
She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

author:Representative of Excellence
She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first
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She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

Yang Dan, this name is not unfamiliar to many Chinese audiences. In the past 15 years, she has become an indispensable soul of CCTV's "Weather Forecast" column with her professional meteorological broadcast and friendly image.

However, just when her career was in full swing, a shocking news came: this "Miss Meteorology", who is loved by the audience, is not an official employee of CCTV.

What's even more embarrassing is that Yang Dan, who is over forty years old, although he has achieved great success in his career, he has fallen into deep self-blame and regret because he has no children and no daughters.

What kind of experience has brought this screen goddess to the situation she is in today? How will her life story continue to be written? Let's step into the world of Yang Dan and explore the little-known story behind her.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

In 1973, a scholarly family in Shaoyang, Hunan ushered in the advent of a new life. Yang Dan, a girl destined to be extraordinary, has shown a strong interest in music since she was a child.

Under the careful cultivation of her parents, at the age of six, she stepped into the palace of music and began her own artistic path.

Xiao Yang Dan quickly stood out in the music class. Not only does she have a sweet voice, but she also has extraordinary courage. Whenever she faced her classmates and teachers in the music class, she always behaved generously and had no sense of stage fright.

This natural confidence and talent have made her a rising star in the eyes of teachers.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. In the year of the college entrance examination, Yang Dan, who had the dream of becoming an outstanding singer, applied for the Central Conservatory of Music with confidence.

Who knows, what awaits her is the first major setback in her life - she falls off the list. This blow was undoubtedly heavy for Yang Dan, who had always been praised, and for a while, she fell into confusion and loss.

Just when Yang Dan was at a loss, the wisdom of her parents pointed her another way. They advised their daughter to enter society first, hone her abilities, and then consider repeating her studies if she was unsuccessful.

This suggestion coincides with Yang Dan's inner thoughts.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

As if there was an arrangement in the dark, just when Yang Dan was about to step into society, Shaoyang TV was recruiting a children's program host. With excellent appearance, beautiful voice and stage experience accumulated over the years, Yang Dan successfully passed the interview and became the host of the children's channel of the local station.

This unexpected turn of events allowed Yang Dan to achieve financial independence in her teens, and also pointed out a new direction for her future. Although he deviated from his original musical dream, Yang Dan quickly fell in love with the job.

In the hosting position, she showed amazing talent and adaptability, as if she had found a stage that truly belonged to her.

In this way, a door that closed unexpectedly opened a new window for Yang Dan. Although she said goodbye to her dream of becoming a singer, she found a new direction in her life as a host.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

This experience not only made Yang Dan stronger, but also laid the groundwork for her brilliant career in CCTV in the future. The twist of fate sometimes leads to a more wonderful chapter in life.

Although his work at Shaoyang TV was smooth, Yang Dan always had greater ambitions in his heart. When her former classmates recommended Beijing Broadcasting Institute to her, she made a decision without hesitation.

With the desire for a broader stage, Yang Dan bid farewell to his hometown and embarked on a journey to the north to pursue his dream.

When she first arrived in Beijing, Yang Dan was eager to absorb new knowledge. She not only listens carefully in class, but also actively participates in various campus activities and competitions. It was in a recitation competition that Yang Dan won warm applause from the audience with his beautiful voice and outstanding typhoon.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

In the audience, a pair of bright eyes have been watching her, that is her future husband Tong Qiang.

Tong Qiang is a leader in the foreign language department, and he fell in love with this girl from Hunan at first sight. However, in the face of Yang Dan's popularity, he chose to pay attention silently. In order to create an opportunity to meet Yang Dan, Tong Qiang began to carefully plan a series of "chance encounters".

The library card in the library "accidentally" dropped, and the cafeteria "coincidentally" sat together, these seemingly coincidental encounters finally caught Yang Dan's attention.

With the deepening of the relationship, Yang Dan found that Tong Qiang was not only knowledgeable, but also delicate and considerate. The two quickly became friends who talked about everything. However, Yang Dan, who was immersed in learning, did not notice the love in Tong Qiang's eyes.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

Tong Qiang also chose to silently cherish this feeling and turn it into support for Yang Dan's study and life.

As the time flies in college, Yang Dan devotes himself to professional learning and shows more and more dazzling talents in the field of hosting. And Tong Qiang has always been by her side and has become her most reliable friend and strong backing.

Whenever Yang Dan encounters difficulties or setbacks, Tong Qiang is always the first to appear and give encouragement and help.

It wasn't until the eve of graduation that the friends of the two suddenly realized the hidden feelings between the two best friends. However, in the face of the impending separation, Tong Qiang still chose to remain silent.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

He believes that if this relationship is deep enough, it will eventually blossom one day.

The study experience of Beijing Broadcasting Institute not only laid a solid foundation for Yang Dan's career development, but also allowed her to meet the most important person in her life. Although Yang Dan did not realize the preciousness of this relationship at that time, the gears of fate had quietly turned, laying the groundwork for her future.

This period of drifting north is not only an important stage for Yang Dan to chase her dreams, but also a good time for her to meet true love. It not only shaped Yang Dan's professional host quality, but also inadvertently weaved a moving love story, adding warm colors to her future life.

