
Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

author:Fog Survey

Everyone must have heard the story of "The Farmer and the Snake", which tells the story of a kind farmer who saves a frozen snake, only to be bitten to death by the snake's grace for revenge. In fact, in real life, this kind of "farmer and snake" story really happened.

In 1997 in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, an honest village party secretary, a family of four was brutally killed, and he was the only one who escaped because he went out.

But the survivor eventually committed suicide because he couldn't bear the pain of losing his loved ones. It has been 24 years since the case was investigated, and the police were almost white-headed, and finally arrested the murderer in 2021.

But what I didn't expect was that the murderer was actually a villager who had received the favor of the village party secretary back then, what was going on? Why did he slaughter his life-saving benefactor's family?

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

Today, let's take a look at this tragic murder.

Twenty-four years later, the killer was caught

On December 9, 2021, in Tianshankou Town, Alu Korqin Banner, Chifeng City, in a green vegetable greenhouse, the police have quietly laid a net.

Why? Just to catch a murderer who committed a heinous crime 24 years ago. At this time, this man hid in this greenhouse, growing vegetables every day, selling vegetables, and pretending to be a nobody.

He thought he would be able to get away with it after 24 years of hiding? The police hadn't forgotten him.

On this day, the police came to the door. At that time, he was busy working in the greenhouse, and he probably didn't expect the police to find him.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

By the time he reacted, he was already pressed to the ground and couldn't move. In 24 years, he changed his name and surname, hid in Tibet, and in the end, he still couldn't escape this catastrophe.

The police are not vegetarians, and as soon as they came up, they threw out a bunch of ironclad evidence, he was completely dumbfounded, his psychological defense line collapsed instantly, and he honestly confessed to the crime 24 years ago.

What did he do 24 years ago? We have to start from the beginning......

A family of four in the Zhengzhi Village was tragically wiped out

On December 28, 1997, the seventh day of the lunar month, seeing that the New Year was about to begin, a small village called Shitable Gacha in Chifeng City was quiet that night.

After dinner, Guo Yongfu, the village party secretary, as usual, went to the neighbor's house slowly.

Lao Guo is a person, there is nothing else wrong, he is just warm-hearted, and whoever has a big or small affair loves to talk to him.

During the Chinese New Year, he greeted him door to door, for fear that someone would have any difficulties.

But no one could have imagined that this trip would become the last peace of Lao Guo's family.

It didn't take long for Lao Guo to finish chatting with his neighbors, humming a little song, and went home happily. But as soon as he pushed open the door of his house, his heart suddenly became half cold, his legs were weak, and he almost fainted on the spot.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

I saw that the house was in a mess, the furniture was falling and shattering, the drawers were turned upside down, and the valuable things were gone.

The worst thing is that his daughter-in-law Cong Yuhua, son Guo Hongyu, daughter-in-law You Qinghua, and his 4-year-old granddaughter Fangfang all fell in a pool of blood, motionless, and had long since lost their breath.

Lao Guo endured his grief and called the police with trembling hands. The news spread quickly, and after a while, everyone in the village arrived. Seeing the tragic situation of Lao Guo's family, everyone was stunned and discussed, no one could imagine who was so vicious and vicious to Lao Guo's family.

The police soon arrived, set up a cordon, and searched inside and out. After a preliminary examination, it was found that all four members of Lao Guo's family had been hit on the head with a blunt object, resulting in head injury and death. Judging from the traces at the scene, the murderer was very ruthless, and he hated Lao Guo's family to the core.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

Who is this murderer? How much enmity does it have with Lao Guo's family, do you have to do this?

Seven years of chasing the murderer to no avail, and the survivors committed suicide due to their overwhelming burden

Lao Guo's family was brutally murdered, the whole village exploded, and the police were also under great pressure and hurriedly launched an investigation. But this case.

People in the village said that Lao Guo was warm-hearted, and if anyone was in trouble, he didn't say a word, and he would help if he could. If there is a conflict in anyone's family, he, a peacemaker, deserves to be called a wholehearted. You say, who would make an enmity with such a person and make such a ruthless move?

The police first checked the people who had a holiday with Lao Guo, but these people were either not in the village at all at the time of the crime, or they were all trivial and had conflicts with Lao Guo, and they had no motive at all.

The case was at an impasse, and the police had no clue.

At this moment, a news suddenly came from a primary school three kilometers away from the place where the crime occurred, which brought a ray of light to this confusing case.

It turned out that when a primary school student went to the toilet, he found a bloody iron rod in the corner of the toilet. The police rushed to the school, carefully investigated, and found that this iron rod was completely consistent with the traces on the ground of Lao Guo's house, and it was basically certain that this was the murder weapon.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

But here's the problem, this iron rod is actually a heating pipe.

In these years, the villagers of Shitai Gacha Village still live in mud houses, and they all rely on kang heating in winter.

Where did the murder weapon come from? Why didn't the murderer use a heating pipe instead of a convenient guy? Could it be that the murderer was not from the village at all?

In order to find the murderer, the police broke their legs, rummaged through dozens of surrounding villages, and searched thousands of people back and forth, but still found nothing.

In this flash, it is seven years.

