
The grandson said that there was a dragon under the grave, and three days later the old man gave his son a dream, and the old man: The grandson is extraordinary

author:Clever storytelling

This content is a fictional short story, aiming to spread positive energy, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the opposite seat. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.


Hong Yixian heard a dragon roar, which seemed to come from the backyard, and walked to the backyard. As soon as he walked to the lotus pond in the backyard, he heard a voice calling his milk name in the air, which sounded like his father's voice.

My father has only passed away for three days, and he has already been buried in the ground, is he dreaming? He followed the prestige and couldn't help but be shocked, only to see his father riding a green dragon and swooping down. It seems that the dragon's roar was made by the green dragon.

Qinglong stayed in front of Hong Yixian's head, and his father smiled and said: "Please Ying'er for good eyesight, my tomb is really a dragon's lair, this child is extraordinary, you have to provide him with good education." ”

Hong Yixian was about to talk, but he saw Qinglong open his mouth and spit out a fireball, which frightened him so much that he fell back suddenly, fell down, and woke up, it turned out that he had a dream. At this moment, he noticed that there was a flickering fire outside, and it seemed that there was a fire in the utility room, so he quickly jumped out of bed and rushed out to put out the fire.

Fortunately, the fire was not big, Hong Yixian poured three buckets of water, and the flames were extinguished. He saw the golden light shining where the flames were extinguished, and when he looked at the ashes, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

The grandson said that there was a dragon under the grave, and three days later the old man gave his son a dream, and the old man: The grandson is extraordinary

Hong Yixian's family background is very ordinary, with more than enough food and clothing, and not enough wealth. But their family is a family of goodness, and their ancestors have been kind people for generations, insisting on doing good deeds. In particular, Hong Yixian's father, in order to relieve the refugees who fled from the north, took out all his savings, set up a porridge shack, and relieved the refugees, and was respected by the refugees as a great benevolent.

In life, whether it is a good person or an evil person, it is inevitable that he will die. When Hong Yixian's father was in his fifties, he became seriously ill, and he couldn't afford to get sick, and he couldn't see it anymore.

Hong Yixian couldn't come up with the money to invite Mr. Feng Shui, so he had to pull his uncle to find his father's grave and prepare for the future. His youngest son, named Qiu Ying'er, was not yet nine years old, and followed his father Hong Yixian to play in the mountains.

When passing by a place, Ying'er pointed here and said that it was a dragon's lair, and there was a green dragon lying underneath, if the grandfather was buried here, he would not only be able to enjoy the blessings underground, but also protect future generations, and high-ranking officials would come out frequently.

Hong Yixian was very strange, blamed Ying'er and said: "You are a little child, don't talk nonsense, how can you see a dragon underground?" ”

Ying Ying'er smiled and said: "I don't know what's going on, I can indeed see a green dragon lying on the ground, with a big dragon head, dragon horns, and scales on its body, exactly like the dragon on the New Year's painting." ”

Uncle Cousin carefully observed this area, which was a sunny slope with towering trees nearby, and it was indeed a good tomb. He nodded with a smile and said, "The little grandson has good eyesight, this is a treasure of feng shui, so according to him, the tomb is chosen here." ”

Hong Yixian nodded and agreed, and Ying Ying'er pointed to a place and said: "This is the dragon's head, the tomb is dug from here, and the coffin is placed on the dragon's head, whether it is alive or dead, it will be blessed." Hong Yixian immediately knelt on the ground, dug three hoes here, and determined the location of the tomb.

The grandson said that there was a dragon under the grave, and three days later the old man gave his son a dream, and the old man: The grandson is extraordinary

The next morning, Hong Yixian led people to dig the tomb. When he returned home, his father called for him to come into the house and have something to say.

Hong Yixian hurriedly came to his father's front and told him that Ying'er had personally selected a piece of dragon's lair for him, and his father nodded with satisfaction, explained the aftermath, and then closed his eyes. In the middle of the night, he left quietly.

