
In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

We have to start with a small corner in the south, an inconspicuous town. This town is picturesque and talented, but the most famous is the "Qingzhu Martial Arts Hall" in the east of the town. In the martial arts hall, there lives a legendary martial arts master, I heard that he can fly the eaves and walk the wall, punch the tiger of Nanshan, and kick the dragon of Beihai.

Tie Zhu, this kid, as soon as he heard that the master of the Qingzhu Martial Arts Hall was going to accept apprentices, he was so excited that he immediately packed up his belongings and went straight to the martial arts hall. The door of the martial arts hall was ajar, and as soon as he pushed the door, the courtyard was quiet, only the bamboo swayed gently in the wind. After shouting a few times, no one paid attention, so he boldly walked inside. Walk through the bamboo forest and come to a hut. The iron pillar knocked on the door, and the door creaked open, and a gentle voice came from inside: "Come in." "When I looked at the iron pillar, my eyes were straight! There was a woman sitting in the room, her skin was as white as snow, her eyes were shining, and her temperament was extraordinary, just like a fairy who came out of a painting. He thought to himself: This, is this the martial arts master? Seeing that Tie Zhu was stunned, the woman smiled lightly and said, "Why, don't you remember me?" I am the owner of this martial arts hall, and I am also the master you are looking for. Only then did Tie Zhu come back to his senses, and he quickly knelt down and kowtowed, and said loudly: "The master is above, please accept the apprentice's worship!" The woman lifted up the iron pillar and said, "Get up, since you are sincere in learning martial arts, I will take you as an apprentice." But I have to tell you, learning martial arts is not an overnight thing, you have to study hard and practice hard to achieve something. Tie Zhu nodded like pounding garlic, promising to listen to the master.

From that day on, Tie Zhu learned martial arts from his master. He found that the master's martial arts were really worthy of his reputation, and every move and style was wonderful. And the master is very patient when teaching him, no matter how fast or slow he learns, the master never gets angry. Tie Zhu was grateful in his heart, and his admiration for the master was getting deeper and deeper day by day. But after a long time, Tie Zhu found that something was wrong. He noticed that when the master taught him, he always bypassed some key points intentionally or unintentionally. He tried to ask, but the master always smiled and said, "The time has not yet come, you will understand later." This made Tie Zhu's heart go up and down.

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

One night, Tiezhu practiced too late, and before returning to the house, he meditated in the courtyard. In the dead of night, there was only the chirping of insects and the sound of the wind. He suddenly heard some movement, and when he looked up, he saw the figure of the master floating in the moonlight. Tie Zhu thought to himself, this time I have to see what secret the master has. So he held his breath and quietly followed. The master came to a cave in the mountain behind the martial arts hall and stopped. He looked around, then gently pushed open the door to the cave. Tiezhu hid in the shadows, watching the figure of the master disappear into the cave. His hesitation, just like the winter in the Northeast, was so cold that it made people shiver, but in the end he gritted his teeth and decided to follow and take a look. At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps like stepping on Hot Wheels, and he quickly found a big rock to hide. I saw the master hurriedly walk in, carrying a candlestick in his hand, and illuminating the cave with great light. When the master saw the iron pillar, he was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, "You kid, you are really a follower, and you still came along." The iron pillar grinded out from behind the stone, and scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "Master, I... I'm just trying to figure out what secrets you're hiding. ”

The master glanced at him, was silent for a long time, and then spoke: "Since you have seen this stone tablet, then I will tell you." "It turns out that the secret hidden in this cave is not simple, the master is a legend in the martial arts, and in order to save the martial arts from fire and water, he fought a tough battle with the evil forces. Although he won in the end, he was also scarred and his skills were greatly reduced. She was afraid that the enemy would come to her door, so she hid in this town, opened a Qingzhu martial arts hall, and secretly cultivated disciples, just in case. Tie Zhu listened to the master's words, and was both surprised and moved, but he didn't expect that there was such a glorious past and heavy responsibility behind the master. He knelt in front of his master and swore solemnly: "Master, don't worry, I will practice hard and live up to your expectations!" The master nodded, helped him up and said, "Okay, I believe in you." Since then, Tie Zhu has practiced harder, not only learning from his master, but also secretly studying the Qiankun Mental Method on the stone tablet.

He knew he had a heavy burden on his shoulders, and he had to hurry up and prepare for the challenges ahead. Time passed, and Tie Zhu's martial arts improved rapidly, but his heart became more and more uncomfortable, confused and uneasy. He found that although this Qiankun mental method was powerful, it was even more difficult to practice, and if he was not careful, he would have to make a big mistake. In the dead of night, he often sat alone in front of the cave, staring at the stone tablet, with mixed feelings in his heart.

