
The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

author:Clever storytelling


This content is a fictional short story, aiming to spread positive energy, please watch it rationally, and do not sit in the opposite seat. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.

In the quiet night sky, singing suddenly sounded, and listening to the tune, it seemed to come from ancient times, and it had the power to seuse people's hearts.

Kui Xinshan rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up and listened carefully, the song came from the old willow tree in front of the door. This is a crooked-necked willow tree that is more than 300 years old, and it was transplanted from the river only a few days ago.

He pushed open the courtyard door and walked out, only to see a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe standing on the treetops, his clothes fluttering, and he was singing. The lyrics were vague, and he didn't understand what they meant.

Kui Xinshan bowed and asked which god it was? Unexpectedly, he came to the cold house, which was disrespectful and disrespectful. But I heard the man say, "This is my dwelling, and I will come on the fifteenth day of every month, and since you have transplanted the old willow tree in front of your house, then you will bring two jars of wine and put them under the tree on the fifteenth night of every month." ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the man raised his finger, and a meteor fell from the sky, smashing down the courtyard wall of his house. The sound woke up Kui Xinshan, and he realized that he had just had a dream, and at this time, it was the fifteenth day of this month.

He got up and went into the courtyard, and couldn't help but be shocked, the courtyard wall had indeed collapsed, and the ruins shone with silver light. He hurried over, burst into tears, and shouted, "I can finally live a normal life." ”

The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

Why does Kui Xinshan say that? Because he has been living an abnormal life. Is it normal for a man who is nearly thirty years old, has no wife, and has a long and difficult night? Of course it's not normal.

He lost his father at the age of three and his mother at the age of nineteen. An ordinary person living in the countryside, there is no outstanding one among relatives and friends, the family background is extremely ordinary, and the family conditions are extremely poor, and it is tantamount to whimsical to change the status quo through acquired efforts.

In fact, Kui Xinshan worked very hard, and when it was the busy farming season, he worked part-time in the rich man's house, and when the farming was slack, he quarried in the deep mountains. Although he worked hard day and night, the income he earned was more than enough to eat and wear, and he was not rich enough, and the few dollars he had saved in the past ten years were not enough for the dowry.

On this day, he was working part-time at the rich man's house, when suddenly it rained heavily, and lightning and thunder roared. The rich man went out to check the situation in the fields, so he asked Kui Xinshan to carry an umbrella and go out with him.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, a thunderclap suddenly sounded, striking a tree, and the leaves suddenly flew and fell down. Kui Xinshan's eyes were sharp, and he saw a small snake falling from a tree into the muddy water, motionless.

Kui Xinshan stepped forward and bent down to check, only to see that the belly of the little snake had been scratched open, revealing the internal organs inside. The rich man shook his head and said, "This little snake was split by lightning and was so badly injured that there is no way to save it." Kui Xinshan said: "Its body is still swinging slightly, and it is not dead yet." The owner, offended, I want to save it, you go out by yourself. ”

With that, he handed the rich man the umbrella, bent down to pick up the little snake, and ran cautiously into the room. The rich man looked at his back, shook his head, and said, "What an idiot, compassion overflows!" ”

The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

Kui Xinshan sewed the belly of the little snake with a needle and thread, sprinkled it with the powder of the bruises, and put it into a box. Only then did he take a closer look at the little snake, which was a non-venomous water snake with a faint cyan pattern on its body, the kind that was very common in the countryside. He said softly: "Water snake, water snake, as the so-called do your best to know the destiny of heaven, whether you can survive or not depends on your creation." ”

Not long after, the rich man came back and asked Kui Xinshan with a mocking look, has the little snake been saved? Kui Xinshan shook his head and said, "I have already stitched up the wound and applied the medicinal powder, but I haven't woken up yet. ”

The rich man shook his head and said meaningfully: "After the work is done, you will not use it in the future. The meaning is obvious, he thinks that Kui Xinshan is very stupid, he knows that he wants to do difficult things, it is purely a waste of time and energy, this kind of person who goes against the sky is not worthy of giving him a short job.

Heavy rain fell intermittently for three days, and the water snake was also in a coma for three days. On the night of the third day, before going to bed, Kui Xinshan went to visit the water snake, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it had woken up, and the wound on its abdomen had a slight scar, so he brought an egg and fed it with egg whites.

On the morning of the fourth day, the water snake was very active, and Kui Xinshan triumphantly held the box and said to the rich man, "Boss, the water snake has come to life." The rich man waved his hand, and ignored him, so he took the box and went to the river, and put the serpent into the water.

After some time, after the work was done, Kui Xinshan left the rich man's house and returned home. In the evening, he had a dream in which a beautiful young woman came to him and said with a smile, "Thanks to the grace of the father, I have come to repay you tonight." It turned out that she was the water snake that was rescued by Kui Xinshan.

The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

Kui Xinshan was overjoyed and asked, "I haven't married a wife yet, are you here to be my wife?" The woman smiled and said, "You and I have no fate to marry, I can't be your wife, if you force us together, it will cause disaster." I'm here to tell you a way to get rich, if you get rich, you can marry a wife and have children, and you will have everything. ”

Then the woman took a step forward, leaned down, and whispered. As long as an old willow tree with a crooked neck by the river is transplanted to the northwest in front of the door, financial luck will naturally prosper, and it will be difficult to make a fortune. After speaking, the woman disappeared, and Kui Xinshan also woke up, only then did he know that what happened just now was a dream.

