
The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

In our northeast Nagada, there is a small place called Qingshi Town, the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, and the people in the town live a very moist life. But in such a good place, something strange happened that made people smack. I have to start with the old Zhao family, his family has a son, Zhao Tiezhu, who is honest and usually lives by fishing. Tie Zhu, this young man, don't look at his strong body and good heart, the people in the town are very kind to see him.

One day, Tiezhu rowed a small boat to the river to fish. The sun was just right that day, the river was clear to the bottom, and Tie Zhu's heart was full of joy, thinking that he would definitely have a bumper harvest today. Na Cheng thought, before he could catch a few fish, Tiezhu suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and he was dizzy, and he fell on the boat. By the time he opened his eyes again, it would be three days later. He was lying on his kang with a thick quilt and a bandage around his head. I tried to move, but I didn't feel anything other than feeling a little empty.

"Iron pillar, you're awake!" When the old lady saw him open her eyes, she was so excited that she burst into tears. Tie Zhu looked at the familiar and unfamiliar face of the old lady, and his heart tightened. He asked tentatively: "Mother, what's wrong with me?" When the old lady heard this, her face changed, and she hesitated: "You...... You've got a serious illness, and your family doesn't have to worry about it. Tie Zhu muttered in his heart, he clearly remembered that he suddenly fainted on the river, why did he get seriously ill? Moreover, he felt that the atmosphere in the house was not right, and the family was mysterious, as if there was something hidden from him.

The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

Although Tie Zhu was suspicious, he didn't ask much. He thought that maybe it was really a sick person, and the family would be so nervous. So, he began to recuperate at home, taking medicine, eating, and sleeping every day, and living as usual. But after a long time, Tie Zhu discovered something even stranger. The family, including the old lady, daughter-in-law, children, and neighbors, didn't seem to know him. Although they smiled at him, their eyes were strange and distant.

Tie Zhu's heart became more and more confused, and he began to recall the events before his illness. I remember going fishing in the river that day, and then suddenly fainting, waking up and that's it. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong, and I felt that I might not be sick, but that I had run into something evil. One night, Tiezhu lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He pondered the changes in his family, and his heart became more and more unsteady. Oh, on this big night, Tie Zhu'er heard some movement outside, and he was apprehensive in his heart. He crept up from the kang like a kitten, quietly moved to the window, and with a slight push, the window opened. The moon outside was as bright as water. In the courtyard, there was a dark shadow, carrying a basket in his hand, Tie Zhu'er's heart tightened, and his heart said: "Who is this in the middle of the night?" ”

He held his breath and cautiously poked his head out to see what the man looked like. But at this moment, the black shadow suddenly raised its head and stared straight at the window of the iron pillar. Tie Zhu'er trembled in his heart, and there was nothing on that person's face, like a tabula rasa. Tie Zhu'er was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and he quickly retracted his head and wanted to close the window. But the black shadow didn't give up, and stretched out his hand and pushed the window open. The iron pillar stumbled and fell on all fours. He struggled to remember, but the black shadow had already rushed in, a cold wind blew in his face, and as soon as Tie Zhu'er looked up, the black shadow had already arrived.

The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

Tie Zhu'er was about to shout for help, but the black shadow suddenly reached out and covered his mouth. Tie Zhu'er was in a hurry and bit the hand of the black shadow. Just heard the sound of "ah", and the black shadow let go. Tie Zhu'er took the opportunity to get up and wanted to run out. But the black shadow was like a ghost, chasing after it, and let out a series of terrible screams. Tie Zhu'er ran desperately, but the black shadow seemed to be glued to his body, and he couldn't shake it off. Running and running, Tie Zhu'er suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and then he didn't know anything.

By the time he opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning. Tie Zhu'er found himself lying on his kang again, and the old lady was sitting next to him and watching him. He looked around, and the dark shadow was long gone. He tried to move, and felt his strength return. The old lady was very excited when she saw that he was awake. Tie Zhu'er looked at the familiar face of the old lady, but her heart was like a drum. He knew that last night's incident was definitely not an ordinary dream, and the family must know something. So, he decided to pretend to be confused and see how his family reacted.

