
10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?



"Dangdangdang" sounded, and people drove their cattle to the fields to start busy farming, is this an ancient scene?

Not long ago, such a scene appeared on the back of Tai Wai Mountain, and it was not a scene of other scenes, but the scene of farmers planting crops in the fields.

In the past, people went to the city to live a better life, but now not everyone can benefit from the prosperity of society, but some young people enter the city, and the fields in their hometowns are abandoned, and the number of subsidies that each adult can receive is less.

When farmers are faced with the situation of "raising tofu dregs, but farmers can't afford to raise it", a big guy promotes positive energy with 6 small words.

So what will this big guy say? That is, "farming is heaven".

So in order to encourage farmers to farm, I don't know if you have heard of it, on the occasion of the beginning of the summer when the prelude has been unveiled, the central budget can be said to issue a subsidy of 10 billion yuan again, let's take a look at who this subsidy will be given to?

How do you get it?

Why farmers are under economic pressure.

According to the central budget, the mainland's fiscal expenditure this year will exceed 23 trillion yuan, which is what the people often call "the big head."

Then the 10 billion yuan fund is a big "small head", but this small subsidy is not "small".

In the context of "whether there are cases in Wuhan", the central government once again chose to develop a subsidy of 10 billion yuan, and the distribution of this fund gave farmers a glimmer of hope in the face of the current predicament.

You must know that the mainland has a large population base, and if the whole country is now putting free eggs, then we should talk about free pork.

How so?

When it comes to free poverty alleviation, Xiaobian's eyes will turn and you will find that farmers who have been to poverty alleviation points are naturally no strangers to free materials, not only that, but in the impression of farmers, the subsidized materials that can be taken for free are not one or two, not to mention another angle of provinces, autonomous regions and cities.

In 2015, the rural-to-urban population jumped to 156 million.

With a population increase of 40 million every year, that is, one out of every five peasants in those years went to the city.

No, the central government directly allocated 10 billion yuan in subsidies to encourage peasants to grow grain.

In order to adapt to the climate of various places, the mainland is divided into three busy agricultural periods: spring plowing and summer planting, and this subsidy payment period belongs to summer planting, that is, farmers can plant good crops during this period.

However, due to the migration of people to the cities, many farmers began to choose not to grow crops, and some even left large tracts of land idle.

For some farmers, not only for the sake of manpower, but also for the rise in the price of agricultural materials in the market.

In the field, in order to achieve the goal of a good harvest in the future, farmers are also watching the price of agricultural materials increase one by one.

But when the price of agricultural materials is reduced, it is often the planting period of farmers, that is to say, farmers have bought expensive agricultural materials, and in the end not only can not grow food, but also face the end of "can't afford to raise".

What is even more ironic is that at present, the price of grain in China cannot be sold, but the price of buying grain is skyrocketing.

This situation not only put the peasants under economic pressure, but also made people sigh that they had to touch their own food.

There are two choices for common pork in China, one is either Moutai or pork.

Nowadays, the price of Moutai is hundreds per catty, and pork is not easy to take, a small white-collar worker in Qingdao made a meal of roast goose under the guidance of the anchor, and finally he spent 300 yuan and a bag of rice, which is not half of the price compared to Moutai?

So how much did the people spend on meat?

There are merchants who sell expensive meat on the head of cheap sheep's heads, and they are relaying the price of pork.

Why is that?

That is because the mainland was attacked by swine fever, the price of pigs once soared, and even the people who bought meat fell into the dilemma of "eating meat or eating grass".

10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?

Therefore, farmers raising pigs are naturally also a technical job, and farmers will also choose pig seedlings when raising pigs.

The price of pig seedlings is probably not a matter of two yuan a piece, not to mention that in a special period like now, the price of a pig can be tens of thousands of yuan.

With such an expensive price, wouldn't it be a good thing to buy a big pig directly?

However, the price of big pigs is tens of thousands, so it is better to raise pigs and big pigs to burn directly, so many farmers have to choose the way to buy pig seedlings.

The price of pig seedlings is the same as that of pigs, and it is also very expensive, and the price of a suitable pig seedling is a year's income in rural areas, so there is such a sentence in the mouth of rural pig farmers, that is, "raising pigs is more expensive than raising people".

