
When the blacksmith came home, he saw a figure in the distance, and when he got closer, he saw that it was himself

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

Oh, it was drizzling that day, and the sky was slowly getting darker, and the fog was rising on the edge of the old well at the head of our village, and it was circling around like a ghost. Our blacksmith Zhang Lao Wu just hit the last sickle, packed up his things, and prepared to go home. This old five, there is nothing to say about the craftsmanship, and the people are honest, just good to drink two sips of wine, but they never drop the chain when they work. His house was not far from the town, but he had to walk a mountain road, and at night he had to walk in the dark.

As he walked along the road, the rain rustled on the leaves, and when the wind blew, the leaves rustled, as if someone was whispering. Zhang Lao Wu muttered in his heart, why is the weather so strange today? As he walked, he saw a figure in front of him in the distance, limping. He thought to himself, this place is very remote, where are the people who come from at night? He quickened his pace to see who it was. When he got closer, he looked, oh my god, isn't this himself! Zhang Lao Wu was so frightened that he woke up most of the time. He rubbed his eyes, and when he looked again, yes, it was really him, and even his clothes were exactly the same. Zhang Lao Wu's heart tightened, what is going on? Is it really a ghost?

He steadied himself, mustered up courage, and stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder. As soon as the man turned around, hey, it's really Zhang Lao Wu himself! "You...... Who are you? Why do you look the same as me? Zhang Lao Wu stammered and asked. The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I am you, you are also me, the two of us are alone." When Zhang Lao Wuyi heard this, he was even more confused. He took a closer look at this "self", except for the expression was a little different, the rest of the place was exactly the same. "That'...... So why are you here? Zhang Lao Wu asked. I'm here to tell you something. "The "self," said the god mysteriously. "What's the matter?" Zhang Lao Wu's heart was full of ups and downs.

When the blacksmith came home, he saw a figure in the distance, and when he got closer, he saw that it was himself

"Your family hasn't been going well lately, and there's a lot of evil going on. You've got to keep an eye on it. That "myself" said. When Zhang Lao Wuyi heard this, his heart sank, and he remembered that there were indeed some strange things at home recently, such as there were always strange noises in the middle of the night, and a few chickens at home had died inexplicably. He thought to himself, this can't really be a hint from the ghosts, right? "That'...... So what should I do? Zhang Lao Wu asked nervously. You'll have to figure it out for yourself. After saying that, he turned around and left, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye. Zhang Lao Wu stood there and was stunned for a while before coming back to his senses. He knew in his heart that this matter had to be dealt with quickly, and he had to go home and see.

He trotted all the way home, and when he arrived at the door, he saw that the house was brightly lit, and his daughter-in-law was busy with dinner in the kitchen. Gee, that's a pretty upsetting thing. Zhang Lao Wu's heart was like eating an unripe persimmon, sour, and a little apprehensive. As soon as dinner was over, he lay down on the bed, tossing and turning, like a pancake, and he couldn't sleep. I always pondered what I said to myself that night, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was not a taste, and I thought to myself, tomorrow morning, I have to go to the town to find a Taoist priest to take a look.

That's it, Zhang Lao Wu survived a night, which was called a long night, and his heart was full of ups and downs. Early the next morning, he got up early, packed up casually, and rushed to the town. Along the way, his heart was like a roller coaster, up and down, beating drums in his heart, and he didn't know what moths he would encounter. But he understands that no matter what he encounters, he has to bite the bullet, after all, he has to protect his family and guard this family.

When the blacksmith came home, he saw a figure in the distance, and when he got closer, he saw that it was himself

This is the beginning of the story we are going to tell today. Zhang Lao Wu encountered something strange, what will happen next? We'll talk about that next time.

When he arrived in the town, Zhang Lao Wu's mood was like a popsicle in winter, cold outside and cold inside. He inquired and finally found an old Taoist priest who was said to be psychic and understood yin and yang. This old Taoist priest has a lot of white beard, and he looks like a fairy wind and bones. Zhang Lao Wu told the old Taoist priest about last night's events word for word. After hearing this, the old Taoist priest stroked his beard and said in a deep voice: "This thing doesn't sound simple, you have to go to your house with me to have a look." ”

