
The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

author:Spring Rainy Season I

Li Tiezhu, this buddy, is really a soft-hearted Northeast man, and he does not forget to go to temples and Taoist temples around the country every year to burn incense and kowtow to pray for peace and auspiciousness. This year, he picked a Qingxin Temple, carried a tattered bag containing dry food and incense money, and trekked to the foot of the mountain. As soon as he entered the temple gate, Li Tiezhu kowtowed to the Bodhisattva several times, and then began to wander around.

This Qingxin Temple, don't look at it as a nunnery, it is really antique, and there is a fairy wind everywhere. Li Tiezhu walked around, and saw a young nun, who was delicate, and her eyes were bright, as if she could speak. When the nun saw Li Tiezhu looking around, she came over and said, "Donor, are you here to ask for peace?" Li Tiezhu nodded like pounding garlic: "Yes, yes, yes, I'm here to ask for a blessing for my family." The nun smiled slightly and said, "Then you come with me to sit in the back hall?" We have good scriptures here that can help you. ”

As soon as Li Tiezhu heard the scriptures, his heart blossomed, and he thought that this time he could read it well and add more blessings to his family. He followed the nun, entered the back hall, and came to a wooden door, the nun gently pushed, hey, this secret room is really unique, full of magic weapons, scriptures, and a few golden statues. The nun pointed to a statue and said, "This is a treasure in our nunnery, and it can bless people with safety and well." When Li Tiezhu saw it, his eyes lit up, and he thought that this trip was really not in vain.

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

He hurriedly took out the incense money and handed it to the nun: "Master nun, you recite the scriptures for me, I want to pray for the blessings of my family." The nun took the money and smiled slightly: "Donor, wait a minute, I'll go and prepare." After speaking, he turned around and entered the back room, leaving Li Tiezhu alone in the secret room.

Li Tiezhu waited for a while, felt bored, and began to look around. He found that the ritual weapons and scriptures in this secret room were exquisite, and the statues of gods were even more lifelike, as if they would move at any time. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in his heart, feeling that this Qingxin Temple was really a place with aura.

As he was looking at it, he suddenly heard a strange sound, like chanting, and something was wrong. He followed the sound and found that it was coming from the back room. He gently pushed the door open, and when he saw it, he almost collapsed with fright—the nun was kneeling at the offering table, with a dagger in her hand, and slashing her wrist with a word in her mouth! Li Tiezhu shouted, rushed up and grabbed the dagger. The nun's face changed, and she hurriedly explained: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this is the cultivation of the 'Blood Sacrifice Dafa', which can communicate with the spirits of heaven and earth and bless the safety of believers." "Oh, I'll go, Li Tiezhu, this buddy, his temper, when he heard this, his eyes widened like copper bells, and he stared at the nun and asked, "You, are you really a nun?" The nun nodded lightly and said softly, "Well, I have been practicing in the nunnery since I was a child, and it has been twenty years. Li Tiezhu shook his head, with a look of disbelief, and said, "Pull it down, you look like a nun, you are a demon woman!" ”

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

As soon as the nun heard this, her face turned black at once, she stood up suddenly, pushed Li Tiezhu, and her voice was as loud as thunder: "You dare to insult me!" I'll show you what I'm capable of today! As soon as the words fell, she stretched out her hand, picked up a statue of a god from the offering table, and smashed it towards Li Tiezhu with a bang. Li Tiezhu couldn't dodge, he heard a "bang", and he was directly smashed down, snorting in pain.

Seeing this, the nun smiled like a crazy woman, walked towards Li Tiezhu, and shouted: "Today, I'll let you, an ignorant child, see how powerful I am!" Just when Li Tiezhu felt that he was about to finish the game, suddenly, several big men rushed in, carrying sticks in their hands, and subdued the nuns with three strokes and five divisions. Li Tiezhu took a closer look, and it turned out that other nuns and pilgrims in the temple heard the movement and hurriedly ran to save him.

