his wife many times. They brought all kinds of gifts and specialties, and invited the county lord and his wife to go out to play from time to time. When playing, they deliberately created an opportunity for the county lord and Li Hua to be alone. But it's strange, no matter how hard they try, the county lord is always lukewarm to Li Hua. That night, the couple was sitting at home thinking about what tricks, and they were cold, and there was a commotion outside. The two of them ran out to see, good guys, the maids of the county lord's family were busy like something, and they were moving things. When I inquired, it turned out that the county lord and lady were going to hold a big banquet and invited everyone in the town. The couple hit it off, and said that this was a good opportunity to show their faces, so they decided to join in the fun.

On that day, the two of them dressed up in fancy clothes, took gifts, and went to the county lord's mansion. At the banquet, the lights were brilliant, the crowd was crowded, and the county lord and his wife stood in the hall, accepting the compliments of everyone. The couple squeezed into the crowd and looked at the guests who were dressed in fancy clothes and behaved elegantly, and they couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of themselves and feel a little unpleasant.

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

Halfway through the banquet, the county lady suddenly walked up to them and said with a smile: "Zhao Da and Li Hua, I have to say thank you for your care of our family during this time." I know what you're thinking, but there are some things that you can't get your hands on with your face and wrists alone. As she spoke, she handed Li Hua a box: "This is a gift I prepared for you, I hope you will like it." Li Hua opened it and saw that there was a mirror inside, looking at herself in the mirror, she seemed to understand something, and lowered her head.

The county old lady turned to Zhao Da again: "Zhao Da, you are a person who understands and knows what is good for you." With that, she turned and left. The couple was stunned there, looking at her back, and their hearts were up and down. They knew that this time the beauty plan did not succeed, but they saw a lot of things clearly.

The couple stood there, looking at the back of the county lord and lady getting farther and farther away, and their hearts were mixed. They thought they could rely on their own skills to play this game of power schemes, but they didn't expect to end up in such a field. Zhao Da sighed and said to Li Hua: "Hua'er, it seems that we planted it this time." This county old lady, we can't count her. Li Hua nodded silently, she knew that she was really defeated this time. She thought that her beauty and intelligence could charm the county lord, but she didn't expect the county lord and lady to see through everything and teach her a lesson.

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

When they returned home, the couple told their families about the banquet, and the family members felt that it was too mysterious. They don't understand, why is the county lord and lady so smart and can see through their little Jiujiu. But they also realized a truth: there are people outside the world, there are heavens outside the sky, don't always think about calculating others. Since then, the couple has put away their ambitions and desires and started to live a down-to-earth life. They no longer think about courting the powerful and seeking personal gain, but focus on farming and doing business. Through hard work and wisdom, they slowly amassed wealth and fame. Heck, we'll have to talk about it. Our county lord's daughter-in-law is really an understanding person. won that beauty trick, she was not complacent at all, that was called a clear high. She knew in her heart that she could see through the couple's little abacus, all with a transparent heart and a pair of thieves' bright eyes. She knew that she was not only the daughter-in-law of the county lord, but also had to manage the people in the town, which was called a sense of responsibility.

So, she began to get busy, participating in the public welfare work in the town, and helping those poor people solve the difficulties in life. Her kindness and love have won the respect and love of the people. One day, the couple met the county lord's daughter-in-law in the town, who was helping an old man carry water. The couple hurriedly stepped forward to take a hand, chatting with the county lord's daughter-in-law while carrying water. The county lord's daughter-in-law told them, "Do you know? Life is like this bucket of water, you have to keep giving and giving, in order to make it more and more full and valuable. When the couple heard this, their hearts were bright, they understood their previous thoughts, and they also understood the true meaning of life.

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. The couple's business grew bigger and bigger, and they became big names in the town. But they have not forgotten their original intentions, and they still actively participate in the town's public welfare work to help those in need. The county lord's daughter-in-law still has that transparent heart and a pair of thieves' bright eyes, and continues to dedicate love and strength to the people of the town. Her kindness and love not only won the respect and love of the people, but also became a legend in the town.

The husband and wife made a beauty plan for the county lord, but they didn't expect that the winner in the end was the county lord and wife

One day, the couple met an old man in the town. The old man said that he used to be a powerful man, but because of greed and corruption, he ended up in disrepute. He said with emotion: "If I could maintain a transparent heart and a pair of bright eyes like you and the daughter-in-law of the county lord, maybe I wouldn't have fallen into this step." When the couple heard this, they were touched in their hearts and understood a truth: the most important thing in life is not power and wealth, but to maintain a transparent heart and a pair of bright eyes, so that they can see the truth of the world and make the right choice.

Since then, the couple has cherished their lives more and worked harder. They use their practical actions to interpret the true meaning of life, and also win more respect and praise for themselves. This story has also spread throughout the town and has become a topic of conversation after dinner. Whenever people tell this story, they are filled with emotion. They were impressed by the wisdom and kindness of the county lord's daughter-in-law, as well as the growth and change of the couple. This story tells us that although the road of life is full of unknowns and challenges, as long as we maintain a clear heart and a pair of bright eyes, we can see the truth of the world, make the right choice, and finally move towards success and happiness.