
The man got lost and saw that the golden snake was difficult to produce and help, so he saved himself with a gesture

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about this new thing that has just come out today. We have a buddy here, surnamed Li, named Tiezhu, let's call him Li Tiezhu affectionately. Don't look at his name, he is very good. He is a person who has been wandering outside all the year round, coming and going from south to north, what has he never seen in the world? No, once he accidentally crashed into the deep mountains and old forests, and bumped into something amazing.

That day, the sun was about to set, and Li Tiezhu was still wandering around the mountain, muttering in his heart: "What's wrong with this today, why can't you find the north?" He looked around, but there was nothing to be seen but the towering trees and dense bushes. At this moment, he saw something moving in the grass in front of him, and his heart tightened, and he hurried over to see what was going on. Oh my god, this is a terrible sight, a big golden snake is writhing on the ground, and there are a few golden snake eggs scattered next to it. Li Tiezhu thought to himself, what kind of snake is this, this is clearly a gold bar! But when he saw the snake's painful appearance again, he thought to himself: Is this snake having a difficult birth?

Li Tiezhu, this buddy, although he loves money, he also knows what to do when to do it. He thought to himself, if this golden snake hangs, then these snake eggs will be all wasted, and besides, this golden snake looks unusual, maybe it is still a treasure. So, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he squatted down and began to help the golden snake deliver the baby. He carefully picked up the snake egg, gently set it aside, and then gently pressed the golden snake on the stomach, trying to help it lay the snake egg. Don't say it, Li Tiezhu's skills are really good, and after a while, the golden snake successfully gave birth to the remaining snake eggs.

The man got lost and saw that the golden snake was difficult to produce and help, so he saved himself with a gesture

The golden snake slowed down, looked up at Li Tiezhu, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes. Li Tiezhu was also happy in his heart, thinking that this time he was really not busy in vain. He was about to take both the snake egg and the golden snake away, but the golden snake suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a golden bead. Li Tiezhu looked at it and thought, "Hey, how much is this bead worth!" He reached out to take it, but the golden serpent suddenly lowered his head and covered the bead with his body.

Li Tiezhu was stunned for a moment, thinking that this golden snake was quite protective of food. He smiled, didn't force it, and stood up to leave. But at this moment, the golden snake suddenly raised its head and said in a strange voice: "Benefactor, slow down, this pearl is the treasure of our clan, and I give it to you today to show my gratitude." But remember, this bead should not be taken lightly, otherwise it will lead to great disaster. As soon as Li Tiezhu heard this, he understood a rough idea in his heart. He quickly knelt down, respectfully took the bead, and said: "Thank you Golden Snake Great Immortal for the treasure, I, Li Tiezhu, will treasure this pearl and never show it lightly." ”

He was in a hurry, followed the golden snake's ass, all the way through the forest, and finally rushed out of the mountain. The golden snake stopped, turned his head to Li Tiezhu and said, "Dude, you can go now." Remember, what's the problem, find me with this bead. As soon as the words fell, the golden snake turned into a golden light, and with a swish, it disappeared. Li Tiezhu stood there, holding the bead in his hand, and in his heart it was called a river and sea. How could he have imagined that his little act of kindness could be exchanged for such a big benefit. He secretly swore in his heart that he would do more good deeds in the future to benefit everyone.

The man got lost and saw that the golden snake was difficult to produce and help, so he saved himself with a gesture

This is the story of Li Tiezhu's kid who accidentally crashed into the mountain, saved the golden snake, and got the baby. Ladies and gentlemen, do you say, is this Li Tiezhu a blessed person? Hey, we have a saying in the Northeast: good people have good rewards! That's all for today's story, and we'll talk about it next time. Come on, let's talk about Li Tiezhu's later words.

