
63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

author:Entertainment I know

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Editing/Entertaining I know

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety


Qi Qin, the 51-year-old singer, is about to take on the role of his father! Surprisingly, his wife is more than 20 years younger than him! This made Qi Qin older than his mother-in-law! Moreover, Qi Qin also has an illegitimate child. Surprisingly, this illegitimate child was only a year younger than his wife! Qi Qin's relationship with Hong Kong beauty Wang Zuxian lasted for fifteen years, and just when the two were about to enter the palace of marriage, everything came to an abrupt end. What's the story?

The Musical Path

For young people born in the 90s, the name Qi Qin may be a little unfamiliar, but for people born in the 80s and 70s, he is definitely a household name idol singer. Although Qi Yu had introduced the composer to Qi Qin, Qi Qin did not understand his sister's intentions. In that year, Qi Yu became famous with "Olive Tree", winning a number of awards and generous bonuses. Later, Qi Yu gave Qi Qin a guitar and inspired him to embark on his own musical path. He began to practice the guitar hard.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

He was often locked in his room alone and practiced his guitar non-stop all day. As the days passed, Qi Qin did not leave the room for a long time, and Qi Yu felt that his room must be very chaotic. When she opened the door, she was startled by what she saw. The room was incredibly tidy and everything was well organized. The quilt is also neatly folded and not messy. Qi Qin usually likes to organize things.

He always puts used things back in their place, so the house is kept tidy all the time. The whole house was kept clean and orderly by him. He works in the company during the day, and at night he carries a guitar and goes from bar door to bar. During his time in the bar, his love for music grew, and he longed to sing on stage. During a residency, his singing voice was heard by a well-known agent.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

The agent praised him, and Xia Chunyong was impressed by his musical talent and was very optimistic about his future. And offered to help him become famous. With the support of this agent, the song "It's She Who Slips Around" made Qi Qin quickly move to the public. With the help of the company, Qi Qin sang many classic songs, such as "Wolf", "About Winter" and so on. He also tried to get involved in the field of film and television, but unfortunately, he did not show his talent as an actor.

Relationship with Wang Zuxian

In 1986, Qi Qin was only 26 years old, while Wang Zuxian was 19 years old. The two first became acquainted with each other because of the filming of "Grass and Blue Sky". When they first met, they were not impressed by each other, like two asymmetrical puzzle pieces, and they never expected that fate liked to tease people. Wang Zuxian's first impression of Qi Qin was not very good, but dramas are often charming because of changes. In order to ensure that the filming went smoothly, the director insisted on bringing these two stars together, hoping that they could work better together.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

Unexpectedly, they are no longer indifferent to each other, but have a strong love. Once, Qi Qin drank some wine, and then went to Wang Zuxian's house to rehearse the play. He was a little drunk and asked impulsively, "Do you dare to kiss me?" Unexpectedly, Wang Zuxian was also a frank person, and he kissed him without hesitation.

This pair of people who didn't seem to be suitable for the first time ignited a love that countless people envied in an instant. Back then, Qi Qin's "About Winter" quickly became popular among young people with its moving melody and subtle lyrics. This song captures their best moments in each other's company.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

However, the ruthless intervention of fate suddenly appeared like an uninvited guest, ending the lingering years of this star couple. Life is full of stories of passions that once burned like a fire, leaving only one piece of ruin. Wang Zuxian chose to go away alone, while Qi Qin fell into the abyss of loneliness......

Sun Yali's appearance was dissatisfied with her mother-in-law

In 2007, some media photographed Qi Qin and Sun Liya walking in and out of public places hand in hand, officially exposing their relationship. Many netizens began to speculate about the relationship between the two: one was for money, and the other was a womanizer. At that time, they were under pressure from all sides. But what makes them most uncomfortable is not these, but Sun Liya's family is resolutely opposed to their relationship. Prior to this, Qi Qin's illegitimate child incident attracted widespread attention, and Sun Liya's family also knew about it.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

In addition, Qi Qin is 24 years older than Sun Liya, and even a few years older than Sun Liya's mother. In the hearts of Sun Liya's parents, a man of age and complicated emotional experience is not a match for their cherished daughter at all. They were worried about Qi Qin's motives for approaching his daughter. Faced with the opposition of Sun Liya's parents, Qi Qin did not back down. He put down all his work and visited Sun Liya's parents many times to sincerely express his love for Sun Liya.

In the end, with Qi Qin's unremitting efforts, Sun Liya's parents finally accepted him. In 2011, Sun Liya successfully welcomed a daughter. In 2014, she gave birth to another son, and these two children made her family a "good" word. After getting married, Qi Qin was very considerate to Sun Liya and doted on her like a princess. They are a happy family.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety

However, Sun Liya's family has suffered a lot behind this sweet love, especially her parents, who have endured endless pressure and ridicule. Qi Qin, 54 years old and with both children, is very filial to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, calling them "parents". Although they were a little awkward at first, they quickly warmed each other's hearts through family affection and filial piety. The elderly couple gradually had less contact with their relatives, and although they settled in Beijing, they chose to live with their daughter and son-in-law.

63-year-old Qi Qin: Although her mother-in-law is several years younger than herself, it is necessary to give her filial piety


In the 63-year-old Qi Qin, we see a deep family emotion and filial piety spirit. Although his mother-in-law was a few years younger than him, he was still grateful and devoted to filial piety. This calmness and maturity not only reflects his achievements as a musical legend, but also shows his qualities as a family member. Qi Qin's life is as moving as his songs, and his music has passed through time and left a deep imprint. Whether on stage or in life, true achievement comes from inner firmness and deep affection for family.

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