
The party building of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital promotes co-construction and co-construction promotes development


On the road of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, party building work is undoubtedly a solid cornerstone for promoting the steady development of various undertakings. In order to strengthen the close ties between party organizations and deepen the connotation of party building work, on the afternoon of June 28, 2024, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sixian Maternal and Child Health Hospital jointly held a unique party building and co-construction activity.

The party building of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital promotes co-construction and co-construction promotes development
The party building of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital promotes co-construction and co-construction promotes development

The event was grandly launched in the party building activity room on the tenth floor of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and Sun Xia, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, led the meeting with an enthusiastic opening remarks. She emphasized the irreplaceability of party building in the development of hospitals, and pointed out its important role in promoting the progress of hospitals and improving the quality of medical services.

The party building of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital promotes co-construction and co-construction promotes development

Subsequently, Shen Zhiqiang, deputy chief physician and director of the Fifth Department of Encephalopathy of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave a vivid party lesson on the theme of "high-level construction of departments and departments under the guidance of party building". He introduced in detail how the hospital has strengthened internal management, improved medical standards, volunteer service, scientific research and education, and optimized service processes under the leadership of party building, which resonated with the party members present. Everyone said that they should apply what they have learned to practical work and contribute to the development of the hospital.

The party building of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital promotes co-construction and co-construction promotes development
The party building of Si County Maternal and Child Health Hospital promotes co-construction and co-construction promotes development

In addition, the event also arranged a visit to the martyrs' cemetery. In front of the solemn martyrs' tombs, everyone remembered the martyrs who bravely sacrificed their lives for the country and the people with reverence. In particular, she expressed her high respect to Li Yuehua, a model of doctors, and her deeds inspired everyone to always keep in mind the mission of benevolence of doctors and contribute their own strength to the cause of people's health.

Looking back on the cooperation with the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sixian Maternal and Child Health Hospital is deeply honored. Since the establishment of the medical alliance, your hospital has given endless care and guidance to the hospital in terms of technology improvement and talent training. Your hospital's abundant medical resources and professional team provide a steady stream of motivation for the hospital. Regular expert consultations, remote consultations, case studies and other activities have enabled the hospital's TCM doctor team to make significant progress in medical technology and diagnosis and treatment level, so that local patients can enjoy provincial medical services at their doorstep, and at the same time, it has also enhanced the reputation and image of Sixian Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

This co-construction activity opened a new chapter in the in-depth cooperation between the two institutes. Through joint learning and exchanges, Sixian Maternal and Child Health Hospital has absorbed the wisdom of your hospital in party building work, and also promoted the deep integration of medical technology and management. Sixian Maternal and Child Health Hospital is convinced that the two sides will go hand in hand, and the fruits of cooperation will be more abundant, and jointly write a new chapter for the health of the people.

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