
The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

author:Wisdom Peacock 54
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The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology and the increasing improvement of community management, many communities have begun to adopt the management method of swiping cards to take elevators. This move aims to improve the safety and convenience of the community, but it has also sparked a series of discussions and doubts. The owners have said that although the card to take the elevator has increased the safety to a certain extent, it has also brought a lot of trouble, especially in emergency situations, how to ensure that the elevator is taken in time has become an urgent problem to be solved.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

Elevator Horror

On an ordinary day, the little brother stepped into the elevator home as usual. As the elevator door slowly closed, everything seemed calm and normal, however, the next few tens of seconds became an unforgettable and frightening moment in the child's life.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

The elevator suddenly began to fall, accompanied by violent vibrations and screeching sounds. The child's heart tightened, but he soon realized that panic was not going to help him get out of danger. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He quickly pressed the emergency alarm bell, and then pressed the buttons on all floors in turn, hoping that the elevator would stop on a certain floor. Unfortunately, the elevator seemed to be out of control, and the buttons on the other floors were out of order.


In the face of this sudden danger, the little brother did not give up. He knows that the most important thing at this time is to keep a calm and clear head. He quickly found a corner of the elevator, crouched down, and spread his arms in a protective posture. He knew that this would minimize the impact of the elevator when it fell.

While waiting for rescue, the child kept pressing the alarm bell and tried to get in touch with the outside world. From time to time, he tried to press buttons on other floors, but the elevator still didn't respond. His heart was full of trepidation and uneasiness, but he always remained calm and firm in his faith.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

Finally, after a long wait, the elevator doors slowly opened. The kid saw the glimmer of hope, and he quickly stepped out of the elevator and came to safety. At this time, his heart was full of joy and emotion.

However, the little brother did not forget to remind others to be safe. He saw a person who was about to enter the elevator, and he immediately stepped forward and reminded the other party that the elevator had just broken down and that it was best not to take it. His kindness and sense of responsibility are touching.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

But no matter how calm and strong the child brother is, he is still a child after all, and he still can't help crying when he goes home. However, Brother Kid's actions from beginning to end are really textbook-level. He used his calmness and bravery to win himself a chance to survive.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

This elevator horror incident makes us deeply reflect on the safety of elevators. Even this kind of elevator, which can be floored at will, has potential safety risks. So, for the card elevator, how to prevent its safety risks?

"The Benefits of Swiping Elevators"

In modern society, with the rapid development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standards, various intelligent and convenient facilities have gradually entered people's daily life. Among them, as an emerging elevator management method, the card elevator has gradually been favored by more and more people with its unique functions and advantages. So, what are the benefits of swiping an elevator?

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

1. Improve security

The card elevator restricts only owners or visitors with valid cards from using the elevator through card authentication, thus effectively avoiding the random entry and exit of outsiders and improving the safety of residential areas. In addition, the swipe elevator can also realize floor permission management, that is, each cardholder can only access the floor to which they are authorized, further ensuring the privacy and security of residents.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

2. Enhance convenience

The use process of the card elevator is simple and fast, and the user only needs to hold the card close to the card reader to quickly complete the authentication and enter the elevator. Compared with the traditional push-button elevator, the card elevator does not need the user to manually enter the floor number, which greatly reduces the operation time and improves the travel efficiency. At the same time, for the elderly, children and other groups with reduced mobility, the card elevator provides great convenience.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

3. Improve management efficiency

The card elevator adopts an intelligent management method, which can record the user's card record in real time, providing convenient data support for property management. By analyzing the card data, the property company can understand the use of the elevator and provide a scientific basis for the maintenance of the elevator. In addition, the card elevator can also realize remote monitoring and management, improve management efficiency and reduce management costs.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

Fourth, energy conservation and environmental protection

The intelligent management of the card elevator can also achieve energy conservation and environmental protection. For example, by setting a reasonable operating time, the swipe elevator can automatically enter a dormant state when it is not in use, reducing energy consumption. At the same time, the card elevator can also intelligently allocate the operation resources of the elevator according to the user's card data, avoid the no-load operation of the elevator, and further reduce energy consumption.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

5. Enhance the living experience

The convenience and safety of the card elevator provide a more comfortable and safe living environment for residents. Residents do not need to worry about the interference of outsiders, and can enjoy their home life with more peace of mind. At the same time, the rapid response and intelligent management of the card elevator also make residents more relaxed and happy when traveling.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

To sum up, as an emerging elevator management method, the card elevator has many advantages and benefits. It can not only improve the safety and convenience of residential areas, but also improve management efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection, and enhance the living experience. Therefore, in the future construction of residential areas, card elevators are expected to be more widely used and promoted.

"The Disadvantages of Swiping Elevators"

However, behind the seemingly convenient technology of the card elevator, there are actually many potential disadvantages.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

First of all, the use of card elevators has brought great inconvenience to residents. For residents who forget to bring their access card or lose it, they may face the embarrassing situation of not being able to take the elevator. Especially in emergency situations, such as fires, earthquakes and other emergencies, swiping the card elevator may become an obstacle to escape and affect the life safety of residents. In addition, some visitors or delivery workers may not be able to enter the building smoothly due to the lack of access cards, which brings inconvenience to residents' daily lives.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

Secondly, the use of card elevators increases safety hazards. Since the card elevator needs to identify a specific access card before it can be used, some criminals may commit theft, robbery and other crimes by copying the access card or cracking the access control system. In addition, some residents may lend their access cards to others for convenience, which also provides an opportunity for criminals to take advantage of them. Therefore, the use of swipe elevators may increase the safety risks of residential areas or office buildings.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

In addition, if the elevator has an accident like a child's fall, there is no chance to even press the buttons on other floors to buffer. Does this mean that once this kind of situation occurs, the elevator will become more dangerous.

Again, the maintenance cost of the card elevator is higher. Because the swipe elevator needs to install an access control system and an elevator control system, and it needs regular maintenance and updates, its maintenance cost is relatively high. For some old neighborhoods or residents with poor economic conditions, they may not be able to afford this high maintenance cost. In addition, once the access control system fails or is damaged, the elevator may not be able to be used normally, which brings great inconvenience to the lives of residents.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

Finally, the popularity of swipe elevators has also caused some social problems. Since the use of swipe elevators requires specific access cards, this may lead to unnecessary estrangement and contradictions between some residents. For example, some residents may refuse to lend their access cards to others for fear of misuse; Others may complain about not being able to use the elevator smoothly. This mutual distrust and contradiction can disrupt the harmonious atmosphere of the community or office building.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

To sum up, although the card elevator has improved the safety and management efficiency of the community or office building to a certain extent, its disadvantages cannot be ignored. We should fully recognize its potential risks and problems while using the card elevator, and take corresponding measures to prevent and solve them. For example, the security and stability of the access control system can be enhanced; improve residents' safety awareness and self-defense ability; Strengthen the management and supervision of residential areas or office buildings. Only in this way can we ensure the normal use of the swipe elevator and the safety and convenience of residents.

The owner of the community must swipe the card to take the elevator, safe or troublesome? Is it too late to get in the event of danger?

What do you think about the "swipe elevator"? Do you think it's good or bad? Please leave your views below! #长文创作激励计划 ##头条创作挑战赛#

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