
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic

author:Optimistic pie flying in the clouds
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic


Tasha Xing, Taoyuan Scenic Spot

Clear water and green mountains, peach blossoms flowing.

Red makeup and green leaves blow the face.

The fisherman's song sighs at sunset,

The white clouds flew over the river and the sky.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

The wild crane returns, and the ghost bird calls.

Most people live in the courtyard by the stream.

A few times drunk and lying in the moon,

I still remember homesickness in my dreams.

[Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks]

Linjiang Immortal Willow Bank Fresh Wind

The waves gently blow the Yang embankment,

The spring breeze blows green into yin.

The small bridge is deep in the water.

Where the willow silk is swaying, the swallow speaks a new bird.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

Remember that at this time of the year, hand in hand,

Meet in the same drunken flower forest.

Now it's back to love sincerely.

The old tour is like a dream, and the memories are warm when you look back.

[Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks]

Tasha Xing, Taoyuan Scenic Spot

The green fields are pink, and the green hills and willows are dark.

Quiet paths lead to flowers.

The spring breeze is smiling,

The warbler tactfully calls the branches.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

The clear water is leisurely, and the white clouds are roaming.

How glamorous people are on the line.

Come and visit the village house with wine,

The farmer drunk a thousand cups shallowly.

[Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks]

Linjiang Immortal Willow Bank Fresh Wind

Flying swallows in the air,

The light boat is rippling in the spring breeze.

The willow embankment is new and green.

Outside the small bridge and flowing water, the winding path falls into the flowers.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

What is the limit of a few melancholy,

I still vaguely remember the meeting.

And now the emaciated with whom?

Sending love to the grass, looking back at the sunset red.

[Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks] [Fireworks]

Linjiang Immortal Willow Bank Fresh Wind

The embankment is like snow,

Ten miles of fragrant lake pavilion.

Painting boats and yachts are clear.

The blue waves are wide in spring, and the willow waves and swallows are light.

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

A little leisurely and poetic,

Look at the sky from the railing.

Riverside fishing moon Huaming.

The sunset is reflected in the mountains, and the red shadow is affectionate.

The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic
The scenery of Taoyuan is picturesque, and the new wind of the willow bank is poetic