
The diplomats were shocked, the allies were dumbfounded! Biden was "dissuaded". Trump reaped the benefits

author:Dynasty Fengyun 1
The diplomats were shocked, the allies were dumbfounded! Biden was "dissuaded". Trump reaped the benefits

The diplomats were shocked, the allies were dumbfounded! Biden was "dissuaded". Trump reaped the benefits.

I never expected that the first TV debate on June 27 would cause such a big storm!

President Joe Biden "defeated Trump" in a televised debate. It is not an exaggeration to use "sad" and "heartbroken" to describe the mixed emotions of the Democratic Party at this moment.

Now, the Democrats are considering: What to save you? Our candidate old Biden!

The foreign press smelled something unusual. The Financial Times said that "the Democrats panicked", and the Guardian directly declared that "Biden ended in a fiasco"!

On June 28, the Bloomberg News website reported that the Poles openly said what many Europeans dare not say out loud: Biden should know when to withdraw!

This seems to represent the cry of the Europeans.

The Australian media made it clear that they expressed their views. This means that if you weren't optimistic about Trump before, then you should be ready for him to move into the White House again after this televised debate!

The diplomats were shocked, the allies were dumbfounded! Biden was "dissuaded". Trump reaped the benefits

Biden's performance was so bad that Western diplomats said they were "hard to watch" the televised debate. They are shocked and concerned that if Trump is re-elected president, it could upend the foreign policy status quo. The prevailing view is that Trump's comeback is the last thing most European leaders want to see.

Still, Democrats are running out of options. In addition to "persuasion", it seems that there is no good compromise solution. The media calls for Biden to withdraw are getting louder, and the Democrats are in a dilemma. Biden's withdrawal from the election means a "failure" of the preliminary work, and Biden's persistence could lead to an outright failure.

At this time, Biden's old rival Trump sat firmly in the Diaoyutai platform.

On June 29, CNN's website reported that Trump often told his fans that he was going to win big and win until he got tired of it.

Now, too, Democrats, have to admit that Trump's boast has become a reality.

The diplomats were shocked, the allies were dumbfounded! Biden was "dissuaded". Trump reaped the benefits

Trump has not only won unprecedented cheers in public opinion, but also a favorable ruling in the judicial arena. The U.S. Supreme Court held that the Justice Department's decision to sue the perpetrators of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot on Capitol Hill was ultra vires. The Supreme Court's ruling is tantamount to vindicating Trump's "Capitol Hill incident". Apparently this is a "big win".

For the "complacent" Trump and the "disgraced" old Biden, which one do you like?


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