
The son of a well-known actor entered Peking University and caused controversy: the high-level athlete selection puzzle behind scoring 0 points in many games

author:Thinking about the media

The son of a well-known actor entered Peking University and caused controversy: the high-level athlete selection puzzle behind scoring 0 points in many games

Recently, in the list of qualified candidates for the 2024 high-level athlete special test announced by Peking University, a boy from Beijing No. 4 Middle School quickly became the focus of public opinion because of his mother's status as a well-known actor and his record of scoring 0 in many games on the field. This incident not only touched the public's sensitive nerves about the fairness and justice of college entrance examination admission, but also triggered a wide discussion on athlete qualification certification and college admissions system.

The son of a well-known actor entered Peking University and caused controversy: the high-level athlete selection puzzle behind scoring 0 points in many games

According to reports, the boy successfully won the favor of Peking University by virtue of his status as a national first-class athlete. However, netizens combed through his game records and found that the boy had limited playing time in many games, and his score was even rarer, and there were even many cases where the score was 0. This anomaly immediately raised questions from the public: Is his first-class athlete qualification genuine? Is there a possibility of black-box operation?

The son of a well-known actor entered Peking University and caused controversy: the high-level athlete selection puzzle behind scoring 0 points in many games

In the face of the surging public opinion, some bloggers pointed out that there is indeed a possibility in the "Basketball Player Technical Grade Standards", that is, as long as the school team ranks in the national competition, even if the team members do not play, they may also win the title of national first-class athletes. This provision undoubtedly provides a certain degree of "theoretical support" for the doubters, making the whole matter even more confusing.

The son of a well-known actor entered Peking University and caused controversy: the high-level athlete selection puzzle behind scoring 0 points in many games

However, industry insiders have a different view. They believe that scoring alone does not fully judge the actual level and contribution of a basketball player. In the team sport of basketball, defense, rebounding, steals and other elements are also indispensable. Although the boy did not score much, he reportedly played a team-high 19 rebounds and 12 steals in overtime for the fourth in a game. These stats undoubtedly prove his importance and value on the pitch.

In fact, since the implementation of the high-level sports team training mechanism in 1987, it has indeed cultivated a number of outstanding sports talents and world champions for the mainland. However, with the passage of time and the development of society, this mechanism has gradually exposed some problems, such as the low quality of students, the prominent contradictions in academic training, and the low performance of cultural courses. These problems not only affect the all-round development of athletes, but also have a negative impact on the quality and reputation of education and teaching in universities.

The son of a well-known actor entered Peking University and caused controversy: the high-level athlete selection puzzle behind scoring 0 points in many games

Therefore, the handling and response to this incident is not only a review of the boy's personal qualifications, but also a test and reflection on the entire high-level sports team enrollment system. We hope that the relevant departments will handle this matter fairly and openly, and give the public a satisfactory answer. At the same time, we also hope that colleges and universities can further improve the enrollment system, strengthen the comprehensive quality training of athletes, and contribute more to the sustainable development of sports in the mainland.

Source: Comprehensive Jimu News, Dahe Daily and other media reports

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