
The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

Ouch, ladies and gentlemen, I will give you a strange anecdote today, which has to start from the northeast of us, where there is an inconspicuous small village called Yinliu Village. In our village, there is a clever ghost, and people give him the nickname "Golden Baby". Why is it called that? If you listen to me slowly, you'll understand. Jin Wa, this kid, has been a thief since he was a child, and as soon as his eyes turned, the idea came, and the people in the village said that he was born rich and noble. But you see, this rich life is sometimes a bane.

At that time, Yinliu Village encountered a drought that was rare in a century, and the crops in the field were like wilting, and the people in the village were worried like something, and their brows were twisted. Jin Wa, this kid, was also anxious like something, but in a hurry, he remembered the old temple at the back of the village that had been abandoned for many years, and the legend said that there was a treasure in it, which could solve all kinds of difficulties. Jin Wa patted her thigh, decided to take advantage of the dark night and high wind, put on the two nest heads, a hemp rope, and quietly touched the mountain.

That temple, as the years go by, the doors are half pulled off, and when the wind blows, it creaks, and it sounds like a ghost crying. Jin Wa also muttered in his heart, but when he thought of the hard life of the people in the village, he rushed in. The temple was dark and rumbling, and the golden baby touched the wall and rubbed it in step by step. Suddenly, he stumbled and almost fell into the mud. When I looked down, it was a rusty iron box with some strange patterns engraved on it. Jin Wa was overjoyed: "Isn't this the legendary baby?" He hurriedly opened the box, and there was a little silver figure lying inside, the size of a palm, carved vividly, just like the real thing.

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

Jin Wa put the little silver man in her arms, and as soon as she left the temple gate, she heard a "boom" behind her, and the temple collapsed. Jin Wa was frightened, and said in her heart: "This baby, I'm afraid that something big will come true!" When he returned home, Jin Wa hid the little silver man, and the next day, he found that the well at home, which was about to dry up, had water on its own, clear and bright, and sweet. Jin Wale was so happy that she said, "This silver man is really a baby!" ”

It didn't take long for the small life of Jinwa's family to flourish, the crops in the field grew stronger than anyone else, the family did not have to worry about food and clothing, and a new tiled house was built. The people in the village were very envious, and asked Jin Wa how she did it, Jin Wa smiled and only said, "Be diligent!" "But Jinwa, the greed in his heart is like a crop, it grows when he sees the wind. He thought, "This silver man can bring me wealth, and if I have more silver men, will I not become the richest man in the world?" ”

So, Jin Wa quietly went up the mountain again, and this time, he brought shovels and ropes, intending to turn the temple upside down and find out more silver people. But he dug and dug and dug and found nothing but a few broken stone slabs. Jin Wa was unwilling, and thought: "Do you have to use that silver man as an introduction to find more treasures?" As soon as he thought of this, Jin Wa moved his mind, he took out the silver man, put it in the palm of his hand, and muttered in his mouth: "Silver man, silver man, you can bring me some brothers and sisters back!" Strange to say, the silver man seemed to understand, and suddenly a silver light flashed, shooting straight into a dense forest behind the temple. The kid of the golden baby, as soon as his eyes lit up, just like the silver light, he jumped over with a swish. In the depths of the dense forest, there was a cave hidden, and the moss at the entrance of the cave looked like a blanket. Jin Wa held her breath and plunged into it.

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

The cave became more and more spacious, and suddenly, my eyes lit up, and suddenly I became enlightened, good fellow, isn't this a natural underground palace! Everywhere there were little silver figures, piled up like hills. Jin Wa's eyes were straight, he pounced, grabbed this and touched that, the beauty in his heart was sweeter than drinking honey.

But how did he know that when he greedily carried the silver men into his arms, the eyes of those silver men seemed to come to life, staring at him coldly, as if they were warnings. The golden baby was full of silver and was about to slip away, when suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the entrance of the cave closed with a "clang", and the sound of "woo" sounded all around, like a ghost crying wolf. Jinwa was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he wanted to run, but the silver men suddenly moved, circling around him, and making "squeak" sounds from their mouths, as if they were laughing at his greed.

