
Will there be floods this summer?

author:Sister Li chats about the present
Will there be floods this summer?

It's a little hot, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, which makes people a little unbearable. Speaking of Xiaoxiao, it suddenly occurred to me that this is not the time for the plum! At this time, the friends in the south began to get nervous, and the tail of the rainy season was always flicking around, and I don't know if there would be a sudden "return to the horse gun" to catch everyone off guard.

Actually, when I talk about this Izumei, I remember when I was a child in the countryside, the old people would always chant some agricultural proverbs to predict the next weather. Something like "three sunny days out of the plum, full of grain" or something like that, at that time it sounded like a mysterious spell. In retrospect, in fact, behind those agricultural proverbs, are the old people's awe of nature and their expectations for life.

In the north, it's been unbearably hot. The crops in the fields were thirsty, and the peasants and uncles were looking forward to the rain in time to give some moisture to the parched land. Every time I see those cracked land, I don't feel good in my heart, this nature is really good at playing tricks on people!

Will there be floods this summer?

Don't be too complacent, friends in the south, although you have a lot of rain there, the rainy season is not so good. It rained for days, and it felt like people were getting moldy. Moreover, the rain is too heavy, and it is easy to cause waterlogging in the city and flooding the farmland, which is really a headache. Especially in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the rain is as if it doesn't cost money, and the flood control work has to be fully prepared.

On July 6th, Xiao Xia and Izumei Ri actually collided together, isn't this God joking with us? This particular weather pattern is really confusing. However, then again, our ancestors had their own way of judging. They can predict changes in the weather by looking at the shape of the clouds, the direction of the wind, and even the behavior of the animals. Although it is not as precise as modern meteorology now, it is also necessary to admire their intelligence.

Speaking of wisdom, I am reminded of those agricultural proverbs that have been handed down. For example, "the plum blossom is sunny for three days, and the grain is full", this sentence says that if the plum blossom can be sunny for three consecutive days, then this year's millet is expected to be a bumper harvest. It's exciting to think about!

Will there be floods this summer?

The agricultural proverb is not just a prediction of the weather, in fact, it is more like a wisdom of life. The weather conditions on the day of the plum season, whether it is rolling thunder or drizzle, are reflected in the agricultural proverb. These proverbs are like the precious treasures left to us by our ancestors, telling us in simple and clear language how to deal with the changes of nature.

For example, the phrase "When it comes out of the rainy season, moisturizing things silently, we need to take precautions" reminds us that while enjoying the moisture brought by the rain, we should not forget to beware of possible disasters. This kind of wisdom of preparing for a rainy day is a valuable experience left by our ancestors!

Truth be told, even though weather forecasts are pretty accurate these days, I still think of those agricultural proverbs sometimes. They are like wise old men who teach us the true meaning of life in simple language.

Will there be floods this summer?

To be honest, every time I mention Xiaoxia and Izumei, I think of those days in the countryside when I was a child. At that time, although there was not as advanced technology as it is now, people's awe of nature and love for life were so sincere. Nowadays, although we have more accurate weather forecasts, the awe of nature and the love of life are still something we cannot forget.

Therefore, when the summer meets the "plum", will there be floods this summer? This is a question that we may not be able to give a definite answer. But no matter how the weather changes, we should learn to cherish what nature has given us and face life's challenges with wisdom and courage. After all, life, like the unpredictable weather, is always full of unknowns and surprises. What we can do is to feel and experience the ups and downs with our hearts.

Will there be floods this summer?