
Continuing the red blood and cultivating the feelings of love for the party - Meizhou Prison carried out a series of theme activities on July 1st

author:Sichuan culture of rule of law

On the occasion of the party's birthday, Meizhou Prison carried out a series of theme activities on July 1 to encourage the majority of party members and police workers to work hard and make new achievements.

Continuing the red blood and cultivating the feelings of love for the party - Meizhou Prison carried out a series of theme activities on July 1st

A party class to build a strong line of defense - Huang Jipei, secretary of the prison party committee and prison warden, gave a vivid party lesson to the party members and police on the scene with the title of "Holding the Ring Ruler and Not Exceeding the Rules, Loyalty, Cleanliness and Responsibility", starting from "Looking back on history, iron discipline escorts the party's cause to be stable and far-reaching; Looking at the present, it is urgent to make good use of the party's discipline; Looking forward to the future, the three aspects of "transforming compliance with rules and disciplines into consciousness in action" will be explained, and the party members and police in the prison will be guided to establish a strong sense of integrity, strengthen the performance of duties, and a serious life style, and use practical actions to promote the high-quality development of Meizhou Prison.

Continuing the red blood and cultivating the feelings of love for the party - Meizhou Prison carried out a series of theme activities on July 1st

Theme presentation

Four young party members successively focused on the four themes of "The Power of Loyalty", "Adhering to the Rule of Law and Morality, Practicing Fairness and Justice", "Raising the Sail of Self-Confidence, Walking the Road of Self-Confidence" and "Harmony and Beauty", expressing their infinite loyalty and love to the party, and showing the passionate and upward spirit of the prison police.

A group of commendations and encouragement - carry out the "two excellent and one first" commendation conference, commend the selected advanced party branches, outstanding party workers, and outstanding communist party members, and award honorary certificates to stimulate the passion and vitality of the party members and police staff officers in the whole prison to start a business.

Continuing the red blood and cultivating the feelings of love for the party - Meizhou Prison carried out a series of theme activities on July 1st

An oath to recall the original intention - the oath ceremony of joining the party was held, the secretary of the prison party committee took the oath, the preparatory party members took the oath to join the party, and the old party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and guided all party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the original mission, and work hard to take responsibility.

Continuing the red blood and cultivating the feelings of love for the party - Meizhou Prison carried out a series of theme activities on July 1st

A condolence and cohesion - the prison leadership team organized a condolence symposium for in-service party members, listened to the voices of party members, and solved practical problems. Carry out visits and condolences to retired party members and party members in difficulty, inquire about their lives and health conditions in detail, understand their current practical difficulties, and send them the care of the party organization and holiday blessings.

On the new journey, Meizhou Prison will adhere to the party's absolute leadership over prison work, maintain a high-spirited attitude of struggle, never slack off in the spirit of hard work, and strive to promote the modernization of prison work.

(Meizhou Prison)

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