
Sales of new cars in June: the ideal is beyond the world, and the "20,000 club" expands

author:Fixed Focus One
Sales of new cars in June: the ideal is beyond the world, and the "20,000 club" expands


Author | dawn

Edit | Wei Jia

On July 1, new automakers announced their June sales results.

Ideal delivery of 47,774 vehicles, ranking first among new forces; NIO, ZEEKR, and Leap entered the "20,000 Club", all of which set new highs in monthly deliveries; Huawei Hongmeng Zhixing (Wenjie, Zhijie) delivered 46,141 vehicles; Xiaopeng and Nezha barely exceeded 10,000.

Sales of new cars in June: the ideal is beyond the world, and the "20,000 club" expands

Note: The data comes from the battle report of car companies on July 1, and only includes passenger cars

Every time the sales volume is announced, it is like an exam for car companies, some people do well, some people do poorly, and the rankings are changing all the time.

Zhu Jiangming, the founder of Leapmotor Technology, joked before, "The worst person in the world is the CEO of a Chinese car company, who publishes monthly reports and weekly reports every week, and every time he puts the CEO on the fire."

The only way for CEOs is to roll up their opponents desperately.

The ideal won the championship again, and NIO broke 20,000

Let's look at "Wei Xiaoli" first.

In June, Ideal delivered 47,774 vehicles, exceeding 40,000 vehicles again.

Since regaining the new power sales crown from Wenjie in April, Ideal has maintained the first place for three consecutive months, and a large part of the increase comes from Ideal L6. The L6 delivered nearly 13,000 units in May and more than 20,000 units in June, helping Ideal consolidate its lead.

Ideal's delivery guidance for the second quarter is 105,000 to 110,000 units, and the actual delivery is 108,600 units, which is a normal performance.

NIO delivered 21,209 vehicles in June, not only surpassing 20,000 units again, but also setting a new high.

For NIO, 20,000 monthly deliveries is a small target and a key indicator to measure NIO's market performance at present. In May, in order to rush sales, NIO gave a lot of discounts at the terminal, and finally raised the delivery volume to more than 20,000 units.

NIO's delivery guidance for the second quarter was 54,000 to 56,000 units, and the actual delivery was 57,000 units, exceeding the upper limit of the guidance.

Xpeng delivered 10,668 vehicles in June, barely exceeding 10,000, a decline from May.

In "Wei Xiaoli", Xiaopeng's comprehensive performance is relatively poor. Not only in June, but in the entire first half of this year, Xpeng's sales were at the bottom every month, only in May and June exceeded 10,000 units.

Xpeng's iconic product P7, the monthly delivery volume has fallen to the level of one or two thousand, and the P5 is only a few hundred, known as the strongest intelligent electric SUV in the 250,000 class, benchmarking Tesla Model Y, which is regarded by the outside world as Xiaopeng's turnaround workG6, the average monthly delivery volume in the first six months of this year is only about 2,000 vehicles.

Although the more expensive G9 and X9 have significantly increased the overall price of Xpeng's bicycles and improved the gross profit margin, the total sales volume cannot be increased, and the cost cannot be reduced.

Xpeng's delivery guidance for the second quarter was 29,000 to 32,000 units, and the actual delivery was 30,200 units, which was decent.

In addition to "Wei Xiaoli", the performance of Hongmeng Zhixing is also worth paying attention to.

HarmonyOS is Huawei's smart car business, and Huawei has cooperated with traditional car companies to launch new car brands, which are unified under the signboard of "HarmonyOS Zhixing". At present, the brands on sale of Hongmeng Zhixing include Wenjie and Zhijie, and the cooperative car companies are Cialis and Chery.

In June, Hongmeng delivered a total of 46,141 vehicles. Further split, 43,146 vehicles in the world and 2,995 vehicles in the intellectual world are not ideal.

Sales of new cars in June: the ideal is beyond the world, and the "20,000 club" expands

In the past, in the months when the sales of Wenjie were hot, the monthly delivery volume exceeded the ideal, and every time I rushed to issue a monthly report. In recent months, the question world has been overtaken by the ideal, and the sales data will no longer be announced separately, but merged into Hongmeng Zhixing and announced in total.