Only then did Jinwa realize that she had caused a big disaster. He struggled desperately, but the silver figures clinged to him as if by magic, preventing him from moving. At this moment, an old voice sounded in his ears: "Jinwa, Jinwa, I wanted to help you, but you are insatiable and want to have wealth that does not belong to you, and now, your little life will be played with this greed." When Jin Wa heard this, he was so frightened that he begged for mercy loudly, but the voice was no longer loud. And the silver men, one by one, turned into sharp blades and stabbed at him......

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

Oh, speaking of which, are you also sweating for Jinwa? This insatiable man has harmed himself in the end. But Jinwa's story is not over yet, can he escape from this underground palace, or is there a bigger secret behind it? Let's break it down next time, don't miss it!

Oh, speaking of this golden baby, he was really scared at that moment, and seeing those silver people turn into blades and greet him, he regretted it in his heart, and his intestines were blue. Where is the regret medicine sold? At this time, Jin Wa suddenly remembered the first silver man in his arms, he quickly took it out, held it tightly in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes, and silently thought in his heart: "Silver man, silver man, I was wrong, please save my life!" Strange to say, the silver man seemed to sense something, and suddenly emitted a warm light, shaking away the silver men who had turned into blades.

Jin Wa took the opportunity to open her eyes, and when she looked, ouch, those silver people had changed back to their original ways and were lying quietly on the ground, like no one else. Jin Wa was so grateful in her heart that she almost didn't cry. He quickly got up from the ground, and did not dare to look at the silver figures again, and stumbled towards the mouth of the cave. Running to the entrance of the cave, he found that the door had opened by itself, and the sunlight outside was shining in, and Jin Wa felt as if she had escaped from the ghost gate. Out of the cave, the boy of Jinwa ran all the way home as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and buried all those silver men in the soil in the backyard, leaving the first one. He pondered in his heart: "This greed is really harmful, and you will have to take care of it in the future." Since then, Jinwa is like a different person, diligent and diligent, diligent in farming, and kind to people, and the people in the village say that he was bumped into by some good luck and became so sensible. When Jin Wa heard this, she just smiled, and understood in her heart that it was the silver man who saved his life, and also made him understand what it means to be "content and happy".

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

But it's not over yet. One day, a fortune teller from a foreign country came to the village, wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, shaking his head and wandering around the village. As soon as he saw Jin Wa, his eyes lit up, he walked over and took Jin Wa's hand, looked left and right, and finally said: "Young man, you are rich and noble in your life, but there is also a big hurdle, after this hurdle, you are a master." When Jin Wa heard this, she was nervous in her heart, and she remembered the silver man in the cave. He hurriedly invited the fortune teller to his house, and served him with good wine and food, wanting to say something. The fortune teller is also a drinker, and after a few glasses of wine, the conversation box opens. "Young man, you rich, you are a thorny rose, beautiful and not easy to pick. You have to remember that what is not yours, don't force it, you have to return it in the end. The fortune teller squinted his eyes and said meaningfully. When Jin Wa heard this, she panicked in her heart, and quickly sent the fortune teller away, and when she came back, she offered the silver man, burned incense and kowtowed every day, begging it to bless herself not to make any more mistakes.

The gratitude in his heart, as if he had eaten honey, treated the silver man as if he were his own ancestors, and had to kowtow to incense every morning and evening. In this way, decades have passed in a flash, and Jinwa has become an old birthday star in the village, and the silver man has always blessed his family. People in the village say that Jinwa's family is blessed by the gods, but Jinwa's heart is like a mirror, and it was the silver man who made him understand what "contentment" and "not greedy" are. In the end, when Jin Wa was dying, she passed the silver man to her grandson and said to him, "Son, this silver man is a treasure, but the wealth it brings must be enjoyed." You have to remember, don't be insatiable, or you'll lose your life. "The grandson was also a clever ghost, and listened to his grandfather's words, and offered the silver man as a family heirloom, but never touched it. He knew that true wealth was not brought by any treasure, but by his own hands and that contented heart.

