
The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

But the good times didn't last long, Zhang Dali drank too much one day, drunk like a mud, and when he woke up, the house was in a mess, and Xiaolian was gone. This made him anxious, and he asked around, only to find out that Xiaolian was deceived by a stranger. Zhang Dali was anxious, and when he was in a hurry, the old king in the village came to the door mysteriously and said that he knew Xiaolian's whereabouts.

The old king said that he passed by the ruined temple outside the village last night and saw Xiaolian being fascinated by a man in black, and that man was going to do something unseemly. The old king wanted to come forward to rescue, but he was afraid that the man in black was strong in martial arts and he was not an opponent, so he had to come back and tell Zhang Dali. When Zhang Dali heard this, he was furious, thinking that Xiaolian is usually so sensible, how can she do such a foolish thing? Someone must have drugged him.

Although he was so angry in his heart, he was more glad that Cuihua was not at home, if this matter spread, his daughter-in-law's reputation would be ruined. Zhang Dali decided to go to the broken temple in person, he took the hunting knife at home and hurried out of the village.

The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

The sky gradually darkened, Zhang Dali arrived in front of the broken temple, the temple door was ajar, the fire flickered inside, and there were many people. His heart tightened, he tightened his grip on the hunting knife and carefully pushed open the temple door. The temple was dark, and I saw Xiaolian tied to a pillar, her eyes closed tightly, obviously unconscious. The man in black stood aside, smiling triumphantly.

Zhang Dali saw this situation, yelled, and rushed forward. The man in black was not in a hurry, and with a slight wave of his hand, Zhang Dali felt a strong force coming, and the whole person flew out and fell on all fours. He struggled to get up, only to find that the man in black was gone. Zhang Dali was shocked in his heart, this man in black has strong martial arts, not an ordinary person.

He looked at Xiaolian, who was unconscious, anxious and angry. Knowing that he is not the opponent of the man in black, but this matter is not investigated, how can he be willing? So, Zhang Dali decided to take Xiaolian home first, and then slowly figure out a way. He picked up Xiaolian and walked out of the dilapidated temple gate. The night sky was as clear as water, and the light of the moon shone on his face, illuminating his firm face even more resolutely. He knew in his heart that this incident was just a small fork in the road of his life......

The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

Zhang Dali rummaged through the cabinets at home, turned out all the herbs treasured at home, boiled a large pot of medicinal soup, and poured it into Xiaolian. He sat on the edge of the bed, guarding Xiaolian, and didn't close his eyes all night, until dawn, Xiaolian slowly opened his eyes. "Brother Dali, what's wrong with me?" As soon as Xiaolian opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Dali's haggard appearance, and it was not a taste in her heart. "You made the man in black lose his soul, thanks to the old king, who saw it and quickly told me." Zhang Dali told the ins and outs of the matter in a few words, he didn't want Xiaolian to worry too much. When Xiaolian heard this, her tears couldn't stop flowing, "Brother Dali, I'm ...... How could I do such a thing? "Don't cry, it's not your fault." Zhang Dali comforted her, "The man in black is very good at kung fu, he must have come prepared." Don't worry, I won't let outsiders know about this. Xiaolian nodded gratefully, tears still flowing. Zhang Dali looked at her appearance, and he was even more determined to find out.

In the following days, Zhang Dali began to secretly explore the arrangement. He first found the old king, and carefully inquired about the situation that night. The old king told him that the man in black was tall and big, dressed in black, and his face was covered with a black cloth, so he couldn't see what he looked like at all. Zhang Dali asked about the kung fu of the man in black again, and the old king shook his head and said that he couldn't say it clearly, but he only knew that the man in black was very fast, and his palm power was amazing. Zhang Dali wondered in his heart, where is this man in black sacred? Why do you want to attack Xiaolian? He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't have a clue. So, he decided to go to the town to inquire in person and see if he could find some clues.

Zhang Dali arrived in town and walked around. He first went to the tavern and asked the people who were in the rivers and lakes for news. But these people either don't know anything, or they just don't want to meddle. Zhang Dali asked several people, but they didn't get any useful information. Just as he was about to go home, a thin old man walked up to him. The old man looked inconspicuous, but there was a spirit in his eyes. He looked at Zhang Dali for a moment, and then asked, "Young man, are you looking for that man in black?" Zhang Dali was stunned for a moment, and quickly nodded and said yes. The old man smiled and said, "I know where the man in black came from. When Zhang Dali heard this, he was happy in his heart, and hurriedly asked the man in black about the details. The old man told him that the man in black was called Ghost Li, and he was a flower thief in the rivers and lakes. He roamed around, picking out young and beautiful women. Ghost Li is very good at kung fu and is also good at using drugs, so he can always succeed. The old man revealed to Zhang Dali the news that Ghost Li had been haunting the town recently, and reminded him to be vigilant. When Zhang Dali heard this, his heart was full of anger. He never expected that the man in black would be a notorious flower thief, and what made him even more angry was that this person was so bold that he attacked Xiaolian. Zhang Dali is determined to find out Ghost Li and seek justice for Xiaolian. So, he began to search around the town for traces of Ghost Li.