Seven years later, the scene of the tragic death of Lao Guo's family is still vivid, but the murderer is still at large. Lao Guo has been living in the pain of losing his relatives all these years, and his spirit has completely collapsed, and he finally chose to commit suicide and leave the world that made him heartbroken.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

An iron rod, DNA identification locks the real culprit

In the blink of an eye, 22 years have passed, and this tragic case has become a stone in the hearts of the local police, and no one wants to let this case become a headless unsolved case.

In 2019, the Chifeng police made up their minds to solve this dusty case that had been sealed for many years and give Lao Guo's family an explanation. They set up a new case-handling team, and these policemen are all elites.

As soon as they came up, they went through the case files of that year, and they did not let go of every detail. Not only that, but they also interviewed the police and witnesses who participated in the case that year, hoping to find some new clues.

The hard work paid off, and the bloody heating pipe once again became the key to solving the case.

More than 20 years have passed, and DNA technology is no longer a new thing, and the police decided to use this high-tech to check the heating pipe again, and maybe there will be an unexpected gain.

Sure enough, the police extracted DNA information from the heating pipe, and then compared the information with the information in the database, but they didn't expect to find it.

The suspect is actually Bai Yunqing (pseudonym).

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

This Bai Yunqing, who was also a villager of Shitable Gacha Village, was so poor that he was tinkling, but Lao Guo helped him so that he didn't starve to death. But who would have thought that this kid would take revenge and become a murderer.

What's going on here?


Bai Yunqing, who was in his early 30s at the time of the crime, was a villager in Shitai Gacha Village, and a few years before the crime, his family moved to Tianshan Town, more than 100 kilometers away, in order to make it easier for his children to study in the town.

The police investigation found that soon after the incident, Bai Yunqing's economic situation improved significantly, not only bought a house in the town, but also went to Baotou to do business.

This has to make people wonder, is Bai Yunqing's money related to the tragedy?

In order not to startle the snake, the police launched a secret investigation of Bai Yunqing and successfully extracted his DNA sample.

As expected, Bai Yunqing's DNA sample was exactly the same as the DNA information extracted from the heating pipe back then.

In December 2021, the police arrested Bai Yunqing in Baotou City.

Faced with ironclad evidence, Bai Yunqing's psychological defense line completely collapsed, and he confessed the facts of the crime 24 years ago.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

It turns out that Bai Yunqing and Guo Yongfu's family are really a little related.

In the early years, Bai Yunqing's family was poor, and once he almost fainted on the side of the road with hunger, but Guo Yongfu passed by and gave him a bowl of rice to eat, which saved his life.

It stands to reason that Bai Yunqing should be rich in life-saving grace to Guo Yong, how could he take revenge and kill his entire family?

This has to start after Bai Yunqing moved to Tianshan Town.

Bai Yunqing was working in a factory in the town at the time, and his life was quite stable. But the good times didn't last long, the factory closed down, Bai Yunqing lost his source of income all of a sudden, and the family's life fell into trouble.

Desperate, Bai Yunqing thought of returning to the village to farm.

However, according to the policy at that time, Bai Yunqing's family had moved out of the village's household registration, and the land that originally belonged to them was also taken back by the village and distributed to other villagers.

Bai Yunqing went to the village committee to negotiate, hoping to get back his land, but was refused.

Guo Yongfu, as the village party secretary, also adhered to principles and did not agree to Bai Yunqing's request.

Bai Yunqing thought that Guo Yongfu deliberately embarrassed himself, coupled with the huge pressure of life at that time, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he gradually became resentful of Guo Yongfu.

On the night of the crime, the more Bai Yunqing thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally decided to take a risk and take revenge on Guo Yongfu.

He grabbed an abandoned heating pipe from a relative's house, rode his bicycle, and braved the wind and snow all the way from Tianshan Town to Shitai Gacha Village, more than 100 kilometers away.

Review: A family of 4 was killed, the only survivor chose to commit suicide, chased the murderer for 24 years, and finally found the murderer

Bai Yunqing came to the door of Guo Yongfu's house in the dark, slammed the door hard, picked up the heating pipe, and poisoned Guo Yongfu's son Guo Hongyu.

Guo Yongfu's wife, Cong Yuhua and daughter-in-law You Qinghua, who heard the movement, also ran out of the room, but they were also brutally killed by Bai Yunqing.

Fangfang, who was only 4 years old, woke up from her sleep and saw the terrifying scene in front of her, she was so frightened that she cried, and was also beaten to death by the frenzied Bai Yunqing.

After committing the crime, Bai Yunqing, in order to create the illusion of robbery, turned over the cabinets, took some cash from the Guo family, and then fled back to Tianshan Town overnight on a bicycle.

Who would have thought that the kindness of a bowl of rice would be exchanged for a catastrophe?

Bai Yunqing, a once down-and-out young man, also became a murderous demon because of a thought, and ruined his life with his own hands.

This tragic incident that occurred in Inner Mongolia is really embarrassing.

A rural boy from a poor background, because of the pressure of life, embarked on the road of crime. But this can't be a reason for Lao Bai to kill, or he is too impulsive and carried away by hatred. As the saying goes, "impulse is the devil", and if you make a big mistake on impulse, it's too late to regret it.

So, we have to learn a lesson, be calm when things happen, and don't let anger and hatred take your bearing. Cherish the life in front of you, better than anything else.