
What is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles? Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V? Finally understood

author:A little connoisseur on an electric car

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(Text/Xiao Xingjia, the headline was first published, it is forbidden to use AI to recreate or wash the manuscript, and infringement must be investigated)

48V and 60V electric vehicles are the most common models, one is composed of 4 groups of batteries, one is composed of 5 groups of batteries, if you observe carefully, in addition to takeaway riders, most of the owners on the road ride electric vehicles, are these two models, then, as the best-selling two types of electric vehicles, there are owners confused: how big is the difference between them, why the new national standard electric vehicles have to be 48V, today the little expert will tell you the answer!

How much is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles

What is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles? Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V? Finally understood

One is 4 groups of batteries, and the other is 5 groups, which is the obvious difference, and on the basis of this difference, as a car owner to know the difference, there are the following aspects.

The first is the difference in price, under the same circumstances, the price of 60V is definitely higher than that of 48V electric vehicles; The second is the difference in battery life, due to the addition of a group of batteries, the storage capacity is increased, such as 20AH capacity, 48V storage is 0.96 kWh, and 60V storage is 1.2 kWh; the third is that there will be a large difference in climbing performance, the larger the voltage, the greater the instantaneous current released, which can support the motor to climb better; the fourth is that the weight of the whole vehicle is different, 60V electric vehicles will be heavier, and 48V will be lighter regardless of battery or electric vehicles.

What is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles? Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V? Finally understood

The above is the biggest difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles, of course, there is also a very key difference here, that is, identity attributes, according to the regulations, only 48V electric vehicles may meet the new national standard, and 60V electric vehicles, belonging to electric motorcycles.

Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V

The question is, the mainstream sales of electric vehicles are still dominated by new national standard cars, why do you stipulate that the voltage of new national standard electric vehicles must be 48V, it cannot be 60V or 72V?

What is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles? Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V? Finally understood

Small experts have seen experts introduce the new national standard electric vehicle 48V several benefits, I think this may be the main reason for the new national standard car to have 48V, benefit one, 48V mainstream minimum battery, is also relatively light, will not lead to overweight vehicle, high efficiency, in addition, do not have to worry about other parts easily change, electric vehicles will be speed, power changes greatly, safer; The second advantage is that the weight limit of the new national standard car itself is 55kg, and placing too large capacity batteries will lead to hollowing out of the frame and reducing the crash resistance of electric vehicles, while the 48V battery is just right.

Based on the above, the answer can be drawn, because 48V electric vehicles can bring safety and increase the difficulty of tampering, so the new national standard electric vehicles must have 48V.

Someone suggested that the voltage of the new national standard car should be increased to 60V, is it feasible?

What is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles? Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V? Finally understood

The new national standard requires electric vehicles to be 48V, but in April this year, it was reported that the new national standard plan was revised, and many people suggested that the new national standard car voltage should be revised to 60V, is this feasible?

Small experts believe that if only the requirements of 60V are raised, the feasibility is not high, and it is not necessary, because, once it is raised to 60V, lead-acid electric vehicles must have the problem of overweight, unless the battery capacity is reduced, or lithium batteries are used, so the gains outweigh the losses.

Why is it not necessary? If you only increase the battery voltage, the impact on the practicality of the electric vehicle is still very low, and there will be no very obvious changes in terms of battery life and power, so it is not necessary.

What is the difference between 48V and 60V electric vehicles? Why does the new national standard car have to be 48V? Finally understood

If the voltage is increased to 60V, the weight of the electric vehicle and the power of the motor should be increased to the matching parameters.

Of course, the above is just the author's personal opinion, if you have different opinions, you are also welcome to comment and exchange.

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