
Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

author:Mickey is back
Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them


"There will be no gifts for the holidays this year, and there will be brain platinum for gifts."

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

Such a brainwashing advertising slogan, at that time, many elderly people were excited, and they bought a whole box as soon as they bought it.

However, after eating, I found that it was useless at all, and it was purely an "IQ tax".

So, let's take a look at the 5 health supplements that have been blown on the "altar", have you eaten them?

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

The legend of "Brain Platinum".

When it comes to brain platinum, the first thing that comes to most people's minds is its advertisement.

This brainwashing advertising slogan is a classic marketing case in the advertising industry.

But many people have a misunderstanding, when analyzing the brain platinum advertisement, they all think that brain platinum can be successful, because it is defined as a holiday gift, coupled with brainwashing words to strengthen everyone's impression, will make people think of brain platinum as soon as they arrive at the festival.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

In fact, the "brain platinum" for consumer psychology is far more than that.

In the late 90s, Brain Platinum appeared, and it made an overwhelming publicity in the newspapers, but at first it was not talking about Brain Platinum, but about "Brain Platinum".

In various advertorials, the platinum body is an organ, and the platinum has become the secretion of the platinum body.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

This is completely a change of concept, a serious nonsense.

But in habitual thinking, what's wrong with the thing secreted by the platinum body?

Many people don't check any information at all, and subjectively believe in "brain platinum".

Many consumers feel very proud of the new term platinum, and its main marketing function is to help sleep and improve the intestines.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But if you look closely at the ingredient list of brain platinum, you will find that it is the melatonin we traditionally eat.

This brings us to Shi Yuzhu's cleverness, he knew from the beginning that he had to come up with a new "concept" to fool consumers into paying for his products.

Therefore, for this concept, Shi Yuzhu has made a lot of efforts, and published advertorials in many authoritative media, such as: "Astronauts Take "Brain Platinum"", "Two Biological Atomic Bombs", "Top Ten Global Technologies" and so on.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

This "Top Ten Technologies in the World", except for the brain platinum is fake, everything else is true.

You see, it's an astronaut and an atomic bomb, it's full of science and technology, who doesn't believe in science?

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

And these promotions are all before the brain platinum is sold on the market, to fill the expectations of consumers, and sure enough, once it is listed, it has sold 100 million sales in a year.

However, compared with the same melatonin, the price of brain platinum is really not cheap, and a box of brain platinum can only be eaten for 10 days.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But for the same melatonin, 120 tablets are no more than 100. The cost of melatonin, if you are interested, you can check it, you will know how profitable Brain Platinum is.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

Nowadays, information is widely disseminated, and the true face of brain platinum is exposed, but without the support of real technology, it still falls off the altar.

Life One

The "Life No. 1" in the 90s was a "miracle drug" that swept the entire student world.

Its main effects are to improve memory, promote bone growth, and improve immunity.

This child is the heart of parents, as soon as they heard that this product can "replenish the brain", parents can't help but be moved, and have bought it, hoping to rely on this product to make their children become "prodigies".

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But after a long time, the true face of Life No. 1 was revealed.

This health care product is not harmful to the human body, but its efficacy is too exaggerated.

According to the ingredient list, there are about 6 types of nutrients.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

The first is the American EN-SURE, which sounds a bit lofty, but it is essentially a smoothie in the American supermarket, which is high in protein and calories and can help you gain weight.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

The second type is the Japanese ED-AC (Elemental Diet), which is said to be a nutritional product developed by Japan for Asian people.

But in fact, there is no research in major academic research journals and scientific databases.


Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But this is something that already exists in the brain and nerves, and if it is not lacking, it does not need to be supplemented.

The fourth is TAURINE (taurine), which fitness people should know very well, and many sports energy drinks have its ingredients. Maybe it's because this liquid has a refreshing effect.


The last one is the deep-sea animal extract, commonly known as brain gold liquid.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

Regarding this point, many people have a misunderstanding that fish oil must be supplemented by health supplements.

Although the above 6 nutrients have the effect of supplementing nutrition for the body, in fact, as long as you eat enough nutrients required by the human body every day, you do not need to drink health products to supplement them.

And about the price of Life No. 1, a box costs more than 50 yuan, and it may be better to eat some fish with this money.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence

In 1993, it was a popular product.

