
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

When you hear that a 45-year-old middle-aged uncle and his son are standing together, and even passers-by can't tell who is the father, do you think it's a fantasy?

But, my dear readers, such a "miracle" does happen before our eyes. Let's uncover this amazing story and find out who has found the secret of eternal youth in the long river of time!

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

Tian Liang's family's trip to England

On June 30, a piece of news exploded on the Internet. Many netizens broke the news, saying that they met Tian Liang's family in the UK. This should have been an ordinary news of celebrity travel, but because of Tian Liang's amazing state, it instantly detonated a heated discussion on the whole network.

You must know that Tian Liang is not a little fresh meat who has just debuted. The former prince of diving, now a father of two children, is 45 years old, which is no longer young. However, judging from the photos taken by netizens, time seems to have treated him particularly favorably.

On the campus of Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Tian Liang's family of three is particularly eye-catching. Dad Tian Liang was dressed in casual clothes, a black T-shirt with white trousers, and he looked like a big boy. On his iconic baby face, there is not the slightest trace of age, and the skin is so tight that people are jealous.

If maintenance is a science, then Tian Liang has undoubtedly cultivated to the realm of perfection.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

Father and son are difficult to distinguish, father and goddess are like

However, what really amazes people is not only Tian Liang's young appearance, but also the delicate relationship between him and his children.

Standing beside Tian Liang were his son Liangzai and daughter Sen Die. The two sisters and brothers have long surpassed their father's height, and they are more like three siblings when they stand together. Especially Liang Zai, it is simply a copy of Tian Liang, and the similarity between father and son is amazingly high. Some netizens even joked:

I rubbed my eyes, but I still couldn't tell which was my father and which was my son. Is this a copy-paste? "

And Sendie is not to be outdone, inheriting his father's excellent genes, and his facial features are so delicate that they seem to be generated by copy-and-paste functions. When the three of them put on sunglasses together, it made people sigh at the strength of genes.

The appearance of this family is simply God's eccentric masterpiece!

However, attentive netizens still found some subtle differences. Although Liang Zai looks like his father, his aura is even stronger. His cold expression seemed to freeze the air around him. In contrast, Tian Liang is more amiable and cute.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

Sendie, on the other hand, exudes a unique temperament, with a tall figure and elegant manners, like a future lady of the world. It seems that the siblings not only inherited their parents' appearance, but also developed their own unique personal charm.

Parents are pleased that their children are outstanding

Speaking of Tian Liang's children, I have to mention their excellent performance. This pair of second-generation stars does not live by the aura of their parents, but shines in various fields with their own efforts.

Sendie is 16 years old this year and is about to enter high school life. As a "cute baby" who has participated in "Where Are You Going, Dad", her growth has always attracted much attention. Unlike other second-generation stars in the entertainment industry, Sendie has always given the impression of being well-behaved, sensible and versatile.

Not only did she inherit her father's athletic genes, she sweated on the tennis court, but she also showed amazing talent in the field of art. Sen Die, who plays the piano well, is simply a representative of both civil and military.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

The most admirable thing is that this seemingly pampered little princess has extraordinary perseverance and endurance.

It is reported that Sendie can insist on playing tennis for 8 hours in a high temperature of 40 degrees. This kind of hard-working spirit is probably inferior to many adults. No wonder some people say that no matter what Sendie does in the future, he will become a winner in life.

And although the exposure of his younger brother Liangzai is not as high as that of his sister, judging from the photos of this chance encounter, he is also a talent. With a tall and thin figure, with a face that resembles his father, he will definitely be a handsome guy who will make girls scream in the future.

Seeing their children so good, Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian, as parents, must be both proud and gratified. They use practical actions to explain what it means to be "excellent parents raise excellent children".

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

Sendie's future plans

This time, Tian Liang appeared at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom with his children, presumably not just for tourism. As a student who is about to enter high school, Sendie's future planning has naturally become the focus of everyone's attention.

You must know that Sendie's friends, such as Wang Shiling and Zhang Liang's son Tian Tian, have already gone to school abroad. As a second-generation star, receiving international education seems to have become a trend.

However, will Sendie also choose to study abroad? Judging from this trip to Cambridge, it seems that Tian Liang and his wife have higher expectations for their daughter's future.

Will Cambridge University, an institution full of history, become a place to study in the future?

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

With the talent and strength that Sendie is currently showing, it seems that being admitted to Cambridge is not an unattainable dream. Her athletic and artistic prowess, combined with her extraordinary perseverance, is a powerful barrier to the world's top universities.

However, no matter which school Sendie chooses in the end, I believe that under the careful cultivation of Tian Liang and Ye Yiqian, she will become an impressive talent.

Netizens are hotly discussed: envy and doubt coexist

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens expressed envy of Tian Liang's maintenance status:

"Oh my God, did Tian Liang eat preservatives? At 45 years old, it looks younger than my 25 years old! "
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while
"Ask Tian Liang to quickly come up with a maintenance cheatbook, I am willing to use all my savings to buy out the copyright!"

There are also netizens who are full of expectations for the future of Sendie:

"If Sendie really gets into Cambridge, it will be amazing! It is worthy of being born in a sports family, and this perseverance and hard work are too valuable. "
"Look at the second generation of other people's stars, and then look at some people who only show off their wealth, it's really a world of difference!"

Some netizens questioned this type of education:

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while
"Although Sendie is very good, is it really good to be under so much pressure at such a young age? Childhood also needs to be happy. "
"I don't think studying abroad is necessarily the best choice, and education in China is constantly improving, so why bother looking for the near future?"

However, there are also voices of reason that remind everyone:

"Every family's situation is different, and we outsiders shouldn't be judged. What matters is whether the child is happy and growing up healthy. "
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

Write at the end

Tian Liang's family's trip to the UK not only allowed us to see a well-maintained star family, but also made us think a lot about education and growth.

Whether it is Tian Liang's amazing frozen appearance, or the excellent quality shown by Sendie and Liangzai, it is worth our thought.

Perhaps, true success lies not only in the appearance of glamorousness, but also in the strength and tenacity of the heart. Mr. and Mrs. Tian Liang have interpreted what is high-quality family education in their own way, and their experience may be worth learning from.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK, the maintenance was too good, and he didn't recognize who his father was for a while

At the same time, we should also be wary not to put too much pressure on our children. Every child is a unique individual with their own pace of growth and life path.

Finally, let us look forward to the future of Sendie and Liangzai, and wish Tian Liang's family happiness. At the same time, I would like to ask you: If you were a parent, how would you balance your child's learning, interest development, and a happy childhood? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section!

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