The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

Zhang Dali first visited the brothel in the town, hoping to get the news of Li Ghost from those dusty women. However, these women either claimed to have never seen Ghost Li, or they were reluctant to talk about it for fear of getting into trouble. Zhang Dali inquired about several brothels one after another, but found nothing. Just as he was feeling disappointed, a mysterious figure appeared in front of him. This mysterious man claimed to be a chivalrous man in the rivers and lakes, claimed to know the hiding place of Li Gui, and expressed his willingness to assist Zhang Dali in dealing with Li Gui, but put forward one condition: after the deed was completed, Zhang Dali must hand over Xiaolian to him as a concubine.

When Zhang Dali heard this condition, he was furious in his heart. Although he is a rough man, he also knows what the bottom line of being a man is. How could he give up his lover to others for revenge? He glared angrily and categorically rejected the mysterious man's request: "Don't you think! I, Zhang Dali, would rather die than do such a despicable thing! Seeing that Zhang Dali refused so resolutely, the mysterious man said no more, shook his head, and turned to leave. Zhang Dali looked at the back of the mysterious man, but his heart was undulating. He understood that this mysterious man was by no means a good person, and that there must be ulterior motives for putting forward such conditions. But at this moment, he has no time to take care of these, he just wants to find Ghost Li as soon as possible and clear up his grievances for Xiaolian.

Zhang Dali continued to inquire in the town, and finally found the hiding place of Ghost Li in a remote alley. He approached quietly, only to see Ghost Li lying on the bed and sleeping. Zhang Dali was overjoyed in his heart, pulled out his hunting knife, and his eyes flashed with perseverance. He cautiously approached the bedside, his heart beating faster, but the knife in his hand was as steady as Mount Tai. However, just as the tip of the knife was about to touch Ghost Li's throat, Zhang Dali suddenly stopped moving. He took a deep breath, a hint of hesitation welling up in his heart. He understands that if this knife goes down, Ghost Li will definitely die, but can Xiaolian's reputation be restored because of this? Will you be in a bigger predicament because of this?

The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

After a brief hesitation, Zhang Dali decided not to take extreme measures, but to tie up Li Ghost and send it to the government. He believes that the government will give him a fair trial and return Xiaolian's innocence. So, Zhang Dali tied up Ghost Li with his hands, and then walked towards the yamen in the town with him on his back, his heart full of expectations for justice. On this road, Zhang Dali didn't meet those curious villagers, and there were question marks in their eyes, but he didn't say anything, and they all avoided one by one. He knew in his heart that if this matter spread, Xiaolian would suffer, and he had to protect her and not let her suffer the slightest grievance.

When he arrived at the Yamen, Zhang Dali handed over Ghost Li to the official messenger, and explained the matter clearly from beginning to end, including why Xiaolian was stunned, how the old king told him, and how he found Ghost Li. When the officials heard this, they all gave him a thumbs up and praised him for doing a good job. They patted their chests and assured that this case must be handled quickly to give Xiaolian a clean slate.

In the past few days of waiting for the news, Zhang Dali has never left Xiaolian for half a step, boiling medicine, cooking, laundry, doing all the work, and taking care of it so thoughtfully. Xiaolian watched him busy with things, feeling both grateful and guilty, knowing that she had caused Zhang Dali a lot of trouble, but she had nothing to repay.

The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

Finally, the good news came, Ghost Li was sentenced to death, and Xiaolian's innocence was also proven. When Zhang Dali heard the news, he was so excited that tears were about to come out, he knew that he had sought justice for Xiaolian this time, and also removed a scourge for the village.

But at this moment, the mysterious person came out again, found Zhang Dali, and said coldly: "You violated our agreement and handed over Ghost Li to the government." Now, you have to fulfill your promise to make Xiaolian my concubine. When Zhang Dali heard this, he was furious and roared angrily: "You shameless thing! I will never give Xiaolian to someone like you! The mysterious man sneered and said, "Then don't blame me for being rude." With that, he started it.

Although Zhang Dali's martial arts are not as good as that person, he is not stunned at all. He grabbed his hunting knife and went after the mysterious man. After a fierce battle, Zhang Dali finally knocked the mysterious man down. He gasped and looked at the mysterious man on the ground, but his heart was not at all relaxed. He knew that this person was just the tip of the iceberg, and there must be a bigger conspiracy behind it.

The man was drunk, and the concubine was abducted and cheated and raped, and he was happy in his heart

In order to protect Xiaolian and the safety of the village, Zhang Dali decided to continue to track down the origin and purpose of this mysterious person. He ran around, looking for clues, looking for evidence. After some hard work, he discovers an amazing secret - this mysterious person turns out to be the leader of the cult! They want to use Ghost Li to confuse the villagers, create chaos, and achieve their ulterior goals.

As soon as Zhang Dali knew the secret, he immediately reported it to the government. When the government heard this, it immediately took it seriously and sent troops to encircle and suppress the cult's lair. After a fierce battle, the cult was completely destroyed and the mysterious man was arrested. Zhang Dali was in charge of Xiaolian and the villagers, and the villagers were grateful and admired him. Xiaolian also regained her innocence and freedom. Oh, you see, this Xiaolian and Zhang Dali, they really survived that difficult time together, and their feelings are more mellow than that old wine, and the older they are, the more fragrant they are. Since then, the two of them have lived a stable and sweet life. Working in the field together, going home to cook together, what ups and downs, the two of them were side by side, hand in hand, and broke through together. Their story, in our village, is it spread farther than the old ox cart, it has become a good story, a legend, people can't help but give a thumbs up and praise when they hear it.