The reason is that the spokesperson of the Chinese turtle essence is Ma Junren, the coach who led the national team to participate in the World Athletics Championships in 1993.

Ma Junren replied directly: "Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence, we often drink Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence." ”

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

This supplement focuses on physical fitness, but also improves intelligence, and is suitable for people of all ages.

What's more, Ma Junren personally promoted it, and the players of the national team were drinking, which is particularly credible.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But no one could have imagined that a nutritional product claimed to be made with Wang Ba blood could not be seen in its processing plant.

In an episode of "Focus Interview", the reporter investigated this health care product in depth and found that its raw materials were only sugar, and it was extremely ordinary brown sugar water.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

For a while, it aroused the anger of consumers, but in the face of questions from the media, Ma Junren did not make any response.

Fortunately, the truth was exposed, and consumers did not continue to be deceived even more, and this time it also sounded the alarm for consumers.

Ant Power God

"Ant Power God, who uses it knows!"

Back then, Zhao Benshan's magical advertising words were really popular for half the sky, as long as you watch TV, it will appear.

And this aphrodisiac product called Ant Power God was once called "China's No. 1 miracle drug". ”

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But behind it, there is a huge scam.

Wang Fengyou, the founder of Ant Power God, was a very business-minded person, and there was a health boom in the 90s at that time.

Many people have started to buy ginseng and goji berries in the hope of having a strong body.

After Wang Fengyou saw it, he felt that this was a huge market, and he found another way, making common items without gimmicks, and he had to use something that people would not think of in their daily lives - ants.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

Under the guise of being able to solve the unspeakable secrets of men, the medicinal liquor he made was quickly sold out.

But at that time, the logistics were inconvenient, and many friends from other places also wanted to buy medicinal wine, what should I do?

So, he came up with a good way to make a capsule, which is the god of ant power.

The most resentful thing is that Wang Fengyou actually harmed the peasants and launched a "ant breeding" activity, asking for a deposit of 10,000 yuan, but the ants were raised and no one accepted them.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

The scam was finally revealed, and in 2007, the company went bankrupt, Wang Fengyou was imprisoned, and the 1.2 million migrant workers lost their money.

There is no scientific evidence for ant soaking in wine that it can aphrodisiac. According to the monitoring of the professional evaluation team, Antlishen is highly suspected of illegally adding sildenafil, so this drug is not only not good for the body, but also harmful.

Hongmao medicinal wine

I don't know Hongmao medicinal wine, have you ever heard of it, this is a health care product that makes the elderly crazy to repurchase.

The function of Hongmao medicinal wine is to treat the "deficiency of qi and blood", people are always unable to do it when they are old, especially some old people do not accept old age, the appearance of this medicinal wine has solved the anxiety of many elderly people.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

The most important thing is that the publicity of this medicinal wine is also very strong, with a lot of advertisements invested, and it is often in the prime time of the show.

The publicity is in place, the effect is good, the elderly have placed orders, and Hongmao Medicinal Liquor has become a leader in the health care products industry.

also invited the famous actor Chen Baoguo to endorse, and its promotional slogan is even more exciting: "Two mouthfuls a day, all diseases will slip away".

With such a marketing method, 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

But the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and this kind of product that has no real thing by marketing will not be able to withstand inspection in the end.

In 2017, an article titled "Chinese Divine Liquor Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, Poison from Heaven" appeared on the hot search list, exposing the authenticity of the health care function of Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, which caused an uproar.

Consumers who have been drinking medicinal liquor for many years have also begun to question whether it is really so miraculous that it can drive away all diseases.

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

In the end, in the midst of the public's doubts, this Hongmao medicinal wine fell off the altar.


No matter what kind of health supplement it is, it is not a medicine and has no effect on treating diseases.

Among the many health products, it can only provide the human body with daily trace elements and vitamins.

If you want to have a good body, you should maintain a normal schedule, exercise more, and have a balanced diet.

Information sources:

Modern Marketing & Business Edition 2017 Issue 09 "Do you really think that brain platinum is made by advertising? 》

Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them
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Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them
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Pit people! The 5 major health products that have fallen from the altar are all proper IQ taxes, so don't buy them

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