10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?

Which farmers are eligible for the subsidy.

This time, the central government's subsidy money has come forward again to solve the current economic problems in the rural areas.

But you must know that not all farmers can receive this 10 billion subsidy, so who can receive it?

The first is the rural area where land is contracted.

The reason why they can receive subsidies is that most of today's farmers choose to work in planting, and often such farmers will spend more money and energy.

In addition to the farmers who contract the land, there is another type of farmer who can receive subsidies.

That is the big one who circulates the land.

At present, because many young people have asked one or two friends to work in the city, the labor force is decreasing, and the parents of these people are facing living problems at home, so for these reasons, these parents have also had to develop the land.

10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?

So can these lands receive subsidies?

Of course, for example, although the parents of these people are not farmers who contract land, they have made the land profitable through the transfer of land, so these people can also receive subsidies.

Not to mention the large households who transfer land, these kinds of people can also receive subsidies.

That is, the farmer cooperatives and agricultural enterprises that have been formed.

So can these people receive the subsidy?


These people are not only farmers who contract land, but also can take into account the interests of more people, so the subsidy for this group of people is also very considerable.

Relatively speaking, since these people can receive subsidies, how are the specific standards for these people stipulated?

First of all, according to the number of people who can be subsidized in each region of the country, generally speaking, in some remote places, the per capita income of these places is relatively low, and for those mountainous and poor areas, the subsidy in those places will definitely be relatively high.

Let's talk about the plain areas, where the income may be slightly higher than that in the mountainous areas, so each person in these places can often receive 1,000 yuan, and this money is also borne by the central government.

10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?

For example, in the Yangtze River Delta region, land resources are relatively scarce, so the per capita income there is very, very high, generally speaking, in this kind of place, everyone can receive a subsidy of 2,000 yuan a year.

How should the subsidy be managed with painstaking care.

The central government's intervention is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement and affirmation for the peasants.

Although farmers will save as much money as possible while raising the local area, sometimes if they don't have money, they can't be encouraged.

There is a policy above, and there is a method below!

After learning that the central government would issue subsidies to the peasants, civil servants in some localities also went to the fields as soon as possible, and while they were working, they told the peasants about the central financial affairs.

But that doesn't mean they just go out into the fields.

Depending on the farmers' situation, they will go to the homes to help.

For the peasants, the civil servants in the office are not only good news for the peasants to understand the central government's finances, but also good news for them to enter their homes.

10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?

For some uneducated people, they will dismiss the news of the central government as a rumor, but when they see their children studying and receiving work at the same time, they will not think so.

For some farmers, it will be a bit difficult for them to grow anything, but with such a group of people around to help, they will naturally seem happier.

However, when it comes to the timing of the disbursement of central finance, it is also a very tangled issue.

Sometimes, the government's activities are like a big aunt, but they come once every few months or six months.

No, the 10 billion yuan of the central government will be released again, and this is also a matter that farmers and civil servants are also confused about.

But these problems are not a problem, just like the peasants, they are also looking forward to the money from the central government every day, and they are also hungry and thirsty, hoping that the money from the central government will come sooner.

Over the past few years, we have also seen that the central finance and their civil servants are also very attentive, and they are also the same as the peasants, the same hard work, every day to explain to the peasants in public the issue of subsidies from the central finance, even if some people scold the streets, but when the central finance falls into the hands of the peasants, it is undoubtedly a kind of tacit approval and a kind of gratitude to them.

Then in this way, the money from the central government will come as promised, and these figures exposed in public can also be exposed at the same time, and they will be given a certain amount of praise.


Although the mainland's resources are limited, the country cannot afford to support the people, although this sentence is a bit harsh, but it is also true.

It is not only necessary to support the central government, but also to introduce some practical policies from the government.

Take the 10 billion yuan of funds as an example, the rural areas want to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation by planting crops, but the people are generally a little pessimistic.

However, the state should promote rural farmers to grow "sweetness", only in this way will farmers take the initiative to plant crops, and only then will they be able to see the return on investment when they do not feel the help of the state.

10 billion funds, the central government will issue agricultural subsidies again, see which farmers can receive them? How do I get it?

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