
Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

author:Legendary Iron Pot

Bloody Legend: Wolong Villa, the ultimate medal of super strength and silence, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives!


Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

This version of the ultimate medal is more fierce, not only has set attributes, but also hidden attributes (attack speed, attack vampire, monster cutting) + exclusive attributes (experience bonus, own life) and divine attributes (character attack, monster fighting explosion rate), and [Silent Aura]: Chance to freeze the target 2S!

Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

The core points of this release are as follows:

1. Weapon luck drink to 12 characters 2 turn 2 continent chop melons and vegetables

2. How high can the explosion rate be

3. Floors 1-5 of the Scripture Pavilion, every NPC must be understood in the early stage

4. Necklace gems give priority to playing luck and health, attack power

The rest is all the tandem plots of the 2 continents, complete, do the title of Dionysus and fight the big boss to blast the ultimate!

Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

The entire legendary chronicle, telling the 20-year history of the development of the bloody legend, this gameplay as a whole is more retro, there are many plots that are very nostalgic, and it also contains some innovative content, which is indeed a relatively rare version that integrates more! You can see the game's guide here in the NPC~

Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

The monsters that subdue the demon are randomly brushed on the various maps of the environmental route, including branches, dungeons, etc. (8 hours to brush a wave) are all super bosses of this server, everyone has a chance to kill, not only can you get the Medal of Honor, but also have the opportunity to directly explode the ultimate equipment!

This version is basically all upgraded, reincarnated under the map, the map is fully open, and the gameplay of demon slaying provides every player with space to chase their dreams!

Demon Suppression Bo A, B, C: The world is in chaos, killing gods and demons, the gate of the peach source Ice and Snow World, the underground mausoleum, the thirteenth floor of the evil capital and other classic legendary maps + plot bosses reappear!

Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

There is a display of dream-chasing artifacts in the city: ruby ring, demon blood bracelet, flame dragon helmet, great health care, one-knife ninety-nine-nine, lucky explosion, record stone, spirit potion, metamorphosis boar skin, demon hunting jar, blade of fate, heavenly dragon, draw Huazi, cornucopia, these are all dream-chasing artifacts, and the limited-time rewards are quite high!

Legend of Blood: The ultimate medal of silence of the super strong self, the ultimate equipment of demon subjugation gameplay, and a lot of exclusives

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