
Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

author:Representative of Excellence
Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview
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Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

On a cold winter day, 74-year-old Wu Yufen stood trembling outside her former home, clutching the court's verdict. There was a mixture of sadness, anger, and a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Why did this gray-haired old man choose to divorce at an age when he should have enjoyed his old age? What's even more puzzling is that even with the court verdict in hand, she still can't set foot in her own home.

What kind of ups and downs has this marriage that began in the last century? What kind of contradiction made this once lovely-loving couple come to such a field? As we delve deeper into Wu Yufen's story, a complex picture of love, responsibility, betrayal, and persistence unfolds.

Wu Yufen and Zhang Yuanguo's marriage began in the 70s of the 20th century, and it was a typical matchmaker in that era. The young Wu Yufen entered into marriage with a vision for the future, while Zhang Yuanguo saw it as a duty and obligation.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

However, fate seems to have been particularly unfair to the couple, and they were caught off guard by the successive blows.

The first is the birth of the eldest daughter. When the doctor announced that the child had epilepsy, Wu Yufen felt like the sky was about to fall. She took care of her daughter day and night, and every seizure was like a stab in her heart.

A few years later, the second son was born, but it brought an even bigger blow - cerebral palsy. This bad news almost destroyed Wu Yufen, but as a mother, she gritted her teeth and devoted herself to taking care of her children.

In order to take better care of the children, Wu Yufen took the initiative to apply for a transfer to a relatively easy logistics position, although it meant a significant reduction in income. At the same time, Zhang Yuanguo immersed himself in work to raise the rising medical expenses for his family.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

The burden of life weighs down on the couple, and the communication between them becomes less and less, and the relationship becomes weaker and weaker unconsciously.

In 1996, a sudden accident took the life of the eldest daughter. This blow made Wu Yufen almost collapse, but Zhang Yuanguo behaved extremely indifferently, and this reaction made Wu Yufen feel deep disappointment and chill.

In 2010, the youngest son also passed away due to illness, completely crushing Wu Yufen's only remaining hope. The couple's affection seems to have faded with the loss of their child.

However, out of obsession with "home", and perhaps a trace of nostalgia for past feelings, they still barely maintain a superficial calm. Wu Yufen endured the pain in her heart and continued to play the role of his wife, while Zhang Yuanguo was even more reticent and closed himself in his own world.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

This marriage, from the initial hope to the later disappointment, has gone through too many hardships and trials. The birth and death of two disabled children not only brought a huge financial burden and mental pressure to the family, but also became an irreparable scar between Wu Yufen and Zhang Yuanguo.

Once a loving husband and wife, now they are like two strangers, living under the same roof, but each with unspeakable pain and regret.

As the years passed, the relationship between Wu Yufen and Zhang Yuanguo not only did not become closer because of the hardships they experienced together, but worsened. Zhang Yuanguo's temper became more and more irritable, while Wu Yufen accumulated a lot of resentment and resentment in the long-term repression.

Wu Yufen complained that Zhang Yuanguo had repeatedly committed domestic violence against her. She recalled that on one occasion Mr. Zhang grabbed her by the hair and dragged her on the floor, and even worse, he pushed her down the stairs on the fourth floor.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

In fact, there are many reasons why Wu Yufen chose to be patient. On the one hand, she is worried that after leaving Zhang Yuanguo, her life and that of her disabled children will be more difficult. On the other hand, she always had a glimmer of hope that her husband's personality would improve over time.

However, this expectation ended up being a void.

On August 20, 2015, a "Separation Agreement" appeared, completely revealing the fact that this marriage has long existed in name only. The agreement clearly stipulates that from that date onwards, the two parties will live independently and will not interfere with each other.

However, the two sides disagreed on the source of this agreement, which also became the fuse for further intensification of contradictions in the future.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

Ms. Wu claimed that Ms. Zhang had forced her to sign the agreement. She described the scene: Zhang Yuanguo used the seizure of her bank card as a threat to force her to agree to the separation.

Wu Yufen, who was forced to be helpless, had no choice but to submit, but her heart was full of humiliation and unwillingness. She believes that Zhang Yuanguo's real purpose is to evict her from the house and monopolize their joint property.

However, Zhang Yuanguo's statement is quite different. He insisted that Wu Yufen took the initiative to separate. In Zhang Yuanguo's eyes, his wife has been irresponsible for a long time, often does not return home at night, and even stopped his medical insurance payment.

For Zhang Yuanguo, who needs to take medication for many years, this is tantamount to a threat to his life.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

The existence of this separation agreement has not eased the contradictions between the two parties, but has become a new focus of dispute. The former husband and wife have become enemies at this time, full of resentment and distrust between each other.

Every conversation can turn into a heated argument or even a physical altercation.

Faced with such a situation, Wu Yufen felt both desperate and angry. She recalls the past years, and all the hard work she has put into her family seems to have come to naught. Years of patience and dedication, in exchange for loneliness and pain in old age.

Zhang Yuanguo, on the other hand, stubbornly believes that he is the victim and insists on protecting his rights and interests.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

This couple, who used to be close to each other, have now become inseparable rivals. The contradiction between them is not only a simple emotional breakdown, but also an explosion of long-term accumulated dissatisfaction and misunderstanding.

In this war without a winner, both old men became victims, and their later life was also clouded with a lingering haze.

