
China and Russia agreed that the BRICS would suspend the admission of new members, and Turkey miscalculated, and the wall-riding faction would not work


China and Russia unanimously agreed that the BRICS countries voted overwhelmingly to temporarily suspend the expansion of their membership. Turkey miscalculated, this time the "wall-riding faction" may really not work?

China and Russia agreed that the BRICS would suspend the admission of new members, and Turkey miscalculated, and the wall-riding faction would not work

In today's world political arena, in order to maximize their own interests, there are many countries whose positions are like a mystery, and we collectively refer to them as "wall-riding factions". In order to obtain great political dividends and opportunities from the great power game, Turkey is left and right in the East and West, and wants to apply to join the BRICS organization despite its NATO membership, but as far as the current situation is concerned, Turkey has obviously miscalculated.

China and Russia agreed that the BRICS would suspend the admission of new members, and Turkey miscalculated, and the wall-riding faction would not work

According to the Observer Network, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov revealed that the number of BRICS countries has doubled due to the new member states, in order to allow developing countries around the world to obtain a good development platform and form a cohesive force for overall development. As a result, the current 10 member states, including China, Russia, Brazil, and India, voted overwhelmingly to temporarily suspend the expansion in order to "digest" the accession of new members. In my opinion, what the Russian Foreign Minister said was very tactful, but the meaning is also obvious, probably because there are many countries seeking to join the BRICS organization, and in order to provide a better development platform, the BRICS organization is not pursuing a quantity, but focusing on quality. It is not a bad thing to take a step for the time being, we must digest the existing ones, establish a threshold, and at the same time screen and review partner countries, because it is not excluded that some countries have ulterior motives to apply for membership, so this pause is very necessary, so that the outside world knows that the BRICS is not a cat and a dog can come in.

China and Russia agreed that the BRICS would suspend the admission of new members, and Turkey miscalculated, and the wall-riding faction would not work

In addition, for China, the biggest factor in agreeing to this decision is perhaps Turkey. As mentioned earlier, Turkey is world-famous for its grass. Turkey's essence has also been seen through by the world, and China has been pitted by Turkey several times. For example, when the Turkish foreign minister visited China recently, the mainland warmly received him with courtesy, but Turkey turned around and imposed tariffs on the mainland's new energy vehicles. For another example, more than 10 years ago, China purchased the Varyag aircraft carrier from Ukraine and was extorted by Turkey when it passed through Turkey. Now Ukraine and Moldova have begun accession negotiations, and Turkey's application to join the EU has been ignored by the EU. At the same time, Turkey is between Russia and the United States, and it also wants to play left and right, but as a result, the trick of stepping on two ships was smashed, and the F-35 purchased from the United States was detained by the United States. The purpose of Turkey's accession to the BRICS is not pure, it is estimated that it is for the EU to see, if you don't let me join the EU, I will apply to join the BRICS, but Turkey is swaying from side to side, there is no certainty, and this habitual foreign policy is finally pitted by itself.

China and Russia agreed that the BRICS would suspend the admission of new members, and Turkey miscalculated, and the wall-riding faction would not work

Based on this, it is not difficult for us to find that although interests are important in exchanges between countries, integrity is equally important. When a country's foreign policy is reversed and its rules change overnight, it is really impossible to give its partners and allies a sense of security. Now that China and Russia have agreed to suspend the BRICS expansion, Turkey's miscalculation may mean that the "wall-riding faction" is no longer viable. Now the situation is also very clear, Turkey will either sink with NATO, or follow the East to oppose Western hegemony, these two can only choose one of the two, if you still want to ride the wall to take advantage of both ends, Turkey really stay where it is.

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