Zhang Lao Wu dared to be lazy, and hurriedly took the old Taoist priest to rush home. When he got home, the old Taoist priest walked around the house a few times, chattering in his mouth, and then went into the house and went around again, and finally stood in the center of the hall with his brows furrowed. Zhang Lao Wu asked nervously: "Dao Chief, what's going on?" The old Taoist priest took a deep breath and said slowly: "Your house, feng shui was originally not bad, but recently someone has moved his hands and feet, which has attracted evil spirits. This evil spirit is not simple, it may be some resentful lonely ghosts. ”

When the blacksmith came home, he saw a figure in the distance, and when he got closer, he saw that it was himself

When Zhang Lao Wuyi heard this, his face turned white with fright, and he hurriedly asked, "What should I do then?" The old Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "This matter has to be done slowly." I'll draw you a talisman first, and you can stick it on the door to temporarily suppress this evil spirit. Then, I will try to find out the root of this evil spirit and eradicate it together. After speaking, the old Taoist priest took out a pen and paper and began to draw talismans. After a while, the talisman was drawn. Zhang Lao Wu took the talisman and carefully pasted it on the door, feeling a little more steady.

In the next few days, Zhang Lao Wu followed what the old Taoist priest said, staying at home every day and not daring to run around. The old Taoist priest was running around, busy looking for the source of evil energy. That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and Zhang Lao Wu was sitting in the hall, and his heart was still up and down. Suddenly, he heard a sharp knock on the door. His heart tightened, and he thought, this can't be that evil spirit again, right? He plucked up courage, picked up a stick, walked to the door, and opened it cautiously. Standing outside the door was the "self". Oh my god, Zhang Lao Wu was so frightened that he almost didn't scream, but he saw in a blink of an eye that "he" eyes were full of eagerness and uneasiness. "Hurry up! Come with me! "The "self" shouted urgently. Zhang Lao Wuyi was stunned, but immediately came back to his senses, thinking that this might be an opportunity. He hurriedly followed "himself" out of the house and ran all the way up the mountain. Although the mountain road was twisting and turning, Zhang Lao Wu felt that he was running fast as if he had a spring under his feet. After a while, the two of them reached the edge of the cliff. Beneath the cliff was a bottomless valley, and the valley was foggy, as if something was calling them. "That's it!" "Himself" pointed to the valley and said, "This is where evil spirits come from." Zhang Lao Wu looked down, and there was a faint black shadow swaying in the valley. His heart tightened, and he said, "Isn't this the source of evil energy?" At this time, the old Taoist priest also arrived. The old Taoist priest glanced at this scene, and his face immediately sank: "This evil spirit is really not simple. Looks like we'll have to go down and have a look. With that, the old Taoist priest took out a rope from his bag, tied it to a tree, and then slid down the rope. Seeing this, Zhang Lao Wu also hurriedly slid down. When they reached the valley, they found that the shadow turned out to be the entrance to an ancient tomb. The old Taoist priest stepped forward to take a look, and then said, "This ancient tomb has been tampered with, and the evil spirit leaked out from here." When Zhang Lao Wuyi heard this, he suddenly understood in his heart. Dare to love is someone who deliberately destroyed the ancient tomb and attracted evil spirit. He was so angry in his heart, thinking to himself who did this lack of morality? The old Taoist priest didn't say much, so he took out some magic weapons from his bag and began to chant mantras. After a while, a puff of black smoke came out of the entrance to the ancient tomb, and then slowly dispersed. "Okay, the evil spirit has sealed me up." The old Taoist priest wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "But this ancient tomb has to be handled carefully." I'll have to go back and get ready, and I'll come back tomorrow. Zhang Lao Wu hurriedly thanked him and followed the old Taoist priest back to the village. The next day, the old Taoist priest came to the ancient tomb with a group of people. They began to clear the weeds and rocks around the tomb and then resealed the entrance to the tomb. Since then, there has never been anything strange in Zhang Laowu's family. When he saw people, he boasted: "Thanks to that old Taoist priest!" Otherwise, my little family will be doomed. And that "self" never appeared again. Zhang Lao Wu knew that it was just a nightmare for him, and it was also a turning point in his life. Since then, he has cherished his family and life more, and has also paid more attention to the inheritance and protection of traditional culture. This is the end of the story we're going to tell today. Zhang Lao Wu learned a lot of truths through this. He understood the importance of traditional culture, and also knew that when facing difficulties and challenges, he must have courage and wisdom to deal with them. Let's listen to the story, not only to have fun, but also to understand some life principles and energy from it. Zhang Lao Wu stood at the door of his house, watching the old Taoist priest and everyone busy, and the taste in his heart was sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty, with all five flavors. The experience of the past few days is like a dream, but it is real. He reached out and touched the talisman on the door, and his heart was warm.