At the end of 2020, 74-year-old Wu Yufen finally made up her mind and filed for divorce with the court. This decision caused a lot of shock in the neighborhood and also caused a lot of criticism.

However, after decades of painful marriage, Wu Yufen firmly stated that she could no longer endure such a life.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

After careful trial, the court finally made a judgment: a utility room in the couple's joint property was allocated to Wu Yufen, and Zhang Yuanguo was required to pay Wu Yufen 200,000 yuan as compensation.

This result seems fair and reasonable, but it has encountered many obstacles in the implementation process.

Zhang Yuanguo categorically refused to fulfill the court judgment and even kicked Wu Yufen out of his home. He stubbornly believed that the house was entirely his property and did not want to divide it among his wife.

In the face of the court's ruling, Zhang Yuanguo showed a kind of indifference and stubbornness, as if the relationship between husband and wife for many years had never existed.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

Wu Yufen, who was forced to leave home, had to rely on her meager pension to rent a simple house nearby. Every time he wanted to go home and get his personal belongings, he would be ruthlessly rejected and abused by Zhang Yuanguo.

Partners who have lived together for decades are now like strangers.

This lawsuit is not just a simple division of property, but also a struggle for dignity and rights. Wu Yufen hopes to obtain the rights and interests due to him through legal means, while Zhang Yuanguo tries to evade responsibility with various reasons.

This contest also reflects the common dilemma in elderly divorce cases: legal judgments are often difficult to fully solve complex problems in reality.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

Wu Yufen's experience has aroused widespread concern in society. Many sympathized with the old man's situation, while others questioned why she chose to divorce in her old age.

In the face of all kinds of discussions, Wu Yufen always insisted on her decision. She said that even if you are old, you should have the right to pursue happiness.

However, the reality of the predicament made Wu Yufen feel helpless. The court's verdict was in hand, but it could not really protect her rights and interests. She has repeatedly turned to the relevant authorities, but due to various reasons, the effective enforcement of the sentence has not been delayed.

This divorce lawsuit not only reveals the hidden problems in elderly marriage, but also exposes many obstacles in the process of law enforcement. For Wu Yufen, this is not only a battle for rights, but also an attempt to redefine life in old age.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

Despite the difficulties she faced, she did not give up her determination to pursue fairness and justice.

As events unfolded, the elderly divorce case attracted a lot of media attention. A group of reporters followed Ms. Wu to her former home to try to get to the bottom of the matter.

However, when Zhang Yuanguo saw his ex-wife and reporters appear at the door, he immediately closed the door, and angry shouts came from inside the house.

After the reporter's patient persuasion, Zhang Yuanguo finally agreed to open the door and let everyone enter. However, his words and deeds brought an unexpected turn to the case.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

Zhang Yuanguo tearfully accused Wu Yufen of being irresponsible for a long time and frequently leaving home without returning. He reminisced about the past and told how he worked hard for the family, only to be betrayed and ruthless by his wife.

What is even more shocking is that Zhang Yuanguo mentioned a little-known detail: he claimed that his youngest son's cerebral palsy could actually be avoided. According to him, Wu Yufen insisted on returning to her parents' home during her pregnancy, which led to the premature birth of the child on the ship, which eventually led to cerebral palsy.

This accusation made people start to re-examine the case, and also plunged Wu Yufen into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Faced with her husband's accusations, Wu Yufen felt both angry and aggrieved. She insists that she has always done her best to take care of her family and children. Regarding her son's premature birth, she explained that it was an unfortunate accident and not a deliberate negligence.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

However, under the pressure of public opinion, her voice seemed so weak.

The media coverage sparked a heated public debate. Some people sympathize with Wu Yufen's experience of domestic violence and believe that she has the right to pursue happiness in her later years; Others accused her of being irresponsible to her children and questioned her motives for divorcing.

This seemingly simple divorce case gradually reveals deeper family conflicts and social problems.

Journalists tried to balance the accounts of both sides, but the truth of the matter seemed to be getting more and more obscure. Every detail may have a different interpretation, and there may be more complex reasons behind each allegation.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

The case is no longer a simple black and white right or wrong, but presents a complex gray picture.

As more details were revealed, people began to wonder: who is the perpetrator and who is the victim in a decades-long marriage? Perhaps, the answer is not either/or, but that both of them have been hurt in this failed marriage.

The involvement of the media not only brought more attention to the case, but also made people reflect on broader social issues such as marriage in old age and family responsibilities. This originally intimate family tragedy has become a mirror that reflects the many contradictions and challenges in social changes.

After multi-party mediation in the community, this elderly divorce case, which has attracted widespread attention, finally has a temporary result. Zhang Yuanguo agreed to give the storage room to Wu Yufen to live in, but did not make a clear commitment to the compensation of 200,000 yuan.

Daughter has epilepsy, son has cerebral palsy, Wu Yufen wants to divorce and is subjected to domestic violence, and there is another hidden story in the media interview

Although this result did not completely solve the problem, it at least gave Wu Yufen a place to live.

However, the reflections raised by this case are far from over. It is not only a simple divorce case, but also reflects many social problems: the dilemma of protecting the rights and interests of the elderly, the intergenerational transmission of family conflicts, and practical obstacles in the implementation of the law.

For Wu Yufen and Zhang Yuanguo, the old age that should have been enjoyed in peace has become a battlefield of mutual accusations. This poignant story may bring us deep thoughts about marriage, family affection and the value of life.

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