
The man went up the mountain to chop wood, and when he saw that the yellow dog was digging the grave, he hurriedly dug up the grave to take a look

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

As soon as the sky was bright, Li Ergou carried his polished axe and walked up the mountain road. The dew had not yet dried, the mud under his feet was slimy, and he hummed a little song as he walked, feeling as if he had drunk honey. After not walking a few steps, Li Ergou saw a yellow dog in front of him, digging something. He thought to himself, this dog is really diligent, and he is busy early in the morning. But when he got closer, his heart tightened, and the dog was not digging food, but the grave of an old man who died early in the village. The old man was lonely in his life, and when he died, he was buried in this wilderness.

Li Ergou watched the yellow dog finish shaving, and muttered in his heart: Is there something wrong with this dog digging the grave? He put down the axe and walked over to see that the yellow dog looked up at him with a little human sadness in his eyes. Li Ergou felt a pang in his heart, squatted down and touched the grave, the soil was soft and soft, as if it had been cut several times. "Oh, something is wrong with this grave!" He muttered to himself, looked around, and when he saw that there was no one, he decided to dig up the grave to see what was going on. He picked up the axe and carefully dug up the earth.

It didn't take long to dig before Li Ergou saw a stone slab. He pushed hard, and a cold breath hit his face, making him shiver. He steadied himself and looked into the grave, where it was not the bones of an old man, but an empty coffin! "This ...... What's going on? Li Ergou was confused in his heart, and looked around, but he didn't see anything except the yellow dog squatting aside. He stood up and patted the dirt off his body, wondering what to do with this.

The man went up the mountain to chop wood, and when he saw that the yellow dog was digging the grave, he hurriedly dug up the grave to take a look

At this moment, the yellow dog suddenly stood up, walked up to Li Ergou, and rubbed his leg with his head. Li Ergou looked down and saw that the yellow dog had tears in his eyes, as if he was begging him for help. "Oh, you dog, don't you know anything?" Li Ergou thought to himself, touched the head of the yellow dog, and said, "Dog, if you know anything, take me to find clues." The yellow dog seemed to understand, wagged his tail, turned and ran up the hill. Seeing this, Li Ergou hurriedly followed.

The two of them and a dog shuttled through the mountains and forests, looking for the strange truth. didn't go far, Li Ergou saw a cave in front of him. The yellow dog ran to the entrance of the cave, stopped, and glanced back at Li Ergou. Li Ergou's heart tightened, he knew that there must be some secret hidden in this cave. He took a deep breath, picked up the axe, and cautiously walked into the cave. The cave was dark and rumbling, and nothing could be seen. took out the fire fold, and Li Ergou lit the torch with a "pout", so that he could see the scene in the cave clearly. The cave was filled with all sorts of things, tattered clothes, rusty farm tools, and a few things that looked like antiques. Li Ergou beat a drum in his heart: Why are there these things in this cave? He looked around, and suddenly, his eyes were hooked by something. It was a tattered portrait, and it was an old man, carved out of the same mold as the old man lying in the grave! "This ...... What the hell is going on? Li Ergou pondered in his heart, he approached the portrait and looked at it carefully. There is also a line of small words under the portrait: "The treasure of the soul, do not move lightly." Li Ergou's heart tightened, he understood, what was hidden in this cave was not an ordinary thing, it was the soul of the old man! The yellow dog actually knew about this, and specially brought him to find clues! He looked up and saw that the yellow dog was looking at him with that expectant little look. Li Ergou's heart was hot, he knew that he had to find a way to help the old man find his soul. So, as soon as he turned around, he went out of the cave, intending to consult the village elders about the matter. The portrait and small print also became the key to solving this strange mystery.