He deliberately pretended not to know anything, and asked the old lady why he was here. When the old lady looked at him like that, a trace of complexity flashed on her face, but she quickly returned to normal, and said softly: "You kid, why do you suddenly ask that?" Didn't you fish in the river and get sick when you came back? Tie Zhu'er's heart moved, and he continued to pretend to be confused, frowning and saying, "Why don't I remember anything?" It felt like a dream. The old lady sighed, touched his head, and said, "Then you can rest well, don't think too much." "When you're well, we'll have a good chat." Tie Zhu nodded slightly, but he silently made up his mind in his heart to uncover the truth of the matter. In the days that followed, he seemed to be slowly recovering, but in fact he was secretly observing his family's every move. He noticed that when night fell, there were unusual sounds in the house, sometimes as if someone was whispering, and sometimes as if some kind of mysterious ritual was being performed.

The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

In order to unravel this mystery, Iron Pillar decided to take matters into his own hands. One quiet night, when the family had fallen asleep, he got up from bed lightly, carefully opened the door, and quietly walked out of the room. He walked lightly down the hallway, each step extremely cautious to avoid making any noise. As he walked around a corner, he suddenly caught a faint sound. He immediately held his breath and listened intently. I saw a black shadow flash quickly from the corner of the wall, holding a torch in his hand. Tie Zhu's heart tightened, and he secretly thought to himself: "There is indeed something strange! He silently followed the dark shadow until he came to a secluded room that was usually locked. Curious, he approached, only to see the shadow tap three times on the door, muttering something in his mouth. With a slight "squeak", the door slowly opened, and a black shadow quickly flashed inside. Seeing this, Tie Zhu also hurriedly followed.

The room was dimly lit, with only the faint light of torches barely illuminating the surroundings. Iron Pillar looked around and found that all kinds of strange props and rune papers were placed in the room, and an ominous aura filled the air. Suddenly, he heard a muffled spell sound coming from deep within the room. He followed the direction of the sound and found a man in a black robe standing in the center of a circle, holding a dagger, chanting a spell at an unconscious man. Tie Zhu was shocked in his heart, and when he looked closely, the unconscious person turned out to be himself! At this time, it dawned on him that he was not sick, but was imprisoned by his family. They didn't know him because they were no longer his relatives.

At this moment, the black-robed man seemed to sense something and suddenly turned his head. Seeing this, Tie Zhu quickly hid aside. The black-robed man looked around, but found nothing unusual, and continued to recite the incantation. Iron Pillar was anxious, and he knew he had to find a way to escape. He looked around for an opportunity and suddenly noticed a small hole in the corner. He had an idea and quietly slipped in. The cave was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers. But Tiezhu didn't have time to care about this, he walked along the cave wall, and after walking for an unknown amount of time, he finally saw the light ahead. He quickened his pace and finally walked out of the hole.

The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

Outside the entrance to the cave was a dense forest, and the moonlight spilled through the gaps in the leaves, creating dappled light and shadows. Tie Zhu took a deep breath and felt more freedom and ease than he had ever felt before. He knew that he had managed to escape from that strange family. The kid from the iron pillar, his heart was up and down, and he trotted all the way to the town. Along the way, he was a mess in his heart, why did he get involved in this matter, what happened to his family now, he didn't know the bottom of his heart. But he understands that this matter has to be investigated, otherwise he will not be able to be practical in his life. After a lot of effort, Tiezhu finally returned to the town. He found an old acquaintance and poured all his on him. When the old friend heard this, his eyes were about to fall out, and he hurriedly contacted the Taoist priest in the town for Tiezhu.

The Taoist priest came to Tiezhu's house, investigated and questioned, and finally clarified the matter. It turned out that the Tiezhu family had let a force of evil sect control them, and they didn't know themselves anymore, and they became puppets of the evil force. The reason why the iron pillar was locked up was because he had inadvertently touched the seal of power. The Taoist priest slapped his thigh and decided to do a big deal and get rid of this evil power. After a thrilling battle, the Taoist priest cleaned up the evil power, and Tiezhu's family also sobered up and recognized Tiezhu. Since then, Tie Zhu's family has lived a good life, and the people in the town have known about it, and they are very grateful and admired Tie Zhu and the Taoist priest. This matter has become a good story in the town, and everyone talks about it after dinner.