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

One night, Tie Zhu came to the cave again, ready to continue his cultivation. But just as he was about to enter the cave, a familiar figure appeared, it was the master! The master looked at him, his eyes were a little complicated, and then said slowly: "Tiezhu, do you know that I have been watching you." Tie Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his head: "Master, I... I just want to get stronger. The master sighed softly: "I know what you think, but martial arts are not used to be stronger than anyone, they are used to protect themselves and others." Although the Qiankun Mind Method is powerful, not everyone can practice it. You're not mentally stable, and I'm afraid you're going down the wrong path. Tie Zhu raised his head and looked at the master firmly: "Master, I know that I still have a lot of shortcomings, but I am willing to work hard to correct them." "I aspire to be stronger so that I can better protect myself and those around me. The master stared at his determined gaze, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Since you are so persistent, I will give you another chance." But remember, martial arts are used to perform chivalrous deeds and eradicate evil, not to show off their strength and oppress the weak. Tie Zhu nodded frequently, promising to remember the master's teachings.

The master took out a yellowed secret book from his bosom, handed it to Tie Zhu and said, "This is the next volume of the Qiankun Mental Method, you take it and practice it seriously." But remember, cultivation should be gradual and not impatient. Tie Zhu took the cheats, and his heart was full of gratitude and admiration. From that day on, Tie Zhu practiced martial arts even harder. Not only did he diligently practice the skills taught by his master, but he also delved into the profundity of the Qiankun Mental Method.

With the passage of time, Tie Zhu gradually realized that the Qiankun Mind Method is not only a martial arts secret, but also a method of cultivating the mind. Through cultivation, his heart became more peaceful and determined. One night a few years later, Iron Pillar suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching the town. His heart tightened, and he hurriedly ran to the master's room to report the situation. The master was silent for a moment, and then said, "It seems that my enemy has finally come to the door. Tie Zhu asked nervously, "Master, what should we do?" The master looked at him and said, "Tie Zhu, you have grown into a true martial arts master. This time, it's up to you to lead the challenge. ”

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

Although Tie Zhu was a little uneasy, he still nodded firmly and promised: "Master, please rest assured, I will not let you down!" He immediately gathered all the disciples of the martial arts hall and prepared to face the strong enemy. Once the battle began, the Iron Pillar took the lead and rushed to the front line to engage in a fierce battle with the enemy. He used the power of the Qiankun Mind to defeat the enemies one by one. However, near the end of the battle, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of him - none other than the master's enemy. This enemy was a powerful martial artist and a cruel man, and Iron Pillar quickly fell into a bitter battle after fighting him.

But Tie Zhu did not give up, and with his firm belief and the power of the Qiankun Mental Method, he launched a life-and-death struggle with the enemy. Just as the fierce battle between the two sides was in full swing, the master suddenly appeared and shouted: "Stop! When the enemy saw the master, horror flashed in his eyes, but he did not stop attacking, but pounced on the master even more frantically. At this moment, Tie Zhu suddenly performed the trick of the Qiankun Mind Method - Qiankun Strike! A dazzling light shot out of his hand and struck his foe's chest. The enemy screamed, flew upside down, and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing that the enemy had been defeated, Tie Zhu hurriedly ran to his master's side and asked with concern, "Master, are you okay?" The master smiled and shook his head and said, "I'm fine, thanks to you, we can defeat this strong enemy." "Since that time, this kid Tiezhu has become famous in the rivers and lakes. With his own strength and the master's point, he became a well-known martial arts master. His martial arts, chivalrous and righteous, and peaceful and good, can respect people very much. He has a deep relationship with the master-apprentice, and it has become a conversation after dinner. On the rivers and lakes, the name of the iron pillar is brighter than the sun, but his original intention has not changed, and he has always remembered the teachings of his master. He traveled south and north, practiced chivalry, punished evil and promoted good, and became a hero in people's mouths. Someone asked him why his martial arts were so powerful, and he always said modestly: "This is all thanks to my master, without her, I am nothing." ”

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

But in this place, the turmoil has never stopped. When Tiezhu's reputation was flourishing, a mysterious force quietly emerged, they did things mysteriously, and their methods were particularly ruthless, which made the people of the rivers and lakes panic. This group of people is called the "Netherworld Sect", and the leader of the sect calls himself "Netherworld Zhenren", and I heard that he has practiced the martial arts of the Menzi Evil Sect, which can control people's minds and make people listen to him. The Netherworld Sect expanded everywhere in the rivers and lakes, and many small sects and martial arts people suffered. When Tie Zhu heard this, he was so angry in his heart. He knew that as a member of the martial arts, he had to protect the peace and tranquility of the rivers and lakes. So, he decided to stand up and challenge the Nether Cult.