The fixed announcement of sales volume every month was originally a spontaneous act of car companies, which was originally intended to increase information transparency and allow consumers to have an intuitive understanding of the market performance of each car company. But as more car companies joined, this thing slowly changed and became a marketing tool for some car companies. If the results are good, they will not speak out if they are not good, or they will add various words when they are announced, and they will take the "first" in a different way. As a result, in order to find out the real sales of a car company, you need to be good at mathematics and be able to do arithmetic problems.

Huawei's Wenjie has indeed put pressure on the ideal, especially the Wenjie M9, as a direct competitor to the ideal L9, the delivery volume in the past three months has greatly exceeded the ideal L9, with 17,241 units delivered in June. After the loss of Ideal MEGA, I originally wanted to let L9 go up and occupy a market share of more than 400,000 yuan, but I met M9 head-on.

The potential energy of the question realm is still there, and the ideal is to stabilize the first position of the new forces, and we have to rush again.

Xiaomi's "gift-giving" guarantee delivery, ZEEKR and Leap hit a new high

The car company with the most transparent sales information should be Xiaomi Automobile.

Xiaomi SU7 from the day it was launched, it will take the initiative to "explain" the latest progress to users every three or five days, first with the number of orders, and then with the number of deliveries.

For June sales, Lei Jun began to warm up in May - at least 10,000 units were delivered. The actual result was more than 10,000 units.

As for the specific figures, this time Xiaomi did not say. The Xiaomi SU7 sits on more than 100,000 orders, and the production capacity determines the number of deliveries per month. Xiaomi's auto factory started double-shift production in June, working overtime to ensure delivery. In order to avoid user refunds, Xiaomi Auto launched the "Lock Order and Wait for User Care" activity at the end of June, and users who have a waiting period of more than 3 months will receive gifts from Xiaomi Auto from time to time.

If you put aside the brand and look at the model, there are not many single models that deliver more than 10,000 per month, and if you look at the form of energy, only pure electric is included, and there are even fewer models that meet the requirements. Don't forget, the Ideal L series and the Wenjie M series are all range extenders. And Xiaomi SU7 is such a car, pure electric, with a monthly delivery of more than 10,000, which is still very good.

Among the pure electric models of the new forces, at the price of Xiaomi SU7, only ZEEKR 001 can still deliver more than 10,000 per month.

In the past few months, the delivery volume of ZEEKR 001 has been growing, exceeding 10,000 units in April and more than 13,000 units in May, contributing 70% of the share to the ZEEKR brand.

In June, ZEEKR delivered 20,106 vehicles, breaking 20,000 for the first time, of which the main force is still ZEEKR 001. Of course, the performance of ZEEKR 007 is also good, with four or five thousand units every month since its official delivery. This makes ZEEKR the sales champion of pure electric brands with a price of more than 200,000 yuan in the first half of this year.

Among the second-tier brands, Leap has performed well recently, delivering 20,116 vehicles in June, exceeding 20,000 for the first time.

Leapmotor has completed the adjustment of the model structure, shifting the main force to several cars of the C series, and the proportion of the low-cost car T03 in the total sales of Leapmotor continues to decrease.

Leapmotor practices the concept of making cars with the ultimate cost performance, and is more "Xiaomi" than Xiaomi. The founder Zhu Jiangming has a technical background and a strong science and engineering masculinity, and some time ago he said that some people commented that he was the only one among the current CEOs of car companies who did not do live broadcasts. However, he paused and said, "After listening to Zhou Hongyi's speech, I may also do a live broadcast next."

Nezha Automobile, invested by Zhou Hongyi, delivered 10,206 vehicles in June.

Unlike other new forces, nearly half of Nezha's current sales are exports. Its domestic sales have been relatively weak this year, Nezha AYA, Nezha X, Nezha GT monthly sales are not more than 1,000, and the newly listed Nezha L delivered more than 3,700 units in May, and the next thing is mainly to rely on this car.

Sales of new cars in June: the ideal is beyond the world, and the "20,000 club" expands

Nezha officially submitted an IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June, and the prospectus shows that Nezha has suffered a cumulative loss of 18.4 billion yuan in the past three years, and the average price of a bicycle has been 113,000 yuan since the beginning of this year, with a negative gross profit margin. In contrast, all the data of Leap are better than Nezha.

VOYAH delivered 5,507 vehicles in June, up from May.