There is indeed an old willow with a crooked neck by the river, which, according to the old man, is more than three hundred years old. The trees by the river do not belong to a private person, so no one cares about them. The next day, Kui Xinshan invited more than a dozen people, set up a table of wine, and transplanted the old willow tree in front of the door.

A few days later, on the night of the fifteenth full moon, Kui Xinshan had a dream in which he saw a fairy singing on an old willow tree. The fairy slashed down a meteor and smashed down the courtyard wall of his house. The sound woke Kui Xinshan, and he realized that he had a dream.

He got up and went out to check, and the courtyard wall had indeed collapsed for a while, and silver light flashed from the ruins. When he got closer, he was overjoyed, and cried out to the sky: "From now on, I can marry a wife, have children, and live a normal life." ”

Why was he so ecstatic? Because on the ruins, there are neatly placed piles of silver ingots, a total of twenty, a thousand taels. This money is enough for him to renovate his house and marry a wife, and the remaining money can buy more than a dozen acres of fertile land.

Since then, Kui Xinshan has lived a self-sufficient life and no longer has to run around. He remembered the advice of the gods, and on the fifteenth night of every month, two jars of wine were placed under the old willow tree. The next morning, the two jars were empty. He remembered the date that made him rich, June 15.

The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

In a blink of an eye, on the night of June 15 of the following year, Kui Xinshan dreamed of a meteor passing by and smashing down the courtyard wall of his house. When he woke up, he found another pile of silver ingots in the ruins, a full twenty.

After that, on the fifteenth day of June of each year, he would make a windfall and receive 1,000 taels of silver. With the blessing of money and his hard work, his life is getting better and better.

In this way, more than three years passed, and on this day, a wandering Taoist priest came, looking around the old willow tree. Kui Xinshan saw it, and warmly invited the Taoist priest to his home and served him with wine.

After three rounds of drinking, the Taoist priest pointed to the old willow tree outside the house and said, "You must have been instructed by a master, this old willow tree is really wonderful." ”

Kui Xinshan did not hide it, so he told all the things about rescuing the water snake, the water snake pointing to transplant the old willow tree, and getting a windfall on June 15 of every year.

After hearing this, the Taoist priest nodded and said: "That's right, the old willow tree is not the key, and the location of the transplant is not the key, the key is that the immortals on the tree are extraordinary." ”

It turns out that the immortals on the tree are in charge of the windfall fortune in the world, and when each immortal goes down to earth, there will be a place to stay, and the old willow tree is his foothold. As the saying goes, horses have no night grass and no fertilizer, people have no windfall and no wealth, with the blessing of windfall luck, it is difficult for Kui Xinshan not to get rich.

Kui Xinshan suddenly realized, and was extremely grateful to the water snake and the gods in his heart. The Taoist priest nodded and said: "Although the water snake and the gods have helped you, the key is that you are a kind person, and only those with a good heart can be blessed, and those with a good heart can also keep their wealth." ”

It turned out that the water snake was not a mediocre water snake, but a dragon clan that had successfully cultivated. But it did not obtain the heavenly establishment, and it needed to cross a tribulation in a thousand years, and that day was the day of its tribulation, and by chance, it was rescued by Kui Xinshan. It was grateful, and in order to repay the kindness, it instructed Kui Xinshan to transplant the old willow tree, so that he could get rid of poverty and live a happy life.

The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

The words of the wandering Taoist priest were finally spread, and the nearby villagers learned the news, and they all came to the old willow tree to put up a wine jar, begging the gods to protect them, so that they could also make a windfall. But strangely enough, none of the jars they had set up were empty, and they certainly didn't make a windfall.

In this way, nearly twenty years passed, Kui Xinshan would be smashed down by meteors every year, and he would get a windfall of 1,000 taels of silver, and his family gradually became a wealthy family. However, he is a kind-hearted person, but whenever he meets the villagers who can't get over the hurdles, he will help them without hesitation.

This year, Kui Xinshan was in his fifties, and because of a moment of negligence, he forgot to put two jars of wine under the old willow tree on the fifteenth night of one month. By the time he remembered, it was already the next morning, and while blaming himself for his carelessness, he made up two jars of wine.

However, half a month later, the two jars of wine were still full. After that, on the fifteenth night of every month, the two jars of wine he set forth were full. He was suddenly anxious, and it seemed that the gods were surprised and stopped drinking his wine.

In a blink of an eye, in the cold winter, the old willow tree withered. By the beginning of spring the following year, the old willow tree had not sprouted. An old willow tree that had lived for more than 300 years withered like this. After that, his family never had a windfall from heaven. Fortunately, nothing strange happened to his family, and he finally kept his wealth.

The man rescued the little snake and released it into the river, and the little snake came to dream in the middle of the night and planted an old willow tree in front of the door

This is exactly what kindness will be rewarded, and good people will get windfalls. To be a good person, good fortune will follow. In this world, people with good hearts will always be favored by fate.

The absurd penmanship of this story is intended to use facts to illustrate and persuade the world, and has nothing to do with feudal superstition. The content is purely fictional, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text are all needed for artistic processing, and have nothing to do with reality, please treat them rationally.