He hurried to the village, and when he met someone on the way, he asked, "Big brother, have you seen Uncle Liu in the east of the village?" The eldest brother looked at him and pointed to the old locust tree at the head of the village: "Oh, no, it's going to cool off there." Li Ergou thanked the eldest brother and came to the old locust tree in three steps and two steps. I saw Uncle Liu with his eyes closed, shaking a pu fan in his hand, looking leisurely. He hurriedly stepped forward and called softly, "Uncle Liu, I'm looking for you in a bit of a hurry." Uncle Liu opened his eyes and saw that it was Li Ergou, so he smiled and said, "Ergou, why is it so urgent?" Li Ergou told the story of meeting the yellow dog digging the grave, finding the empty coffin and the portrait in the cave. After hearing this, Uncle Liu's face sank, and he muttered for a moment before he slowly spoke: "I've heard some about this." The old man was a wandering Taoist priest before his death, and he left some magic weapons after his death. The Soul Suppression Treasure is one of them. If it is taken away by someone with bad intentions, the consequences are unimaginable. When Li Ergou heard this, he panicked: "Then what should we do?" Uncle Liu thought for a while and said, "This matter has to be considered in the long run." Let's go back to the village first, convene a meeting with everyone, and discuss a countermeasure. So the two of them went to the village. Along the way, Li Ergou was worried about it, and he didn't know what would happen to this matter. Back in the village, Uncle Liu summoned the village elders and held an emergency meeting. After listening to Li Ergou's story, everyone talked about it, saying that this matter was not a joke, and they had to find a way to solve it quickly. After some deliberation, the villagers reached a consensus: first, send a few members to guard the entrance of the cave to prevent outsiders from entering and disturbing the order. At the same time, they also decided to invite a Taoist priest with cultivation to come to the village in the hope of finding a solution to the matter. The next day, the village sent several young and strong young men to the cave to guard it. Li Ergou also took the initiative to ask for help, and he believed that he had the responsibility to solve problems for the village.

The man went up the mountain to chop wood, and when he saw that the yellow dog was digging the grave, he hurriedly dug up the grave to take a look

A few days later, the priest finally arrived in the village. He first recited scriptures at the grave, and then went into the cave himself to investigate. After some understanding, the Taoist priest found Li Ergou and Uncle Liu and explained to them: "I have a deep understanding of this matter. The treasure of the soul was indeed guarded by the old man's soul. At present, his soul has left the coffin and is attached to a yellow dog. Hearing this, Li Ergou asked in surprise: "Is the yellow dog the embodiment of the old man's soul?" The Taoist priest nodded affirmatively and explained, "That's true." The yellow dog was raised by the old man when he was alive, and he was loyal to him. After the old man died, his spirit attached to the dog and continued to guard the treasure. ”

Uncle Liu then asked, "Then what should we do?" The Taoist priest pondered for a moment, then said, "This matter is not difficult to solve. As long as we worship with sincerity and peace of mind for the old man's soul, the yellow dog will naturally leave. So, according to the instructions of the Taoist priest, the villagers prepared a solemn worship ceremony. During the ceremony, everyone worships the old man with devotion, praying for his soul to rest in peace. After the ceremony, the yellow dog left the cave, walked to the grave, circled it a few times, and then let out a long howl into the sky, and then disappeared. The villagers were relieved to see this. They realized that the old man's soul had been at peace, and that the treasure had been preserved.

Since then, the village has returned to its former tranquility. The Yellow Dog occasionally appears in the village, but it no longer digs graves. The villagers all know that it is the embodiment of the old man's soul, so they all treat it like a relative. Although this incident is a bit weird, it also brings the villagers closer together. They understand that as long as everyone works together, there is no problem that cannot be solved. Li Ergou also became a hero in the village because of this incident. He often said to people: "This matter is thanks to the unity of our village and the Taoist priest who has cultivated his life." Otherwise, I really don't know what the consequences will be. ”

The man went up the mountain to chop wood, and when he saw that the yellow dog was digging the grave, he hurriedly dug up the grave to take a look

The villagers all laughed when they heard this, and praised Li Ergou as the lucky star of the village. The news soon spread in the village. Whenever someone mentions it, everyone is filled with emotion and thinks it's both mysterious and interesting. Li Ergou has also become the talk of the villagers after dinner. Whenever he heard someone mention it, he would smile proudly and say, "I have experienced this incident myself!" "Since the yellow dog left, the village has returned to its former tranquility. Li Ergou always felt in his heart that this matter was not over, and the treasure of the soul was still hidden in the cave. He thought that if this treasure fell into the hands of someone who didn't care, it would be a big problem. On this day, Li Ergou was chopping wood on the mountain, and from a distance, he saw a group of people sneaking towards the cave. His heart was tight, and he secretly thought that it was not good, so he quickly threw away the firewood and quietly followed.