The nuns and pilgrims tied the nun like a rice dumpling, and then took Li Tiezhu out of the secret room. They told Li Tiezhu that this nun was actually a charlatan, swaggering and cheating everywhere under the banner of Qingxin Temple, deceiving both money and sex, and many pilgrims had fallen for her. Today, when she saw that Li Tiezhu was strong, she had bad intentions and wanted to trick him into the secret room to do bad things. Fortunately, the other nuns and pilgrims found out early and saved Li Tiezhu.

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was furious, and he pointed at the nun and scolded: "You witch, I have to pick your skin today!" As he spoke, he was about to rush forward. The other nuns hurriedly grabbed him and persuaded: "Don't worry, don't worry, this witch has been subdued by us, and the government will deal with her." Don't be angry just yet, go back and recuperate. Although Li Tiezhu was so angry, he also understood that now was not the time to do it, so he had to endure it.

He stayed in the temple for a night, and the next morning he went down the mountain to report the crime. As soon as the people in the government heard about the case, they immediately sent someone to arrest the nun. After some interrogation, the nun's crime was finally revealed, she not only defrauded money, but also used the name of Taoism to do some dirty things, which is really a heinous crime. The government sentenced her to a heavy sentence on the spot and exiled her to the frontier, where she could never return to her hometown.

The nuns of Qingxin Temple were also relieved to see that the nun had been disposed of by the government. They sorted out all the ritual utensils and scriptures in the secret room and put them on the offering table again. The pilgrims who had been deceived by the nuns also came to apologize, saying that they would be careful in the future and no longer be gullible. With the help of the government, Li Tiezhu also recovered the deceived incense money. Our Northeast buddy Li Tiezhu, holding a ticket in his hand, walked into Qingxin Temple, kowtowed to the Bodhisattva a few times, and said a gratitude in his heart, and the Bodhisattva blessed him with peace and security. After kowtowing, he took his burden on his back and walked out of the temple to continue his path of prayer. This matter spread in the village, and everyone said that Li Tiezhu was blessed, and there were always nobles to help him at critical moments. There are also people who sigh that people in this world are unpredictable, and they are deceived if they are not careful. However, fortunately, the evil did not prevail over the good, and the nun also got the retribution she deserved.

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

Let's talk about Li Tiezhu again, although he is a Northeast man, he is soft-hearted and helpful. This time he was deceived, but he was not discouraged, but his faith became firmer. He firmly believes that as long as there is goodness in the heart, the Bodhisattva will bless it. So, since then, he has been going to temples and Taoist temples around the country every year to burn incense and pray for peace and happiness for his family and himself.

After this incident, Qingxin Temple has become more pure and solemn. The nuns recite sutras and practice every day to pray for the blessings of the believers. The pilgrims who were deceived also came back to apologize and repent, saying that they would be new people and no longer be deceived by evil thoughts. Time flies, a few years have passed, and Li Tiezhu still comes to Qingxin Temple every year to burn incense and pray for blessings. Qingxin Temple is also becoming more and more famous because of Li Tiezhu's story, attracting more pilgrims.

One day, Li Tiezhu came to Qingxin Temple again, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw a familiar figure - wasn't that the nun who had deceived him! Li Tiezhu was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, how could this witch dare to come? Just as he was about to step forward to question, he heard the nun say, "Don't blame the donor, I have reformed now." When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was stunned. On closer inspection, the nun had indeed changed, and her face was no longer cunning and hideous, replaced by peace and tranquility. She told Li Tiezhu that when he was exiled in the frontier, he met a high monk, was enlightened, and understood his mistakes and sins. So she changed her past mistakes and began to practice Buddhism, hoping to atone for her sins. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart, but he didn't expect that this witch who once made him hate him to the bone could now change his life. He sighed: "If a person is not a sage, who can be without fault? It's a good thing that you're lost. When the nun heard this, she was moved to tears and thanked her again and again, saying that she would practice hard in the future and stop doing bad things.

