
The two families broke up, and Duterte declared war for China? This is saving the Philippines

The two families broke up, and Duterte declared war for China? This is saving the Philippines

China welcomes the Philippine side's hearing on the US smearing of Chinese vaccines. And behind this hearing, it actually reflects the determination of an 80-year-old veteran to save the country! That's Duterte.

Why is this hearing promoted by Duterte? First of all, in the current delicate context of China-Philippines relations, a hearing aimed at the United States aimed at clarifying the truth about China's vaccines is unlikely to be promoted by Marcos Jr. on his own initiative. Romualdez, the Philippine ambassador to the United States, has also publicly threatened China in recent days, claiming that the Philippines may allow the United States to use bases in the Philippines if a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait. This remark undoubtedly reflects the Marcos Jr. administration's delicate stance between China and the United States.

The two families broke up, and Duterte declared war for China? This is saving the Philippines

It is unclear when Romualdez became Philippine ambassador to the United States, but he was first mentioned in October 2022, while Marcos Jr. was sworn in on June 30, 2022. As a traditional ally of the United States, such an important post as the Philippine ambassador to the United States, even if it is not directly appointed by Marcos Jr., will inevitably be recognized by him. Romualdez's threatening remarks are directly related to Marcos Jr.'s China policy.

Combined with the current political situation in the Philippines and Duterte's increasingly active figure and actions, this hearing is absolutely inseparable from Duterte. Duterte, 79, has reached a peak of dissatisfaction with the Marcos Jr. government, and members of his family are taking action in the political arena. Duterte's daughter, Sarah, has stepped out of Marcos Jr.'s cabinet, retaining only the vice presidency and revealed that Duterte will bring her older brother and younger brother to the Senate election next year, while her younger brother Sebastian plans to run for president. Duterte, who will be 80 years old next year, will run with his two sons, and the meaning is clear: the Duterte family has broken with the Marcos family.

The two families broke up, and Duterte declared war for China? This is saving the Philippines

Behind the rupture of the two major political families in the Philippines is not only a reflection of political struggle, but also a consideration of national interests. After Marcos Jr. came to power, he did dislike Duterte in some aspects, such as overturning Duterte-era policies, siding with the United States between China and the United States, and suppressing the influence of the Duterte family. But for reasons of national interest, if Marcos Jr.'s policies are good for the Philippines, Duterte may choose to be patient.

Even, Duterte may have some expectations for Marcos Jr.'s provocative actions in the South China Sea! At the beginning, in the early days of Duterte's administration, the movement in the South China Sea was no less than that of Marcos Jr. The so-called "South China Sea Arbitration" was created at this time. As for Duterte, it was only when he saw that the US aircraft carrier withdrew from Philippine waters in a gray manner under China's deterrence, so he quickly adjusted its China policy.

Therefore, Duterte really does not necessarily have an opinion on the fire of Marcos Jr.'s rise to power directly in the South China Sea, when Marcos Jr. began to test China in the South China Sea and open military bases to the United States. At that time, Duterte also reminded Marcos Jr., saying that the Philippines, a small country, in the confrontation between a big country like China and the United States, could not withstand the toss, so let Marcos Jr. restrain a little!

The two families broke up, and Duterte declared war for China? This is saving the Philippines

But now it is different, China's position in the South China Sea is getting tougher and tougher, China's coast guard new regulations are implemented, saying that you will board the ship, and the 055 fleet of the Chinese Navy has appeared near the coast of the Philippines, and it has a posture to lift the table. If Sino-Philippine relations deteriorate further, it is basically impossible to expect the United States to start a war with China for the Philippines, and the fate of the Philippines can be imagined at that time.

Therefore, Duterte has come out to declare war on Marcos Jr. at this time, both to put the Philippines back on the right track and to show the outside world, especially China, that the Philippines has no intention of becoming an enemy of China. This is part of the political struggle, but more about saving the Philippines, a country caught in the middle, in the context of the intensifying confrontation between China and the United States. (Paper Airplane)

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