Since he came out of the mountains on the day of the fight, Li Tiezhu has a bottom in his heart, and the beads in his hand are like a cornucopia. But this bead is not recognizable to everyone, Li Tiezhu knows in his heart that he has to hide it well and don't let people worry about it. When he returned to the village, he didn't make much publicity, he still farmed, hunted, and occasionally helped the villagers do some work. But after a long time, Li Tiezhu felt that something was wrong, and why did the people in the village look at him more and more strangely? He thought about it and finally understood that some people were suspicious when they saw that he had plenty of money.

Li Tiezhu is not afraid of things, he is like a mirror in his heart, and he knows that there must be an explanation. So, he found an opportunity to tell him everything about saving the golden snake in the mountains that day, and showed the bead. When the people in the village looked at it, hey, this bead was shining golden and dazzling! Everyone exclaimed, saying that Li Tiezhu had met a god and had a baby. This spread ten, ten, hundreds, and soon spread throughout the village. The people in the village said that he was a blessed man, who saved the golden snake and got such a treasure.

The man got lost and saw that the golden snake was difficult to produce and help, so he saved himself with a gesture

Li Tiezhu didn't hide it, he told everyone that although this bead is good, it can't be messed around, and it has to be treasured. He also said that this bead is his fate with the Golden Snake Immortal, and it can't be shown to people casually. In this way, Li Tiezhu's status in the village suddenly became high. Everyone respected him, admired him, and felt that he was a blessed and wise man. But Li Tiezhu knows in his heart that this blessing is not for nothing, and he has to rely on himself to cherish and work hard.

When the merchant saw Li Tiezhu, he warmly shook hands with him and praised him repeatedly: "I have admired the name for a long time!" You are the Mr. Li Tiezhu who once saved the golden snake, right? It's a blessing! Li Tiezhu was a little overwhelmed by this sudden enthusiasm, he smiled slightly, and responded modestly: "Wherever and where, it's all old things." I wonder what you're looking for me for? After hearing this, the merchant leaned close to Li Tiezhu's ear and asked in a low voice: "I heard that you have a bead given by the Golden Snake Great Immortal in your hand, can you give me a feast for my eyes?" Li Tiezhu suddenly understood a little in his heart, and after a moment of silence, he replied: "The bead is indeed here, but it is not something that can be displayed casually." ”

The man got lost and saw that the golden snake was difficult to produce and help, so he saved himself with a gesture

The merchant looked a little anxious after hearing this: "Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to rob. Truth be told, I'm an antique dealer who specializes in rare treasures. I heard that this bead is not trivial, and I wanted to see it. Rest assured, I will not let you show it in vain, and I am willing to offer a reasonable price. After Li Tiezhu heard this, his heart was a little shaken, he looked at the sincere expression of the merchant, and thought that he was too old to use this bead, so he sighed and agreed: "Okay, I'll let you see this bead." As he spoke, he took out the golden bead from his bosom.

As soon as the merchant saw the beads, his eyes immediately lit up, and he exclaimed: "Good baby! Good baby! He looked at it carefully for a while, and then said, "Old man Li, I am willing to pay 1,000 taels of silver to buy this bead, what do you think?" After Li Tiezhu heard this, he hesitated a little in his heart, he examined the sincerity of the businessman again, and thought that he had never seen such a huge amount of money in his life, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll sell it to you." When the merchant heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately took out the silver ticket and handed it to Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu took the silver ticket, but he was a little disappointed in his heart. He looked at the silver ticket in his hand and the empty embrace, and sighed: "This bead has accompanied me all my life, and now I have sold it like this, and I am indeed a little reluctant in my heart." When the merchant heard this, he comforted him and said, "Old man Li, rest assured, this bead will be better treasured and protected by me." "Just put your heart into one hundred and twenty!" Let's settle this matter, let's continue to talk about Li Tiezhu's matter. The merchant had the bead in his hand and slipped away from Li Tiezhu's house with a thousand thanks. Li Tiezhu sat on the kang, holding the heavy silver tickets in his hand, but his heart felt like he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle. The bead has been with him all his life, although he doesn't often take it out to show off, but every time he looks at it, his heart is as solid as something. Now that the beads were gone, he felt like he had lost his soul. As the days passed, Li Tiezhu still lived his little life step by step, but he always felt empty in his heart.