Tie Zhu learned the truth from the Taoist priest, and he had mixed feelings in his heart. He was glad that he had escaped, but he also felt sorry for the suffering of his family. He decided to help the Taoist priests and protect the peace of the town together. The Taoist priest told Tiezhu that the evil power did not come out of thin air, but was the work of an ancient curse in the town. This curse is said to be that the ancestor of the town offended a big demon and was cursed, once in a hundred years, the town had to be robbed. In order to solve this curse once and for all, the Taoist priest and the iron pillar began to look around for a way to crack it. They searched all the corners of the town, asked many old men and wise men, and finally found an ancient book in a cave in a barren mountain. Ancient books have written about ways to break the curse, but the process is not easy. First of all, you have to find a treasure called the "Soul Purifying Bead", which can purify evil energy. But the bead is hidden in a mysterious labyrinth that only the wise and brave can find.

The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

Tie Zhu and the Taoist priest did not retreat, and they decided to break through the maze together. The maze was full of traps and traps, and they climbed rocks and swamps, and each time it was full of dangers. But with their firm faith and extraordinary wisdom, they all passed the hurdle. In the end, after countless trials of life and death, they finally found the Soul Purifying Bead. Oh, this thing is really choking, the two of them are out of the maze of iron pillars and Taoist priests. Just when they were about to pat their butts and leave, the power of the evil sect suddenly came out, and it turned into a big monster, with a bloody mouth, looking at the posture, trying to swallow the two of them. But our Tiezhu and Taoist priests are not vegetarians, and as soon as the two of them combined, they will do it with that monster. The long sword in the Taoist priest's hand danced like a rainbow, slaying demons and destroying demons; As for the iron pillar, with his brute strength, he fought against the monsters. At that scene, the sword light in the cave was shining, and the air waves were churning, as if the end of the world was coming.

After a long fight, the Taoist priest finally saw the weakness of the monster, and with a sword down, the monster fell. As soon as the monster fell, the entire labyrinth swayed. Dare to love this labyrinth is also part of the curse, and as soon as the monster dies, the labyrinth begins to collapse. How dare the iron pillar and the Taoist priest stay longer, grab the soul purifying bead and rush out. But when they returned to the town, there was a stronger evil aura in the sky over the town than before. It turned out that the evil force had not stopped at all, but was only suppressed temporarily.

In order to save the people in the town, the Taoist priest decided to use the power of the Soul Purifying Bead. He asked the iron pillar to hold the Soul Purifying Bead high, and began to recite the incantation himself. As soon as the incantation was recited, the Soul Purifying Bead lit up, and wherever the light went, the evil qi dispersed as if it had seen a ghost. After a lot of effort, the Taoist priest finally cleared the evil spirit in the town. As soon as the people of the town came out and watched this scene, tears came down. They knew that it was the Iron Pillar and the Taoist priest who saved them.

The man recovered from a serious illness and found that his family did not know him, so he pretended to be stupid and escaped

Since then, the Iron Pillar and the Taoist Priest have become the heroes of the town, and their deeds have been passed down everywhere and become an eternal legend. The ancient curse has been broken, and the people of the town no longer have to live in fear. Tie Zhu's family also returned to normal, although they didn't know anything about the previous incident, but they couldn't be happier to see Tie Zhu come back safely. The family lived a good life in harmony again.

Tie Zhu and the Taoist priest did not leave, and stayed in the town. They often patrol together to protect the peace of the town. He also taught the people in the town some self-defense skills and the knowledge of charms, so that everyone can better protect themselves. Over time, the reputation of Tiezhu and Taoist priests grew, and they were not only the patron saints of the town, but also became role models in everyone's hearts. No matter who is in trouble or in danger, they are always the first to rush to help. Their story has also become a legend in the town, passed down from generation to generation.

The family that was once controlled by evil forces has also regained hope in life. They have learned to cherish and be grateful, and they have also learned how to face difficulties and challenges. They know that nothing can defeat them as long as they have love and faith in their hearts. This is the story of the Iron Pillar, a story full of fantasy and adventure, but also a story of courage, wisdom and love. We Northeast people speak straightforwardly, this thing is to say, as long as we have that energy in our hearts, and then a little clever, no matter what difficulties and challenges, we can throw it down, and then, we can rush forward with the good spring. What we're talking about, doesn't it have the taste of Nagada in our northeast? What we mean by this means that with faith and wisdom, we can do anything, and good days are waiting for us.