In 1995, Yang Dan, who had a dream, successfully stepped into the door of the CCTV News Department with his solid professional skills. However, fate always seems to like to surprise her with unexpected surprises.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

Just as she was preparing to make a career in journalism, a chance encounter changed the trajectory of her career.

On the recommendation of the teacher, Yang Dan participated in the host recruitment of the Meteorological Bureau. At first, she thought it was just a simple job as a broadcaster. However, it was only when she stood in a studio full of screens that she realized the complexity of the job.

In addition to being proficient in the content of the manuscript, it is also necessary to keep in mind the whole map of China so that it can be accurately located at any time. Faced with such a challenge, Yang Dan felt both excited and apprehensive.

Just when Yang Dan was anxious about her new job, a familiar figure appeared beside her. It was Tong Qiang, a close friend from her college days, who gave her the most timely encouragement and support.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

Accompanied by Tong Qiang, Yang Dan quickly found his self-confidence and showed amazing talent and potential in the interview.

With his outstanding performance, Yang Dan successfully joined the "Weather Forecast" column. With her professional meteorological knowledge and amiable image, she quickly won the love of the audience.

In 1997, she was invited to bring weather broadcasts to the national audience at the Spring Festival Gala, which was undoubtedly a great affirmation of her professional ability.

Just when his career was booming, Yang Dan's love life also ushered in a turnaround. At a celebration banquet, Tong Qiang finally mustered up the courage to confess to Yang Dan. Looking back on the past, Yang Dan suddenly realized that in her life, Tong Qiang has always been the most reliable reliance.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

Moved by this deep and lasting love, Yang Dan happily accepted Tong Qiang's confession.

In 1997, the lovers, who knew and loved each other, tied the knot in Beijing. After marriage, Tong Qiang has always been Yang Dan's most solid backing, silently supporting her career development.

However, with the increasing importance of Yang Dan in the "Weather Forecast" column, the intensity of work has also increased. Finding a balance between career and family became the first challenge for the newlyweds.

Yang Dan knows that in order to gain a foothold in the highly competitive TV industry, he must put in more effort than ordinary people. She puts almost all of her energy into her work, striving for perfection in every broadcast.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

Tong Qiang understands his wife's career pursuit, and always silently takes on more family responsibilities to escort Yang Dan's career.

In this way, in mutual understanding and support, Yang Dan's career and marriage are on the right track. However, as time passed, a new problem gradually surfaced, testing the couple's determination and wisdom.

With the passage of time, Yang Dan's performance in the "Weather Forecast" column has become more and more outstanding. Her professionalism and affinity have won wide acclaim from the audience, and the ratings have been climbing.

In 2004, Yang Dan won the reputation of "Miss Meteorology" and became an indispensable existence in the minds of the audience. Her career seems to have reached an unprecedented peak.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

However, success often comes at a huge cost. In order to repay the audience's love, Yang Dan put almost all his energy into his work. Every time she broadcasts, she strives for perfection, constantly delving into meteorological knowledge and improving her professional level.

This almost obsessive attitude to work has allowed her to achieve remarkable results in her career, but it has also inevitably affected her private life.

As he grew older, the elders in the family began to urge Yang Dan to give birth as soon as possible. However, in the face of career and family choices, Yang Dan always puts work first.

She worries that childbirth will affect her career and that she will not be able to balance the dual pressures of work and childcare.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

The hard work day after day has allowed Yang Dan to climb one peak after another in her career, but it has also made her miss the best childbearing age. She was 39 years old when she finally realized that she should have a child.

This decision came so late, which inevitably made Yang Dan regret and blame himself.

Looking back on this period, Yang Dan couldn't help but fall into deep thought. She began to question herself, was it worth sacrificing so much for her career? Should she have thought about the family's needs earlier? This contradiction between professional achievement and personal life has become a major problem for Yang Dan, and it has also made her begin to re-examine her life values.

In 2013, 40-year-old Yang Dan finally ushered in an important turning point in her life - she became a mother. Although this decision came a little late, the arrival of the little life undoubtedly added new color and meaning to her life.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

The joy and sense of responsibility of being a first-time mother gave Yang Dan a new understanding and experience of life.

Today, Yang Dan, who is over half a hundred years old, is still on the front line of meteorological broadcasting. On the stage of "Weather Forecast", she still maintained her youthful vitality and elegant demeanor, which won unanimous praise from the audience.

Years of experience have made her more and more comfortable in the professional field and become a well-deserved "weather queen".

Looking back, Yang Dan deeply understands that the value of life is not only whether to have children, but also whether to realize oneself and contribute to society. Although she once delayed giving birth because of her career, she did not regret her choice.

She is the soul of "Weather Forecast", and she once wanted to dink because of her work, but she regretted it first

This experience made her cherish her current happiness even more, and it also gave her a deeper understanding of life.

Looking forward to the future, Yang Dan hopes to continue to shine in the position he loves and serve more audiences with professional weather broadcasting. At the same time, she also has to cherish her hard-won family happiness and find the perfect balance between career and life.

Yang Dan's story is not only a workplace legend of a successful woman, but also a profound revelation about self-realization and life balance.

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