One day, he was busy working in the field, and suddenly his feet went soft, and he felt that he had stepped on something. He looked down, hey, hey, this is not the snake egg of the Golden Snake Immortal! How did you get here? Li Tiezhu was shocked, and hurriedly and carefully picked up the snake egg. He looked at the snake egg, and an indescribable sense of intimacy welled up in his heart. He thought to himself, how good it would be if the snake egg could hatch! So, he decided to take the snake egg home and serve it well.

The man got lost and saw that the golden snake was difficult to produce and help, so he saved himself with a gesture

Li Tiezhu returned home, found a warm place, and settled the snake eggs. He takes care of it every day, for fear that something will go wrong. It didn't take long for the snake egg to hatch, and a small golden snake emerged from it. This little golden snake is very close to Li Tiezhu, and revolves around him every day, as if to repay him for saving his life. Li Tiezhu looked at the little golden snake, and his heart blossomed. He thought, this golden snake fairy is really human, knowing his thoughts, he sent such a little baby. So, he gave the little golden snake a name, called "Jin'er".

Kim grew up day by day, becoming more and more intelligent and clever. Not only can it understand people's words, but it can also help Li Tiezhu do some work. The people in the village envied Li Tiezhu, saying that he was protected by the Golden Snake Immortal, and he was very blessed. One day, a gang of robbers suddenly came to the village, and they burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of evil. Although Li Tiezhu is old, he still wants to contribute to the village. He took the gold with him and fought against the robbers with the villagers. The golden child was small, but fierce, and it opened its mouth to spit out flames that burned the robbers to the ground. Under the leadership of Li Tiezhu and Jin Er, the villagers finally repelled the robbers and kept their homeland.

Li Tiezhu looked at Jin Er, and his heart blossomed. He touched Jin'er's head and said, "Jin'er, you are really my good helper!" Without you, we'd be miserable. Jin Er seemed to understand, and it turned its head and rubbed Li Tiezhu's hand affectionately. Then, suddenly, it raised its head and let out a long howl into the sky. The sound was deafening and resounded through the sky. At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the golden light became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a huge golden snake. The golden serpent danced like a windmill in the sky, looking at the small village below. When the people in the village saw this formation, they were so frightened that their legs weakened, and they knelt on the ground and kowtowed, begging God to bless them. The golden snake wandered around the sky for a while, and suddenly turned into a golden light and fell to Li Tiezhu's feet. It looked at Li Tiezhu, and its eyes were full of gratitude and respect. It opened his mouth and said, "Li Tiezhu, you saved me, and you saved my cubs, bringing good luck to our race. I'm here today to thank you. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he quickly knelt down and said, "Golden Snake Great Immortal, you are too polite!" My little thing is not worth mentioning. The Golden Snake Immortal said, "Your good deeds have changed the fate of our race. Today, I will give you a magic pill, which can prolong life and prevent all diseases. As soon as the words fell, it spit out a shiny elixir and handed it to Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu took the pill, and his heart was warm. He kowtowed to the Golden Snake Great Immortal, and then swallowed the pill in one gulp. Immediately, he felt a stream of heat rushing through his body, and the whole person was more energetic. The Golden Snake Great Immortal saw that Li Tiezhu had taken the pill, and then turned into a golden light, and disappeared with a whoosh. The people in the village swarmed around and congratulated Li Tiezhu on winning the reward of the Golden Snake Immortal. Li Tiezhu said happily: "This is all the grace of the Golden Snake Immortal!" We have to cherish this blessing and live a good life. Since then, Li Tiezhu's life has become more and more prosperous. He walked around the village with the little golden snake every day and chatted with people. The people in the village envied him for having such a clever little golden snake as his companion. Li Tiezhu always smiled and said: "I saved myself by saving this!" ”