When the group reached the cave, they began to look around, as if they were looking for some treasure. Li Ergou hid behind a tree, thinking about how to deal with these people. Suddenly, he saw a figure coming out of the crowd, still holding a compass in his hand. The man went to the cave, turned his compass around, and then pointed to the cave and said, "This is it, let's go in!" When Li Ergou heard this, he was anxious like something. He thought that it would be bad if these people went into the cave and took the soul treasure away. He's got to think of a way to stop them.

At that moment, he saw a yellow dog running out of the forest and heading straight for the group. Li Ergou looked at it, wasn't this the yellow dog that dug the grave that day? He was overjoyed and thought, "This dog has come just in time!" The yellow dog ran up to the group and began to bark. The group was startled, and the leader changed his face even more, he pointed to the yellow dog and said, "Quick, get rid of it!" "But the yellow dog is willing to go, it circles around the group, but it doesn't go.

The man went up the mountain to chop wood, and when he saw that the yellow dog was digging the grave, he hurriedly dug up the grave to take a look

The leader was in a hurry, took out a dagger, and stabbed at the yellow dog. Seeing this, Li Ergou couldn't hold it anymore, he let out a loud shout and rushed out from behind the tree, still holding a big wooden stick in his hand. "Stop! What do you guys want to do? Li Ergou shouted loudly. The group of people were stunned when they saw a Li Ergou suddenly appear. The one in the lead came back to his senses, glared at Li Ergou and said, "Who are you kid?" Dare to meddle with our business? Li Ergou did not show weakness, he puffed up his chest and said: "I am from this village, and the things in this cave are the treasures of our village, you can't take them!" When the leader heard this, he laughed: "Baby? What baby? I think you're impatient, right? As he spoke, he waved his dagger and pounced on Li Ergou.

Seeing this, Li Ergou hurriedly raised a wooden stick to meet him. The two of you go back and forth, and they fight inseparably. At that moment, the yellow dog rushed up again, and it bit down on the trouser leg of the man in the lead, and pulled it back. The man stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Li Ergou took the opportunity to hit him on the head, and the man fell to the ground with an "ouch". When the others saw this, they scattered in all directions. Li Ergou didn't chase after him, he walked up to the yellow dog, touched its head and said, "Thank you, brother dog." The yellow dog's tail wagged like a rattle, as if he was nodding to Li Ergou. Li Ergou looked at the master lying on the ground again, and pondered in his heart: "These people must have come to our treasure of the soul, so we have to go back quickly and report to the people in the village." As soon as he said it was too late, he picked up the leader and ran to the village.

When he arrived in the village, when he told him about it, everyone was stunned, and their eyes almost didn't fall out. When Uncle Liu heard this, he was so anxious that he hurriedly said: "Ergou, we have to find a Taoist priest quickly and ask him to give us an idea." Li Ergou listened, didn't say a word, and immediately went to find a Taoist priest.

The man went up the mountain to chop wood, and when he saw that the yellow dog was digging the grave, he hurriedly dug up the grave to take a look

The Taoist priest listened to this, pondered for a while, and then said slowly, "This thing is indeed a bit difficult to do. But I have a trick up my sleeve here. The Taoist priest asked Li Ergou to take him to the cave, and then set up a formation at the entrance of the cave. He said: "This formation can protect our soul treasure from being taken away by outsiders. Still, someone has to guard it, and I think you're a good fit. When Li Ergou heard this, he immediately nodded in agreement, and said, "Don't worry, Daoist, I will definitely keep this formation tightly." ”

The Taoist priest gave a few more words of instruction and left. Li Ergou took root in front of the cave and became the patron saint of the treasure of the soul. After that, he had to go around the cave every day to make sure that the baby was safe. The yellow dog also came from time to time, as if to stand guard for him. After a long time, Li Ergou and Yellow Dog became iron buddies. They patrolled the mountains together, guarding the treasure together. When the people in the village saw it, they all smiled and said, "Ergou, you and this dog are really a natural pair!" Li Ergou also responded happily: "No, this dog is my great benefactor!" ”

In this way, Li Ergou and Yellow Dog guarded the treasure of the soul together, and the days were calm and beautiful. Their story also spread in the village and became a hot topic after dinner.