
drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

author:Entertainment I know

Graphic / Entertainment I know

Editing/Entertaining I know

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry


It is often said that time is like a knife to kill a pig. Even Wei Junjie, who was once a smash hit on TVB and comparable to Gu Juji's appearance, could not escape this catastrophe. However, I really didn't expect it! He was once regarded as a male god by a generation, but he became the kind of "greasy man" who was prohibitive. However, in contrast, his predecessor, Teng Liming, who is already 48 years old, seems to have been abandoned by the years. Maybe everyone's impression of her is still stuck in the sad and thin scene after she broke up with Wei Junjie in 2007, but she doesn't know that her life has already taken a new turn.

Nine years of affection

Teng Liming's acting career often plays those roles whose feelings fail to develop smoothly, but her real love life is also full of twists and turns, which is unexpected. A fake love affair between her and Wei Junjie really became a topic of public conversation, but it ended in an unexpected bloody ending. Wei Junjie was originally born because of the love in the play, and after publicly announcing his breakup with Huang Zuer, he actively pursued Teng Liming.

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

Teng Liming has regarded Wei Junjie as an idol since he was a child, and now the pursuit of idols has become the dream of countless star-chasing girls. She ignored Wei Junjie's predecessor's accusations in the media and resolutely started a relationship with him. However, once there is an imbalance in the relationship between the two people, it often means that problems have occurred. Their nine-year relationship has been rumored to be married many times, and Wei Junjie has publicly stated that he will not marry unless Teng Li is named.

The two have been together for nine years, and their relationship has been very good, which can be called "TVB conjoined baby". The reporter interviewed whether the two would break up if one of them suddenly became popular, and he assured categorically: "If Ateng becomes popular one day, I am happy to step back into the background, fully support her, help her behind the scenes, and it doesn't matter if I am a driver!" Teng Liming and Wei Junjie were once called "lovers who can't be separated by a typhoon" by the media.

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

Wei Junjie's father passed away, Teng Liming mourned in the name of "daughter-in-law", Wei Junjie said: "Ateng has stepped into the Wei family with one foot. At that time, the public was moved, and Wei Junjie publicly swore that Teng Liming was the best reward for his ten years in TVB, and he would love her for the rest of his life. Their fence in the housing village was destroyed by the typhoon, and the two appeared arm-in-arm to shout to the media that "their homes will be rebuilt", and the media headline was "Lovers who can't be separated by the typhoon".

Emotional rupture

In 2007, the news of Wei Junjie and Teng Liming's breakup spread, and the details became the focus of attention. It was their ninth year together. Soon after, Wei Junjie announced a new relationship, he fell in love with a college student who was 20 years younger than him, and took her to live with him in Hong Kong, and soon married. Got a new relationship soon after a breakup? As Sun Yi said, "How can you recognize a new female partner so quickly, unless you have a spare tire before." ”

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

What followed was the condemnation of his empathy and farewell by countless people, as well as the distress of Teng Liming's betrayal and abandonment in exchange for nine years of infatuation. Wrath? Revenge? It's impossible, even if he doesn't love her anymore, he will give her enough respect. He claimed that there was no third party in the relationship, and she also came forward to clarify that our relationship broke down not because of a third party.

However, Wei Junjie didn't care about her feelings at all. He married and had a daughter, and she blessed him. Looking at their interaction, there will always be fans in the comment area who regret that he and Teng Liming did not go to the end. However, he scolded in a disgraceful manner: "You go to die! Even so, she chose to remain silent. It wasn't until he complained in a show that he was criticized by the audience as a sinner because he didn't marry the lover in the play, and she finally couldn't help but expose his true colors.

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

However, only a year later, Wei Junjie and Zhang Lihua entered the marriage hall. Although their marriage has been questioned by netizens, the emotional entanglements in the past have dissipated with the wind. Disturbingly, Wei Junjie still failed to restrain his excessive attention to Teng Liming, and even smeared his ex-girlfriend on social media, which caused netizens to seriously question his character and demeanor.

Wei Junjie fell into a trough, and Zhang Lihua became a celebrity

For a period of time after the divorce, the situation of Wei Junjie and Zhang Lihua, the former couple, was in a state of flux. On the one hand, Wei Junjie has completely fallen into a trough. Not only did he lose his wife, he lost his job one after another, and his body looked bloated because of his low mood. Wei Junjie, who was once very popular, was almost depressed at one time, and his life was shrouded in darkness.

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

Zhang Lihua, on the other hand, has started a new stage of life. She seems to have washed away the ordinary life of the past and ushered in a new chapter of exquisite life. She dresses herself carefully every day in expensive fashion brand outfits, and participates in various upper-class fashion parties and celebrity events. After the divorce, Zhang Lihua's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes.

She became more and more fascinated by plastic surgery and beauty, constantly sculpting her facial features and figure. Soon, she transformed from a traditional housewife into a glamorous, stylish and charming socialite. With exquisite makeup, luxurious dressing, and elegant manners, this is the new image of Zhang Lihua after the divorce. She is fully integrated into the life of Hong Kong's high society, enjoying the privileged life of wealthy wives.

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

Teng Liming mentioned that it was Zhu Jiankun's suggestion to take a helicopter to ski, because the snow was softer than the snow in the ski resort, which made her fall in love with the sport at one time. Thinking that Teng Liming always emphasized that women should have their own style, she will become like this now. She was grateful that Wei Junjie did not marry her back then. And what about Wei Junjie? After the divorce, he settled in Hangzhou and began to bring goods through live broadcasts, and his performance was also good.


In this fast-changing society, we are often attracted by the lifestyles of the rich and famous, who drive luxury cars, take helicopters, and live seemingly luxurious and glamorous lives. However, when we think deeply, we may find that behind these superficial glamour, there are many unknown hardships and loneliness. No matter what the circumstances, everyone has their own life choices and paths.

drove a luxury car, traveled by helicopter, and saw Teng Liming's current situation, netizens: Thank you for the grace of the scumbag not to marry

For Teng Liming, no matter what the outside world thinks of her life, she may just be trying her best to live the life she wants. When evaluating others, we should perhaps also pay more attention to what we really feel inside, rather than just staying on the outward appearance. Everyone in life has their own story, and everyone's choices and experiences deserve respect and understanding.

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