Before challenging the Netherworld Sect, Tie Zhu went back to the Qingzhu Martial Arts Hall to ask his master for advice. When the master heard him, he was silent for a while, and then said, "Tiezhu, you have grown up and can be in charge on your own." But the Netherworld Sect is very powerful, and the sect leader's martial arts are unfathomable, so your trip must be dangerous. You have to be careful not to underestimate your enemies. Tie Zhu nodded and said that he must remember the master's words. He said goodbye to his master and his brothers in the martial arts hall, and set out on the road to challenge the Netherworld Sect alone.

The Iron Pillar trekked through mountains and rivers, and finally arrived at the old lair of the Netherworld Cult, a mysterious ancient castle hidden in the deep mountains and old forests. Standing in front of the castle, looking at the towering city walls and the gloomy atmosphere, he also felt a little hairy in his heart. But he knew that he could not back down and had to fight for peace in the rivers and lakes. Tiezhu took a deep breath, drew his sword, and strode towards the castle. Along the way, he defeated countless Netherworld Sect disciples and Dharma protectors. But when he reached the heart of the castle, he ran into an unexpected opponent - the Netherworld!

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

The Netherworld True Man was dressed in a black robe and wore a mask, revealing only half of his face. Holding a black staff in his hand, he exudes an evil aura. He looked at the iron pillar coldly and said, "You are the one who dares to challenge my Nether Sect?" It's not a small amount of courage! Tie Zhu ignored him, and rushed forward with a direct swing of his sword. Oops, this is really troublesome, the boy of the Netherworld, the attack of the iron pillar is like tickling to him. With a wave of his staff, the iron pillar's attack was completely blocked. The Netherworld also sneered and said, "Do you think you can kill me with a little effort?" Let me tell you, my kung fu can control people's minds! As soon as he finished speaking, he swung his staff and launched an attack on the iron pillar. Tie Zhu felt a strong suction force that sucked him firmly, and he couldn't move, his heart tightened, and he secretly screamed that it was not good.

But at this moment, Tie Zhu suddenly felt a warm current gushing out of the dantian and quickly spread throughout his body. As soon as his heart moved, he immediately used the power of the Qiankun Mind Method to break free from the shackles of the Netherworld True Man. Seeing this, the Netherworld True Man was taken aback, he didn't expect the iron pillar to break free so quickly. He roared, increased his mana, and attacked the pillar again.

But Tie Zhu had already found a way to deal with it, and he used the power of the Qiankun Mind Method to defuse the attacks of the Netherworld True Man one by one, and slowly approached him. When the two were fighting, the master suddenly appeared next to them and shouted: "Stop! As soon as the Netherworld True Man saw the master, his face changed, but not only did he not stop, but he attacked the master even more frantically.

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

The master smiled slightly, and with a flick of his long sword, he defused the attack of the Netherworld. Then she turned to Tiezhu and said, "Tiezhu, you stand back and let me deal with him." Although Tie Zhu was reluctant, he still listened to his master's words and stepped aside. The master and the Netherworld engaged in a fierce battle. The master's body is like lightning, the swordsmanship is like a rainbow, and every move and style is exquisite. Although the Netherworld True Man is strong in martial arts, he seems to be powerless in front of his master.

After a fierce battle, the master finally found the flaw in the Netherworld, and knocked him to the ground with a sword. The Netherworld fell to the ground, struggling to get up, but was powerless to get back. He looked at the master and the iron pillar and said, "You have won, but I will not stop there!" Someday I'll make a comeback! With that, he turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated into the air.

The master and the iron pillar stood on the ruins of the ancient castle, looking in the direction of the departure of the Netherworld, and did not speak for a long time. After a long while, the master sighed and said, "Although the Netherworld True Man has been defeated, the roots of the Netherworld Sect have not been pulled out. We have to be vigilant at all times to prevent them from making waves again. Tie Zhu nodded, indicating that he must remember the master's teachings.

In order to learn martial arts, the man worshiped the master and found that the master was a beautiful woman

Since then, Tie Zhu and his master have been roaming the rivers and lakes together, continuing to practice chivalry and righteousness, and eliminate violence and peace. Their fame is getting louder and louder in the rivers and lakes, and they have become legendary heroes in people's mouths. And the Qingzhu Martial Arts Hall, with the joint efforts of Tiezhu and the master, has gradually grown and become a force to be reckoned with on the rivers and lakes.

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