
I've found that by doing these 3 things every day, I can really write a counterattack in a year

author:Mom is growing

Hello, I'm Promise Mom, a second-child town mother who is determined to die from the media after being unemployed.

The People's Daily said:

If you want to grow, you have to be willing to work hard. The same thing may need to be done countless times to look at it with ease. When you start to settle down and hone your abilities, you can trust that everything will fall into place.

Halfway through 2024, how much has Lide Flag achieved at the beginning of the year?

In fact, we want to keep ourselves in place, if we are not talented and smart, as long as we are willing to work hard, we can still achieve our goals.

What others may do once, we need to do twice, three, or even more......

In fact, change is not as difficult as we think, it does not need to be supported by ambitious goals, and it does not require you to put in how hard you work.

As long as we stick to a few small movements every day and let these habits slowly form our muscle memory, it can be done as easily as waking up in the morning to brush our teeth and wash our face, without thinking.

Remember: do simple things repeatedly, do repeated things with your heart, and you are an expert.

I've found that by doing these 3 things every day, I can really write a counterattack in a year


Read 10 pages a day

Do you always feel like you're in a state of "intermittent complacency, constant eating and waiting for death"?

Then go read a book.

Herman. Hesse once said: No book in the world can bring you good luck, but they can make you quietly who you are.

2022 is at a low point, and my younger brother has just started kindergarten, and he originally decided to find a job to work, but because of his health, after a month of work, he can only be forced to resign.

At that time, I was really desperate, I didn't finish my work, and I was sick, and I felt that life was really meaningless.

To cheer myself up, I started reading like crazy.

I read more than 50 books, both in print and in e-books, that year.

  • Reading "Alive", I understood the meaning of living, what is this little suffering in front of me;
  • Reading "Life by Me", I was deeply inspired by Meyer's courage and perseverance;
  • Reading "Cognitive Awakening" gave me an understanding of some unknown concepts, and at the same time I was shocked;
  • Reading "The Courage to Be Hated" I learned to separate topics and no longer get tangled in doing things;
  • Reading "Meet the Unknown Self" I learned to explore inward


There are too many good books, and in the process of reading, my mind gradually became calmer, no longer anxious and confused, and at the same time, it also rekindled my enthusiasm and motivation for learning.

There is a saying: read a book, the world is in front of you, if you don't read, the world is in front of you.

No longer obsessed with the chicken feathers in front of you, but learn how to tie it into a beautiful feather duster.

Until now, I still have the habit of reading every day, I don't need to read much, just 10 pages a day, and the small habits are easier to stick to.

I've found that by doing these 3 things every day, I can really write a counterattack in a year


Read 3 good articles a day

In the era of information explosion, most of our time and energy every day will be attracted by some good and bad information, which feels very cool when brushing, but feels extremely empty after brushing.

At this time, we should consciously let ourselves not be invaded by those information and distract our attention.

My advice is to try to read some good articles that will not only fill our brains but also nourish our hearts at the same time.

Here are some high-quality public accounts that I usually read:

Insights, Ten O'Clock Reading, Books, One Book a Night, Book Lists, Franklin Book Club, Boys' Pie, Girls' Pie, Daily Douban, and more.

This kind of article generally has a high information density, which can not only provide us with new knowledge, broaden our horizons, but also enhance our logic.

In the process of reading, consciously mark and accumulate.

Like some good golden sentences, famous quotes, stories, opinions, etc., the use of fragmented time to the extreme will greatly increase our knowledge reserves, and we will be more comfortable in the process of writing.

I've found that by doing these 3 things every day, I can really write a counterattack in a year


Write 200 words a day

Teacher Tina has always said that the best way to learn is to close the loop between input and output.

If you just passively read, listen to books, receive external information, but never know how to output, then your cognitive thinking will have great limitations.

The purpose of our learning is to make what we have learned useful, not just to learn.

Some friends may say, will this be too utilitarian?

In fact, when there is positive feedback, it is easier for us to stick to one thing.

Maybe at the beginning we can't do a reasonable output, tell ourselves: finish first and then perfect.

Start with 200 words, don't care if the writing is good or not, just write your true thoughts, at least you're already on your way to action.

I am a good example, after losing my job in May, I decided to devote myself to self-media, and I felt rusty when I first started writing articles, scratching my ears and scratching my cheeks to write, and it took hours to write an article.

After last month's continuous daily changes, there is now a clear sense of progress.

If I keep writing for 50 days, 100 days, or 365 days, I will definitely have a greater improvement, and it may even change my life.

Writing is a skill, and it's all about patience and persistence.

I've found that by doing these 3 things every day, I can really write a counterattack in a year

Write at the end

As the old saying goes:

"No accumulation of steps, no thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas. ”

Don't underestimate the power of making a little progress every day, take every step steadily, even if the speed is a little slower, life will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.

If you want to change yourself through writing, then you might as well read 10 pages a day, read 3 good articles, write 200 words, and think as you read.

The accumulation of bits and pieces will eventually converge into a broad river that will take us to the other side of success.

Encourage everyone!


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I've found that by doing these 3 things every day, I can really write a counterattack in a year

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About the author:【Promise Mom】

A post-85 generation who focuses on personal growth and self-media dry goods

Write dehydrated dry goods with one hand, and gentle words with the other

A brave woman with two babies who is changing herself through writing

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