
Chengguan District Property Violence Law Enforcement? Chen has just been detained for seven days, and the police have strictly investigated the property chaos

author:Thinking about the media

Chengguan District Property Violence Law Enforcement? Chen has just been detained for seven days, and the police have strictly investigated the property chaos

In Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, a conflict between a property employee and a delivery worker has recently become the focus of heated public discussion. At noon on June 29, a video spread quickly on the Internet, in which Chen Mougang, a property employee of the Asia-Pacific Oriental Constellation Community, was holding an electric baton and threatening the delivery man, which not only shocked witnesses at the scene, but also quickly sparked widespread discussion and condemnation on the Internet.

Chengguan District Property Violence Law Enforcement? Chen has just been detained for seven days, and the police have strictly investigated the property chaos

According to the official notice issued by the Chengguan Branch of the Lanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, at around 13 o'clock that day, Chen Mougang, a property employee of the community, had a fierce dispute over preventing takeaway workers from entering the community while performing daily management work. In the course of the dispute, Chen Mougang lost control of his emotions and even took out the clear law of electric batons, which also greatly damaged the image of the property company and posed a potential threat to social order.

Chengguan District Property Violence Law Enforcement? Chen has just been detained for seven days, and the police have strictly investigated the property chaos

After receiving the report, the police quickly intervened in the investigation, and in accordance with the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations, Chen Mougang's illegal acts were seriously dealt with. The circular clearly pointed out that Chen Mougang was sentenced to seven days of administrative detention in accordance with the law on suspicion of illegally possessing and using police equipment (electric shock devices). This decision not only reflects the police's zero-tolerance attitude towards illegal acts, but also sends a clear signal to the whole society that no one should under any circumstances go beyond the boundaries of the law and use violence or threats to solve problems.

Chengguan District Property Violence Law Enforcement? Chen has just been detained for seven days, and the police have strictly investigated the property chaos

At the same time, the police also said that further in-depth investigation will be carried out on the unit involved, the property management company of the Asia-Pacific Oriental Constellation Community, and other relevant personnel who may be involved. The purpose of this measure is to comprehensively investigate the truth, clarify the attribution of responsibility, and deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations based on the results of the investigation. The police stressed that both individuals and units must strictly abide by laws and regulations, earnestly fulfill their social responsibilities, and jointly maintain good social order and public safety.

This incident has also triggered a deep reflection on the norms and supervision of the property management industry from all walks of life. As an important force in serving residents and maintaining community order, property management companies and their employees should have a high degree of legal awareness and professionalism, and deal with various problems in a legal, reasonable and civilized manner. The relevant regulatory authorities should also strengthen the daily supervision and guidance of property companies, establish and improve industry norms and reward and punishment mechanisms, and ensure the healthy and orderly development of the property management industry.

Source: Comprehensive Guangdong News Channel · Shandong Legal News and other media reports

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity, etc

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