Among the many new brands launched by traditional car companies, VOYAH is one of the few car companies that has announced its sales results on time. At the beginning of each month, no matter how good or bad the results are, it will not be able to release the data, and the caliber of each month is uniform, without those confusing sentences. In the beginning, it could only deliver one or two thousand vehicles a month, and the car companies that performed worse than it did not publish data, so it was at the bottom. Later, its sales gradually increased, and even exceeded 10,000 in December last year.

VOYAH has three models on sale, with the best-selling MPV model, the VOYAH Dreamer, with monthly deliveries of around 3,000 units in recent months. New energy MPV is a niche market, and ZEEKR 009, Xpeng X9, and Ideal MEGA are all in this market segment, but they are not as good as VOYAH Dreamer.

Among the remaining new forces, some have not announced their sales results, and some have not had much bright spots, so I won't talk about them here.

Go to sea to find increments, from involution to outward volume

Since the beginning of this year, major car companies have been increasing their efforts to go overseas, especially in recent months.

For example, Xpeng sent nearly 1,000 G9s to Germany by sea in April, and announced its official entry into the Hong Kong and Macao markets; In May, it entered the Australian and French markets; In June, a press conference was held at the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and the Xpeng G9 and Xpeng P7 were released for the Egyptian market.

The overseas market only contributed a few hundred units to Xpeng's sales last year, but with the increase in new entrants this year, deliveries will begin in the second half of the year, and the contribution will be greater and greater.

On the one hand, because the domestic market is too volatile, from price wars to war of words, everyone is very difficult, on the other hand, China's new energy vehicles are sold overseas, both in terms of quality and price are indeed competitive.

Nezha, who went to sea earlier, has gained a firm foothold in Southeast Asia.

As early as 2021, Nezha began to study right-hand drive models, and chose the first stop to go to sea in Southeast Asia. The following year, Nezha opened its first overseas store in Thailand and began delivering right-hand drive models. Last year, Nezha exported a total of 17,019 vehicles, accounting for 13.7% of its total sales and contributing 12% of its sales revenue. In the first half of this year, Nezha exported nearly 20,000 vehicles, more than the whole of last year.

Sales of new cars in June: the ideal is beyond the world, and the "20,000 club" expands

Photo via / Unsplash

Zero ran out to sea late, but the progress is fast and the starting point is very high. Last year, it traded a 20% stake for a €1.5 billion investment from Stellantis, and the two sides set up a joint venture to help Leap go overseas.

Stellantis Group has mature overseas sales channels, Zhu Jiangming recently said that the first step of Leapmotor is to prepare to land in nine European countries, and will enter India, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa and South America by the end of this year, and is expected to achieve sales of 6,000 to 10,000 vehicles this year, and 500,000 cars outside the Chinese market in 2030.

Going to sea seems beautiful, but it's actually hard to do. Especially after China overtook Japan to become the world's largest exporter of cars last year, some countries began to restrict Chinese cars.

In early June, the European Union announced that it would impose temporary countervailing duties on Chinese cars, further raising tariff barriers. Turkey has decided to impose an additional tariff of 40% on cars imported from China. This is a big challenge for Chinese car companies entering Europe.

NIO previously focused on Europe to go overseas, and just opened its second European user center in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, in May. For the EU's decision, NIO also specifically responded to the outside world, which probably means that it will continue to go overseas and adjust its business plan according to the progress of EU policies.

Zerorun has more room to maneuver because he hugged the thigh of the Stellantis group. Zhu Jiangming said, "Stellantis Group has tens of thousands of dealers and has a strong sales network endorsement ability. Therefore, Leapmotor is not worried about the impact of the EU's new policy on China's electric vehicles. ”

It is reported that some of the production of Leapmotor will be transferred to Europe to avoid high import tariffs. Stellantis China confirmed that the first pre-production vehicles of the Leapmotor T03 model have been successfully assembled at the Stellantis Group's plant in Tychy, Poland.

Previously, most of the Chinese car companies went overseas with complete vehicles, and the factories and production lines remained in China. Due to the low cost at home, it is still profitable to go to sea even if freight and customs duties are included. After the tariff is raised, Chinese car companies can only build factories and assemble overseas if they want to bypass tariff barriers, which is also the result that some European countries want.

It is foreseeable that as the sea enters the deep water area, more and more car companies will start to produce lines to go to sea, which is a necessary way. The competition of China's new energy vehicles will also move from involution to outward volume.

*Image from Unsplash.

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