
A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

author:Thinking about the media

A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

A sudden exclamation broke the solemn graduation ceremony. At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and everyone's eyes were focused on the figure waving his fist. On June 19, 2024, at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University Law School, a shocking scene was unfolding.

A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

What was supposed to be a day of joy and hope was overshadowed by the out-of-control behavior of one student. What kind of contradictions and emotions can make a lawyer who is about to enter society make such an outrageous move? Why is there such a harrowing conflict at this time that marks an important turning point in life?

The moment the fist fell, it was not only a top hat that was knocked to the ground, but also a serious blow to the dignity of the education community and the relationship between teachers and students. This incident is like a mirror, reflecting the various problems hidden in contemporary higher education.

A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

In the auditorium, there was silence. The teachers on the stage endured their astonishment and pain, and struggled to keep the ceremony going. The students in the audience looked at each other, unable to believe what was happening in front of them. The summer sun poured through the windows in the auditorium, and what should have been supposed to be a warm and joyful atmosphere was now filled with an indescribable heaviness. The graduates were dressed in bachelor's gowns and holding flowers, which should have been the most brilliant moment of youth, but because of this sudden change, everyone fell into deep confusion and reflection.

A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

The time goes back a few hours before the incident. Xia Moumou, a student about to graduate from Fudan University Law School, was standing in front of the mirror in the dormitory and sorting out his clothes. His eyes revealed mixed emotions, including the reluctance to say goodbye to the campus, as well as the confusion and anxiety about the future. No one would have thought that this seemingly ordinary young man was about to make a decision that would change the trajectory of his life a few hours later.

Before the graduation ceremony began, Xia Moumou and his classmates lined up to enter. There was nothing unusual on his face, and he even talked softly with the classmates around him, reminiscing about the bits and pieces of the past four years. However, deep down in his heart, a storm was brewing. The pressures, frustrations, and uncertainties about the future that have accumulated over the years are like a volcano about to erupt.

A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

When the dean announced the official opening of the ceremony, the auditorium burst into applause. Xia Moumou mechanically followed everyone's movements, but his eyes always stayed on the professor on the rostrum. That's his mentor, the one who used to give him harsh criticism. At this moment, all the grievances and unwillingness seem to have found an outlet for venting.

The degree conferment ceremony began. When Xia's name was called, he slowly walked onto the stage. Just when everyone thought that he would accept his degree and shake hands with his teacher, just as everyone else would do, the unexpected happened. He suddenly raised his fist and struck at the professor. The entire auditorium was instantly thrown into chaos.

This scene was recorded in its entirety by cameras at the scene. The video went viral online, sparking widespread discussion and criticism. People can't understand why a college student, who is about to become a lawyer, would commit such an illegal act.

Immediately after the incident, Fudan University launched an investigation process. An emergency meeting was held to discuss how to deal with this serious incident. At the same time, the police also intervened in the investigation to ensure that the incident was handled fairly.

A shocking scene in the education sector: the Fudan graduation ceremony became the scene of a conflict, the police intervened, and the school severely punished it

On July 2, Fudan University Law School finally issued an official statement. The statement said that this was a "serious incident that deliberately undermined the order of education and teaching, and the impact was extremely bad." According to the results of the investigation and relevant regulations, the school decided to expel Xia Moumou. At the same time, the public security organs also imposed a penalty of public security detention on him.

Source: Comprehensive Xinhuanet Jiupai News and other media reports

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity, etc

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