Hey, speaking of which, you should also understand that the wealth in this world is all thorny roses, which are beautiful and difficult to pick. We still have to live honestly and be content, this is true. The story of Jinwa, that's it, let's talk about something else interesting next time!

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

Hey, speaking of this Jin Wa's grandson, he is also a promising child, called Xiao Jin. He listened to his grandfather's words and regarded the silver man as the patron saint of the family, and the offering was more important than anything else. People in the village said that the Xiaojin family was virtuous in their ancestors, and only then did they have the blessing of this silver man, and the days became more and more prosperous. Xiao Jin is also a sincere child, he knows that this wealth is not for nothing, and he has to rely on his own efforts. Therefore he worked day and night, and the crops in the field grew stronger than anyone else, and the cattle of his family were fat and strong. The people in the village praised him, saying that he was a seed of Jinwa, and he couldn't be wrong.

But this little gold also has a heart disease, that is, the silver man. He always wondered, what is the origin of this silver man, why can he have such great ability? He was curious, but he didn't dare to touch the silver man, for fear of causing some trouble.

One day, a Taoist priest came to the village, wearing a broken Taoist robe and holding a whisk in his hand, which looked quite mysterious. As soon as he entered the village, he went straight to Xiaojin's house. Xiao Jin looked at it, why is this Taoist priest so familiar? Take a closer look, ouch, isn't this the Taoist priest who told grandpa's fortune back then? Xiao Jin hurriedly invited the Taoist priest into the house and entertained him with good wine and food. The Taoist priest is also a talkative, and as soon as he opened his mouth, Xiao Jin was shocked. "Young man, you have a baby in this house, I can feel a fairy aura." The Taoist priest squinted his eyes and said mysteriously.

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

When Xiao Jin heard this, he panicked in his heart, and quickly told the Taoist priest about the silver man. When the Taoist priest heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Young man, you silver man is a treasure, it can bring wealth, but it can also bring calamity. ”

Xiao Jin heard it and immediately complied. He put the silver man on the highest cabinet in the house, and kowtowed to incense every morning and evening. Strange to say, since then, the life of Xiaojin's family has become more and more prosperous, the crops in the field have grown stronger than anyone else, and the family has more and more livestock. People in the village said that the Xiaojin family was the ancestor of the accumulation of virtue, so that this silver man blessed. But one day, a bully suddenly came to the village, fell in love with Xiao Jin's land, and threatened Xiao Jin: "Boy, you sell this land to me, otherwise I will make your whole family unhappy!" When Xiao Jin heard this, he was furious in his heart, but he didn't dare to fight the bully. He could only go home, kowtow to the silver man, and beg for help. Coincidentally, that night, a fire suddenly broke out in the bully's house, which made him cry and call his mother. The next day, the bully left the village in disgrace and did not dare to come again. Everyone in the village said that it was the silver man of the Xiaojin family who appeared and drove the bully away.

The golden baby gets the silver, and the man gets rich, but he loses his life because of insatiable greed

Xiao Jin was grateful in his heart, and offered Yinren'er as the ancestor of the family. Just like that, another few decades passed, and Xiao Jin also became an old birthday star in the village. He told his grandson the story of the silver man and said to him, "Son, this silver man is a treasure that brings wealth and peace." But you have to remember, don't be insatiable, or you'll get into trouble. The grandson was also a wise child, and listened to his grandfather's words, and offered the silver man as a family heirloom, but never touched it. He knew that true wealth was not brought by any treasure, but by his own hands and that contented heart.

Hey, speaking of which, you should also understand that the wealth in this world is all thorny roses, which are beautiful and difficult to pick. We still have to live honestly and be content, that's true. The story of Jin Wa and Xiao Jin is over. Let's talk about something else interesting next time. Remember, listening to the story also knows that it is enough to be happy, don't be greedy and chew too much. Doesn't our Northeast dialect sound quite kind? See you next time!