
The air conditioner was not washed for half a year, and the man almost died! Don't let a dirty air conditioner ruin your lungs

author:Thinking about the media

The air conditioner was not washed for half a year, and the man almost died! Don't let a dirty air conditioner ruin your lungs

The air conditioner was not washed for half a year, and the man almost died! Don't let a dirty air conditioner ruin your lungs

The shrill siren pierced the tranquility of Fuzhou's summer. An ambulance sped by, and inside lay a middle-aged man who was struggling to breathe. Who would have thought that the source of this life crisis was an air conditioner at home that had not been cleaned for a long time.

The air conditioner was not washed for half a year, and the man almost died! Don't let a dirty air conditioner ruin your lungs

The incident took place in June 2024 in an ordinary community in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. It not only affects the fate of a family, but also sounded the alarm for the whole society. What kind of potential threats are hidden in the home appliances we are accustomed to?

When the ambulance roared into the hospital's emergency room, doctors immediately began to provide emergency treatment. In the ward, the hum of the ventilator is intertwined with the ticking of the ECG monitor, as if counting down to life. This battle with death stems from an ordinary family negligence.

The air conditioner was not washed for half a year, and the man almost died! Don't let a dirty air conditioner ruin your lungs

"Legionella pneumophila infection is a very serious respiratory disease." Doctor Wang Li (pseudonym) explains, "This bacterium is usually found in water and humid environments, such as air conditioning systems and water heaters. If these devices are left uncleaned for a long time, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria. ”

After further investigation, the doctors found that the air conditioner in Li Ming's home had not been cleaned for more than half a year. During this time, large amounts of dust, mites, and mold accumulate inside the air conditioner, providing an ideal environment for the growth of Legionella pneumophila.

"Air conditioning may seem like a simple appliance, but it's actually an important channel connecting indoor and outdoor environments." As one environmental health expert points out, "If not cleaned in time, it can become a petri dish for microorganisms, transporting harmful substances into our living spaces." ”

This case is not unique. According to statistics, there are countless health problems caused by improper use of air conditioners every year. From mild allergic reactions to severe respiratory illnesses, these potential threats are all around us, but most people don't realize their seriousness.

This incident has also aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. Many experts have called for greater public education on the use and maintenance of household appliances. Some communities have even started organizing voluntary air-conditioning cleaning activities to help families who may have overlooked. "Prevention is always easier and more economical than cure." "Regular cleaning of air conditioners not only prevents diseases, but also improves the efficiency of air conditioners and saves energy. It's a good habit to kill multiple birds with one stone. ”

Experts recommend that your air conditioner should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected at least once a year, especially at the turn of the seasons. day

This summer, as we enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner, we might as well stop and think: Do we really understand these modern devices that we rely on? Are we doing our part to ensure that they don't become potential health killers?

Source: Comprehensive Pentium Financial Media The first - gang gang and other media reports

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity, etc

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