
Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb



Today is approaching the exchange of solar terms, and in the blink of an eye, it will usher in Xiaoman, which means that it is about to enter the wheat harvest stage.

In the eyes of southerners, the small full solar term means "stinging insects turn into butterflies" and "the water of the rivers is full", and in the north, it means "wheat and wheat are all the same day, and the rain is firmly cultivated".

Whether it is in the south or in the north, the small full solar term is very important, so what are the signs of this small full solar term?

Will there be a lot of rain this summer?

Today, nature will usher in another solar term rotation, and this time the solar term is the small full festival that people pay great attention to.

This is a very noteworthy solar term, because it not only means that agricultural production has entered a critical period, but also represents the official end of the breath of spring.

There are even many folk proverbs that can predict the specific impact of Xiaoman in detail.

There are a lot of agricultural proverbs about Xiaoman, among which the most famous sentence is "the rain is full of fields, and the grain rolls are thundering in the fields", and this agricultural proverb mainly wants to tell people whether it rains during this year's Xiaoman solar term and how it will affect the future grain production.

In the eyes of the ancients, the solar term of Xiaoman was not a good thing, like in this solar term, the ancients often used the phrase "full of losses, humble benefits" to describe it.

Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb

It can be seen from this sentence that the ancients were not particularly optimistic about the solar term of Xiaoman, but were full of worries about the solar term of Xiaoman.

In fact, there are still people worried about such a good solar term like today, and there is a saying called "good things are more grinding", so why should the ancients be optimistic about the small full solar terms, and use the phrase "full of losses"?

This is because the ancients were not very optimistic about the prediction of this solar term, and they believed that the arrival of this solar term would mean that there would be less rain in the future.

What's more, with the change of climate, the temperature difference before and after the Xiaoman solar term will also increase, and in this solar term, the arid climate will gradually appear.

Therefore, the ancients were worried that when the Xiaoman solar term came, the rain would gradually become scarce, which would have a huge impact on future agricultural production.

Therefore, in order to be able to make crops grow in advance when the small full solar term comes, the ancients will always try to let the crops grow in advance, and only in this way can they ensure that agricultural production will not be greatly affected when the rain decreases.

Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb

Therefore, everyone understands that Xiaoman's solar term is nothing more than hoping that on this day, nature can send a rain, so as to ensure that the next agricultural production will not be affected.

Nature is like a hall, and no one can listen to it, so on this day, people will look at the sky, hoping that it will rain.

Whether it will rain after Xiaoman's arrival, what kind of views did the ancients have on crops?

Of course, there are opinions about rainwater, but people also have very different opinions about rainwater, although everyone has different opinions about rainwater, but this is also because the environment and the crops that grow are different.

Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb

For example, for rice, of course, the more rain the better, so that they can grow better, while wheat wants to have as little rain as possible, so that the wheat will ripen more easily.

Although everyone thinks differently, it can be seen from this how important rain is to the growth of crops, so the rain that the ancients paid attention to was to ensure the growth of crops in the future, and they mainly wanted to see in advance whether it would rain in the future.

Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb

Xiaoman has not rained, what about the future crops.

In fact, everyone's opinion of Xiaoman is also different, so there will be many different agricultural proverbs, but no matter what agricultural proverbs, people's original intention is to make everyone pay more attention to the future weather and the growth state of crops.

What's more, one of the issues that we should pay more attention to now is cooling and the magnitude of cooling, but even if the current technology is developed, there are still some things that we cannot predict, so people will still find ways to predict the future weather and crop growth through some agricultural proverbs.

So among so many agricultural proverbs, which ones are small full of solar terms?

On the day of the small full solar term, people's main concern is of course whether the weather will rain, and what will be the impact of rain on future crops on this day?

Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb

In fact, the advantage of rain is that it can irrigate crops, and this day when it rains, it can ensure that crops can grow better, but today's technology is good, even if it does not rain, it can also ensure the growth of crops through irrigation.

So in any case, it is a good thing that it rains on this day of the small full solar term, but the rain on the day of the small full solar term is not much bad or less bad.

The ancients said that "if it doesn't rain in the small full solar term, the impact of half summer", the meaning of this sentence is that if it rains on this day, it will rain in the future, and the weather will be hotter.

And if it doesn't rain on this day, it will basically not rain again after the summer heat.

Looking at this agricultural proverb, people now can accurately know the weather conditions in the future, so this agricultural proverb is the most famous.

There is also a agricultural proverb that is also related to Xiaoman's customs, that is, "if it doesn't rain during the Xiaoman solar term, how much wheat will be harvested", the meaning of this agricultural proverb is to say whether it rains on this day and how much impact it will have on the next crop yield.

The benefits of rain do not need the ancients to carry out scientific knowledge, they can understand that rain undoubtedly avoids drought, and if there is drought, it will lead to a decrease in the production of crops, so this agricultural proverb actually wants to say that if it does not rain on the day of the Xiaoman solar term, the future grain output will be relatively small.

It doesn't rain in Xiaoman, and it doesn't rain even in the south.

In fact, if it does not rain in Xiaoman, it will have a great impact on grain production, especially for the north, because it is the wheat harvest season, and the rain in Xiaoman on this day undoubtedly played a key role in the growth of wheat and oil crops harvested in June.

However, if it does not rain on this day, it will also have an impact on corn and soybeans in the growing stage, and the rain at this time is also crucial for the growth of these two crops.

So this is also the meaning of the phrase that the ancients often said, "full of losses, humble benefits".

However, if it doesn't rain on this day, it is not necessarily a bad thing, because if it doesn't rain on this day in the south, it may continue to Futian, which is actually a good thing for people in the south.

After all, the temperature in the south is very high on this day, and if it still rains, it will be even more sultry.

And when Futian comes, there will be a lot of hot weather to accompany it, so it can be said that it is a good thing for the future that it does not rain on this day in the south, but it is precisely because it does not rain that the rice growth in the south is not very good.

Because of the lack of rain, the rice in the south will not ripen early at the earliest, which reduces the losses caused by natural disasters for farmers.

Therefore, whether it is in the south or the north, whether it rains on this day will have a great impact on the future grain production, so the agricultural proverb "whether it rains in the Xiaoman solar term, the impact of half summer" is also very helpful for people to judge the future weather.

You may sigh that the wisdom of the ancients is really not simple, and with such a proverb, you can judge the future weather and harvest.

I really have to say that the wisdom of the ancients is really extraordinary.

In fact, not only Xiaoman's solar term, but also many other solar terms agricultural proverbs, but due to time and space limitations, I will not introduce them to you one by one.

However, no matter which solar term it is, the agricultural proverb is a prediction of the future weather and harvest of the ancients.

Perhaps no matter how advanced science and technology are now, there are many advanced weather prediction technologies, but the agricultural proverbs of the ancients can still help everyone in this era when technology is relatively underdeveloped.

Therefore, no matter what time it is, we should be grateful for the wisdom and contributions of the ancients.

Will there be a lot of rain this summer? There are omens in the small full solar term, look at the agricultural proverb


Through this text, I believe that everyone has a little more understanding of the Xiaoman solar term, whether the ancients or modern people, they all have a great love for climate and agriculture.

After all, if we don't have good weather, we can survive.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to climate change and weather prediction, use science and technology to contribute to agricultural construction, and at the same time, we can also escort social production when some extreme weather occurs.

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