
Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and a two-sided life in the shadow of the murder

author:Thinking about the media

Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and the truth is embarrassing

A terrible scream pierced the night sky, waking up the tranquility of Jiangkou Town, Yingshang County, Anhui Province. On that dark night in 1996, a horrific murder occurred quietly, and 17-year-old Gao Hui closed his eyes forever. The scene of the crime was left in a mess, but the murderer had fled. Who would have thought that this would be the beginning of a 16-year hunt for the murderer?

The wheels of justice, though slow, never stop moving. In this long pursuit, we will witness the complexity of human nature, the deterrence of the law, and the moment when the truth is revealed. When the dust settles, we can't help but ask: what price did everyone pay in this tragedy?

The night was falling, and the sound of sirens pierced the silence. A middle-aged woman stood in the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau, her eyes flickering, as if she was recalling a dusty past. What kind of secret is this woman called "Liu Li" hiding?

Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and a two-sided life in the shadow of the murder

In Guangdong in 2012, an elaborate "chance encounter" was being staged. Years of hard work by the police are about to take a turn for the better, and this seemingly ordinary day will completely change the fate of many people.

It was an ordinary morning, and the sun was shining through the curtains on Liu Li's desk. As an executive at a fine jewelry company, she is making final preparations for an important upcoming conference. With her graceful demeanor and confident smile, there was no indication that this was a fugitive who had committed a serious crime.

However, the gears of fate have begun to turn. Just as Liu Li was immersed in the success of her career, a phone call from the Public Security Bureau shattered the peaceful life she had carefully maintained. "Ms. Liu, someone reported that you had a dispute with a customer, please come to the Public Security Bureau to assist in the investigation." Liu Li's heart sank, but she still pretended to be calm and agreed.

The moment she walked into the interrogation room, Liu Li's heart was full of uneasiness. She tried to remember if there had been any suspicious behavior recently, but she couldn't think of any arguments. Just as she was secretly speculating, a name she thought she would never hear again suddenly sounded in her ears: "Li Conglan." ”

These three words were like a thunderbolt, instantly shattering Liu Li's carefully constructed disguise. She jerked her head back, the expression on her face changing from confusion to horror to despair. It's been 16 years and no one has ever called her that. At this moment, the police finally confirmed that Liu Li in front of them was the murder suspect who had been absconding for 16 years - Li Conglan.

Back in 1996, Li Conglan was still the proprietress of a billiard hall in a small town. At that time, she had a son with her husband Li Yusan and lived a seemingly ordinary life. However, fate took a dramatic turn when she met 17-year-old Gao Hui.

Gao Hui is a student at a nearby school and often comes to the billiards hall to play. He is smart, hardworking and kind, and often takes the initiative to help Li Conglan take care of the billiard hall. The two fell in love for a long time and gradually developed an indecent love. This relationship soon became the talk of the town, and Li Conglan's life fell into the whirlpool of public opinion.

At this moment, Li Yusan, who had been working outside for a long time, suddenly came back from Beijing. Faced with his wife's betrayal and Gao Hui's provocation, Li Yusan fell into extreme anger and shame. Gao Hui's youthful frivolity added fuel to the fire, and the contradiction between the two escalated rapidly.

Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and a two-sided life in the shadow of the murder

The turning point of events took place on a rainy night. Gao Hui threatened the safety of Li Conglan's son and forced her to elope with him. Li Conglan, who was in a desperate situation, asked her husband Li Yusan for help in fear and helplessness. This decision eventually led to an irreparable tragedy.

That night, Li Yusan sneaked into the hotel where Gao Hui was and hid behind the curtains. While waiting, his heart was full of contradictions and struggles. On the one hand, he was angry at his wife's betrayal; On the other hand, he was terrified of what he was about to do. When Gao Hui returned to his room and fell asleep, Li Yusan finally made up his mind and slammed Gao Hui's head with a blunt object.

Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and a two-sided life in the shadow of the murder

Li Conglan witnessed the whole process, she was terrified, but in order to advance and retreat with her husband, she could only tremble and step forward to help. Eventually, Gao Hui died of suffocation. The couple put the body in a white bag and abandoned it in the field, then fled the town overnight.

From that moment on, Li Conglan and Li Yusan's lives changed completely. They traveled from place to place, living in never-ending fear and bickering. Eventually, they decided to go their separate ways and no longer contact each other. Li Conglan, alias Liu Li, started a new life in Guangdong; And Li Yusan disappeared in the vast sea of people.

The police never gave up the investigation, but the case was at an impasse. It wasn't until 2012 that an important clue surfaced - Li Conglan had contacted her family as "Liu Li". Through ID photo comparison and in-depth investigation, the police found that this "Liu Li" had already lived an enviable life in Guangdong: a high-end jewelry company executive, married to a civil servant, and had a son.

In order to confirm Liu Li's true identity, the police carefully designed a trap. Li Conglan's reaction when she heard her former name had already revealed her true identity. In the face of ironclad evidence, Li Conglan finally admitted her crime, but emphasized that she only played an auxiliary role in the murder of Gao Hui.

At the end of 2013, the Intermediate People's Court of Fuyang City, Anhui Province, sentenced Li Conglan to 15 years in prison for intentional homicide. Although Gao Hui's family was dissatisfied with the verdict, Li Conglan's sentence was eventually reduced to nine years in the second trial. Li Conglan's arrest gave the police new hope for finding Li Yusan. However, Li Yusan seems to have disappeared without a trace. It wasn't until 2016 that a new portrait comparison system helped the police find a breakthrough. The system shows that a successful businessman named Lu Cihong is highly similar to Li Yusan.

After careful investigation, the police finally found this "Lu Cihong" in Hefei. In the face of strong evidence, he admitted that he was Li Yusan. He gave a detailed account of the process of murdering Gao Hui back then, and said that Li Conglan was indeed only forced to assist afterwards, and did not conspire in advance.

In December 2016, the Intermediate People's Court of Fuyang City, Anhui Province, sentenced Li Yusan to death with a two-year reprieve, for intentional homicide. Considering the particularity of the case and Li Yusan's expression of remorse, the court finally decided to give a lighter punishment. During the trial, Li Yusan repeatedly expressed deep remorse. His tears flowed freely in the courtroom, telling about his longing for his son and regret for life. He hopes that people will learn from his experience and avoid ruining their own lives and those of others on the spur of the moment.

This case, which spanned 20 years, finally came to an end in 2016. Li Conglan and Li Yusan's fugitive careers also came to an end in this righteous pursuit. Their story is undoubtedly a huge warning: cherish family harmony, maintain rationality, and avoid irreparable tragedy caused by impulse.

Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and a two-sided life in the shadow of the murder

Looking back on this long process of chasing the culprit, we can't help but sigh at the deterrent power of the law and the power of justice. Although the pace of justice may seem slow, it never stops advancing. The detection of this case has not only brought some comfort to the victim's family, but also sent an important message to the whole society: the legal net has been restored, and negligence has not been missed.

Executive turned fugitive: 16 years of secret escape was finally caught, and a two-sided life in the shadow of the murder

However, while we are relieved that justice has been served, we also have to reflect: how can we prevent similar tragedies from happening again? How to be rational in the face of emotional disputes? How can we build healthier relationships in society? These questions are worthy of our deep consideration.

The cases of Li Conglan and Li Yusan are like a mirror, reflecting the complexity of human nature and the fragility of social relations. It reminds us that everyone should take responsibility for their actions, cherish the happiness in front of them, and resolve conflicts with reason and love. Only in this way can we build a more harmonious and safe society together.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. The final resolution of this case is not only a victory for the law, but also a victory for the moral conscience of the entire society. It tells us that no matter how hidden the crime is, how long time passes, the truth will eventually come to light. Let us cherish life together, stay away from violence, and build a better world with love and understanding.

Source: Comprehensive Chenguang News, Surging News and other media reports

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity, etc

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