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

Since then, there has been one more pious cultivator in the Qingxin Temple, that is, the nun who once deceived Li Tiezhu. She proved by her actions that those who have reformed themselves can also be blessed and forgiven by the Bodhisattva. Li Tiezhu, this buddy, his journey of praying for blessings is still continuing, with good thoughts in his heart, and he is not afraid of going anywhere. After listening to the nun's confession, the taste in his heart was really mixed. He sighed, turned around, and entered the main hall of the temple. The main hall was filled with smoke, and the statue of the Bodhisattva was full of pious pilgrims. Li Tiezhu found a corner and knelt down. He clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and silently muttered in his heart: "Bodhisattva bless, may all living beings in the world be able to change their minds and be human beings again." ”

After praying, Li Tiezhu stood up and was about to leave. At this time, he heard a familiar voice: "Don't be in a hurry. "When he turned around, hey, it turned out to be the reformed nun. She walked up to Li Tiezhu, folded her hands, bowed deeply, and said, "Donor, I know that you may still have a little pimple in your heart, but please believe me, I have really changed my mind." I want to use the days I have left to make up for my past mistakes and do what I can for the temple and the pilgrims. ”

Li Tiezhu looked at her sincere eyes, and his heart softened a little. He nodded and said, "Okay, I believe in you." But you have to remember that reform is not just a matter of words, but of deeds. The nun nodded hurriedly and told him that she planned to set up a "confessional hall" in the temple, so that those who had gone the wrong way would have a place to repent and make amends. She also plans to organize volunteers to provide services to the temple and pilgrims, such as cleaning the temple and taking care of the sick.

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

Li Tiezhu listened to the nun's plan, and admired it in his heart: "Your idea is quite reliable, you can not only help others, but also redeem yourself." The nun looked at him gratefully and said, "Thank you for your support and encouragement." I know I've done a lot of wrong things in the past, but trust me, I've really changed. Li Tiezhu patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you go and get busy." I'm sure you can do these things well. After speaking, Li Tiezhu left Qingxin Temple.

He walked on the way home, and the feeling in his heart was really full of emotion. He didn't expect that one of his encounters could change a person's fate and make him think more deeply about life. Back in the village, Li Tiezhu told the villagers about his experience at Qingxin Temple. The villagers were surprised and moved when they heard this, and they all expressed their support for the nun's "confession hall" plan to give those who had taken the wrong path a chance to mend their ways. With the support of the villagers, the "Repentance Hall" was soon established. Those who have gone the wrong way have come to the "Hall of Repentance" to repent and correct their mistakes. Some wept bitterly about their crimes and painful experiences; Some silently prayed for the Bodhisattva's forgiveness and salvation; Others took the initiative to take on the work of the rebels, providing services to the temple and pilgrims. Time flies, and the reputation of "Repentance Hall" is getting louder and louder, like beating gongs and drums. Many guys who have taken the wrong path have run here, hoping to change their minds and become new people. The head of the nun eldest sister, that is really reformed and turned to the right, not only manages the "repentance hall" in an orderly manner, but also does it herself, reciting scriptures and praying for the pilgrims who come to worship the Buddha, and can help solve any problem.

Once, Li Tiezhu came to Qingxin Temple again, and the picture he saw was called a touching and heartfelt - at the door of the "Repentance Hall", a thief who had unclean hands and feet before was helping an old grandmother carry water; In the main hall, an unlucky guy who gambled on the ruin of his family was rubbing the Bodhisattva's golden body...... Li Tiezhu saw it in his eyes, and he felt the emotion in his heart, he deeply realized the power of reform, as well as the kind energy.

The strong man burned incense in the temple and was tricked into the secret room by the nun, and there was a hole in it

At this moment, he saw the reformed nun, who was standing in the corner of the main hall, praying silently. Li Tiezhu walked over, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Sister, you did a really good job." The nun looked up and saw that it was Li Tiezhu, her eyes were full of gratitude and respect, and she said: "Thanks to your support and encouragement, without you, I would not be where I am today." Li Tiezhu waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, you have to thank yourself." You have proved the power of rehabilitation, and you have given others a chance. The two looked at each other and smiled, as if all the unhappiness had vanished.

Since then, Li Tiezhu and the nun have become iron buddies, serving the temple and pilgrims together, giving those who have gone the wrong way to mend their ways. Qingxin Temple has also become more pure and solemn because of their efforts.