Three days after the coffin was stopped, relatives and friends sent the deceased up the mountain. After the coffin fell into the pit, some good deeds asked Ying'er, is the dragon still there? Ying Ying'er pointed to the bottom of the grave and said with a smile: "Of course, this is the place where it cultivates, and it can't fly up for less than a thousand years." At this point, it is looking at you with its mouth wide open. ”

When everyone heard this, they were so frightened that they retreated, and Ying'er held his stomach and laughed. The crowd suspected that he was playing tricks on them, so they suspected that he didn't really see the dragon, and that it was just a prank, so they didn't take it to heart and forgot about it.

After three days like this, Hong Yixian dreamed that his deceased father was riding a green dragon, saying that the little grandson of Ying'er was extraordinary, and told him to treat Ying'er well and send him to study.

Hong Yixian said with a bitter face: "Dad, you don't know the situation at home, where can you get the money for Ying'er to study?" The deceased father smiled and said, "I came this time to send tuition." ”

As soon as the words fell, Qinglong spat out flames, waking up Hong Yixian. He noticed the flickering fire outside, and ran out to take a look, and it turned out that there was a fire in the utility room. Fortunately, the fire was small, and he extinguished it with three buckets of water, and found a dozen pieces of gold in the ashes, about twenty taels.

This money was enough to beg Ying'er to study, and the next day he sent Ying'er to the village entrance school for enlightenment. Unexpectedly, Yue Ying'er was born to be a piece of reading material, and he could draw inferences from everything, and after three years, he often opened his mouth to ask Mr.

The grandson said that there was a dragon under the grave, and three days later the old man gave his son a dream, and the old man: The grandson is extraordinary

Mr. recommended him to study in the county, and after more than ten years of hard study, Ying'er's knowledge has surpassed many students. When he was twenty-five years old, that is, in the first year of Tang Tianbao, he went to the capital to take the exam, and was handpicked as the sixth Jinshi on the high school emperor list, and was assigned to a large county in the north and became a county leader.

Later, after continuous promotion, Ying'er finally reached the third rank and held an important position in the imperial court, which was really extraordinary. This is a later story, and I will not mention it.

On this day, a traveling Taoist priest came to the small mountain village, begged the villagers for water to drink, and then sat under the big willow tree to rest. The villagers sat under the big willow tree, chatting with the Taoist priest of Youfang, chatting and chatting, and the topic came to the body of the eagle. Everyone talked about the magic of begging eagles, and they could see the dragon body at a young age, and now they are high-ranking officials, and they should be the stars in the sky.

You Fang Taoist asked about Ying'er's family history, everyone pointed to the most magnificent house in the village, saying that the children of this family were so poor that they couldn't even afford to read, just because they could see the green dragon underground, they found a feng shui treasure for their grandfather, and the green dragon sent money, so he read the book.

After listening to the description of the villagers, Daoist You Fang pinched his fingers and said with a smile: "Yuying'er is by no means a star in the sky, just because they are a family of goodness and noble character, so Qinglong deliberately appeared for him to see, helped them, and let him find the dragon's lair." It is precisely because they are a family of goodness that Ying'er is destined to be noble, and the appearance of the green dragon just makes Feng Shui treasure blessing the blessing of Ying'er, making his life path smoother. ”

Only then did everyone wake up, it turned out that the house of goodness, people with noble morals, Feng Shui treasures would automatically be sent to the door. Feng Shui treasure land has always been the residence of the virtuous, which is not bad at all.

The grandson said that there was a dragon under the grave, and three days later the old man gave his son a dream, and the old man: The grandson is extraordinary

Since then, the villagers have spontaneously started to do good deeds, and everything has developed in a good direction, warning future generations to uphold a good heart, but do good deeds without asking about the future, and good fortune will naturally come. That's what they say, and that's what they do.

This is exactly what it is, the house of goodness will have afterglow, and good people will have good luck. To be a good person, we must do more good deeds, pay attention to the recuperation of virtue, and life will definitely go smoothly.

The absurd penmanship of this story is intended to use facts to illustrate and persuade the world, and has nothing to do with feudal superstition. The content is purely fictional, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text are all needed for artistic processing, and have nothing to do with reality, please treat them rationally.