The old Taoist priest finished his work, walked up to Zhang Lao Wu, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "We have sealed the evil qi in this ancient tomb, but we have to be vigilant at all times, don't let those guys with ghosts touch it again." This place has good feng shui, once it is destroyed, the consequences are not a joke. When Zhang Lao Wu heard this, he nodded vigorously, and he was grateful to the old Taoist priest in his heart. He turned to everyone and said, "Everyone has worked hard, if it weren't for you, my little family would really collapse." Everyone waved their hands and said no thanks.

When the blacksmith came home, he saw a figure in the distance, and when he got closer, he saw that it was himself

Zhang Lao Wu knows that this is not only to help him, but also to respect and protect the culture left by our ancestors. After that, Zhang Lao Wu became extra cautious. He had to check the talisman on his doorstep every day to make sure it was intact. At the same time, he also began to pay attention to the movements in the village, and as soon as he saw someone approaching the ancient tomb, he immediately stepped forward to stop him. As the days passed, the village returned to its former tranquility. Zhang Lao Wu also picked up his blacksmith work again. But he always remembered the words of the old Taoist priest in his heart, and always reminded himself that he had to protect this land and traditional culture.

One day, Zhang Lao Wu was striking iron in the town and met a fellow countryman. The fellow told him that a group of outsiders had recently come to the village, and they were always wandering around the ancient tomb, and they didn't know what they were doing. When Zhang Lao Wuyi heard this, he chuckled in his heart. He immediately threw down the work in his hand and hurried back to the village in a hurry. He approached the outsiders and asked them what they were doing near the tomb. The gang was stumbling and refused to tell the truth. Zhang Lao Wu knew that these people must be fighting the ancient tomb. He yelled angrily: "You people, you dare to even move the grave of your ancestors for a few stinky money!" Aren't you afraid of God's wrath? The outsiders were so frightened by his shout that they retreated. They knew that Zhang Lao Wu was a blacksmith and had two strikes under his hands, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Zhang Lao Wu didn't plan to let them go like this, he took the people in the village and chased them all the way to the inn in the town. He approached the innkeeper and told him about the situation. When the boss heard that it was about the ancient tomb, he didn't dare to slack off, and immediately told him the room numbers of the outsiders. Zhang Lao Wu took the people from the village and rushed into the rooms of the outsiders. They found out that these people were plotting how to steal the treasure from the tomb. Zhang Lao Wu was so angry that he grabbed one of the outsiders by the collar and yelled: "You people, you are really crazy! Even the graves of our ancestors dare to move! "When the outsiders saw that the situation was not good, they begged for mercy. Those people in our village always wanted to dig ancient tombs and find some treasures. But Zhang Lao Wu's buddy, he is not a vegetarian, so he gave them a dismount and told them to get out of the way obediently. Zhang Lao Wu has a good heart and eyes, and he didn't treat them well, but there was a ruthlessness in his words, telling them that if they dared to come back again, they would really be beaten. As soon as this incident came out, Zhang Lao Wu's reputation in the village was well-known, and everyone said that he was a courageous, knowledgeable and capable man.

When the blacksmith came home, he saw a figure in the distance, and when he got closer, he saw that it was himself

He is not only a good person, but also has made a group of like-minded buddies to protect our traditional culture and protect the peace of the village. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zhang Lao Wu is also old, but his heart has never changed, and his original intention and mission have always been in his heart. He passed on his good skills to the young blacksmiths in the village, and always told them that the importance of traditional culture should not be forgotten for a moment.

Under the influence of Zhang Laowu, the blacksmiths in our village are not only good at craftsmanship, but also good young people with a sense of responsibility and mission. With their own hands and sweat, they guard this land and inherit traditional culture. As for the mysterious "self", it hasn't been seen since that incident. But Zhang Lao Wu knew in his heart that that incident was a turning point in his life, making him stronger and braver, and more cherishing and respecting traditional culture.

Now, although Zhang Lao Wu is no longer there, his story and spirit will remain in our village forever. Whenever he is mentioned, people give him a thumbs up and exclaim, "That's an amazing guy!" "This is the story we are going to tell today, a story of courage, responsibility and traditional culture. I hope this story can bring some inspiration to everyone, so that we can cherish and inherit our traditional culture more.