
Wutongqiao Court carried out a series of activities to welcome "July 1st".

author:Sichuan culture of rule of law

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of party members to love the party and the country and start a business, the Wutongqiao Court carried out a series of activities to welcome the "July 1st" to further promote the great spirit of party building and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of cadres and police.

Wutongqiao Court carried out a series of activities to welcome "July 1st".

Carry out themed party day activities

Focusing on the theme of "True Learning, Practicing Party Spirit, Practicing Responsibility, and Practicing the Original Intention", each branch has carried out themed party day activities in various forms such as collective learning, party lectures by branch secretaries, and watching warning education films, so as to educate and guide the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, enhance their party spirit, and improve the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations.

Wutongqiao Court carried out a series of activities to welcome "July 1st".

Full coverage of education and training for party members

The Wutongqiao Court has carried out a variety of rotation training for Party members, educating and guiding Party members to continuously enhance their awareness of abiding by discipline and discipline, and improving their ability to use the Party's historical experience and innovative theories to guide practice and promote work.

Wu Wei, Secretary of the Party Group and Dean, gave a special party class with the theme of "Promoting the Comprehensive and Strict Governance of the Party and the Hospital in the Spirit of Self-Revolution".

Zhou Min, director of the case trial room of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, interpreted the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China".

Mu Qing, executive vice president of the Party School of the District Party Committee (District Administration School), carried out a concentrated lecture on the theme of "being prepared for danger in times of peace, unswervingly implementing the overall national security concept" for all party members.

Wutongqiao Court carried out a series of activities to welcome "July 1st".

Review the oath of joining the party

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members...... Under the leadership of Wu Wei, secretary of the party group and president, all party members solemnly swore to the party flag. The solemn oath resounded throughout the audience, which inspired the confidence and determination of party members to practice the oath of joining the party, and strengthened the courage and belief to fight for the party for life.

Wutongqiao Court carried out a series of activities to welcome "July 1st".

Youth Theory Study Group Study Seminar

The young cadres and police officers actively shared their learning experiences based on their personal thoughts and work practices.

Wu Wei, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the House of Representatives, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the young cadres and policemen for their important contributions to the development of the court, and put forward three expectations and suggestions for the work of young cadres and policemen: First, it is necessary to carry out the study of political theory, combine theory with practice, continuously strengthen self-construction, and achieve the effect of grasping both politics and business; The second is to establish the concept of lifelong learning, adhere to the problem-oriented, constantly develop thinking, strive to improve business ability, and exercise the broad shoulders and real ability of the officer through learning to solve the "skill panic"; The third is to have the courage to take on heavy responsibilities, strengthen party spirit education, enhance service skills, enthusiastically serve the people with the concept of "as I am suing", seek well-being for the people, and be the guardian of fair justice.

Through the launch of the "July 1st" series of activities, all party members have further enhanced their party spirit cultivation and sense of purpose, and the cadres and police have expressed that they will further remember the history of the party, keep in mind the oath of joining the party, enhance the awareness of party members, strengthen responsibility, have the courage to shoulder the mission, and constantly gather creativity and combat effectiveness, further build a solid foundation of faith, gather the strength to forge ahead, and practice the mission of justice for the people and fair justice with practical actions.

(Wutongqiao District People's Court)

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