
The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

author:Spring Rainy Season I

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about this little folk tale that happened in the northeast of our country, which is both tortuous and bizarre. It is said that in a small village deep in the mountains, there lives a pair of brothers, the elder brother is called Li Tiezhu, and the younger brother is called Li Erniu. These two brothers are the kind of honest croppers who work hard to get by, relying on the strength of planting a few acres of thin fields and a whole body.

Li Tiezhu is a person with a solid heart, and he usually doesn't talk much, but he has a clear heart. The daughter-in-law he married was called Cuihua, who was a good daughter-in-law with clear eyebrows and diligent hands and feet, and the people in the village said that Li Tiezhu was so blessed. As for Li Erniu, he hasn't started a family yet, so he lives with his brother and sister-in-law, although life is a little tight, but the family is also happy.

But who thinks, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. Li Tiezhu went to the town to sell grain, and on the way back, he somehow met a bandit and lost his life. As soon as the news came back to the village, everyone was stunned, and Li Erniu cried even more, his brother, for him, is heaven and earth!

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

Cuihua is also grief-stricken, but life has to go on. She is a woman's family, she has to be busy with housework, work in the field, and take care of Li Erniu. But Cuihua is a strong woman, she gritted her teeth and held up this family.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed. On this day, Li Erniu went to the mountains to chop firewood and came back a little late. He saw a dark shadow in his yard from a distance, and his heart tightened, and he quickly quickened his pace. When I got closer, it turned out to be a strange man who was doing something to Cuihua! Li Erniu was furious, roared, picked up the firewood knife and rushed forward.

The man was so frightened that he wanted to run, but Li Erniu couldn't let him go and slashed him with a knife. The man was good, and he dodged with a roll, but he was still grabbed by Li Erniu's arm. The two scuffled together, Li Erniu was young and strong, and he subdued the man in a few strokes. He grabbed the man by the collar and asked loudly, "Who are you?" Why are you bullying my sister-in-law? ”

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

The man's face turned pale with fright, and he stammered, "I... I was passing by, and when I saw her home alone, I just... Li Erniu was so angry that the roots of his teeth itched, and he was about to finish off this guy with a knife, but he heard Cuihua shouting: "Erniu, don't do it!" He looked back, and although Cuihua was disheveled, her eyes were determined. She walked up to the two of them, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Erniu, your brother has been gone for more than a year, and I... I'm still innocent. ”

As soon as these words came out, Li Erniu and the man were stunned. Cuihua continued: "I know that there are people in the village talking about me behind my back, saying that I can't bear to be lonely, but I swear by my innocence that I have never done anything to be sorry for your brother!" When the man heard this, his face turned even pale, and he struggled to his feet, and ran on the ground. Li Erniu's kid, standing there, turned over the river and the sea in his heart, with mixed tastes. He glanced at the cuihua, and then at the firewood knife on the ground, and his heart suddenly lit up. He stepped over and helped Cuihua up, his voice as gentle as a spring breeze: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm ...... I blame you. Cuihua shook her head, tears rolling in her eyes: "Erniu, I don't have anything to blame you, in this world, people's hearts are unpredictable." As soon as your brother leaves, I am worried every day, for fear that someone will worry about our family. Now that you're back, we have the backbone of our family. Li Erniu held Cuihua's hand tightly, and there was a sense of perseverance in his eyes: "Sister-in-law, you put a hundred hearts, from now on, I will be your backer!" I have to protect our family and don't let outsiders bully you again! ”

Since the day of the fight, Li Erniu has changed, and he is no longer the stupid boy who only knows how to work hard. He began to think about how to make life at home even better. He thought, although his brother is gone, he has to carry his sister-in-law and this family. Li Erniu first took care of the family's several acres of land in an orderly manner, and also raised a few pigs and chickens. He gets up before dawn every day, is busy with this and that, and has to go home at night to cook and take care of his sister-in-law. Cuihua saw it in her eyes, her heart was warm, she knew that there was hope for this family.

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

But Li Erniu was not satisfied with this little fight. He heard that the shops in the town were doing a good job and making a lot of money. He thought to himself if he could go to the town and do something. He discussed it with Cuihua, and when Cuihua heard it, she thought it was a good idea and encouraged him to try it. So, Li Erniu took the little savings of his family and went to the town. He first worked in a small restaurant and learned the trade. He was diligent and intelligent, and quickly learned how to cook. He thought, isn't this cooking craft a golden rice bowl?

After a few months, Li Erniu saved some money in his hands, so he rented a small shop and opened his own small restaurant. The food he cooked was delicious and reasonably priced, and it quickly attracted a lot of people. His restaurant business became more and more popular, and within a few years, it became a famous restaurant in the town. After making money, Li Erniu did not forget his family. He bought Cuihua new clothes and built her a new house. He also called several relatives in the village to help and brought everyone to get rich together. Our Northeast Gada, Li Erniu's kid, is really a loving and righteous iron man. Cuihua looked at Li Erniu's little change, and her heart blossomed. She understands that in this family, with Li Erniu here, there is hope. She also trusted this young uncle more and more, and regarded him as her own brother.

But the good times didn't last long, and when Li Erniu's restaurant business was booming, the plague suddenly came, and the whole town was panicked. People fell one by one, and Li Erniu's restaurant was deserted. He watched his hard work come to waste, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

At this moment, Cuihua stepped forward and said, "Erniu, don't panic, let's think about it together." She took out all the old people in the family, bought medicinal herbs and food, and sent them to the villagers one by one. Her heart moved everyone so much, and they all said that she was a good big sister with a bodhisattva heart.

With the concerted efforts of Li Erniu and Cuihua, the plague in the town was finally brought under control. The villagers also slowly got better, and Li Erniu's restaurant also reopened. After this toss, Li Erniu cherished the good days in front of him even more, and was more grateful for Cuihua's help and support.

Time flies, and years have passed. Li Erniu's restaurant is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become an old signboard in the town. He also found a virtuous daughter-in-law and gave birth to a big fat boy. Although Cuihua is old, she is still very energetic, and looking at the happy appearance of Li Erniu's family of three, her heart is also warm.

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

One day, Li Erniu took his daughter-in-law and children back to the village to visit Cuihua. They sat around the kang, eating homely meals and chatting about homely food. Li Erniu suddenly asked Cuihua: "Sister-in-law, do you remember the man who wanted to bully you back then?" Cuihua nodded and said, "How can you forget?" If you hadn't shown up in time, I might have ......," she said, and her tears flowed uncontrollably.

Li Erniu sighed and said, "Sister-in-law, I've been wanting to tell you all these years, I'm sorry. When I was young and vigorous, I misunderstood you and almost hurt you. If it weren't for your generosity, our family would have been scattered a long time ago. Cuihua wiped her tears and said, "Erniu, your brother has been gone for so many years, and I have always treated you as my own brother." What do we have to say between us? As long as you are good, my sister-in-law will be satisfied. ”

The two laughed as they spoke. They know that after so many ups and downs, the relationship between them is already closer than that of brothers. They believe that as long as the heart thinks in one place and works hard in one place, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome!

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

In this way, the days passed, and the people of the village lived happily ever after. And the story of Li Erniu and Cuihua has also become a good story in the village, inspiring generations to work hard for their families and lives. Li Erniu's restaurant business is getting bigger and bigger, not only opening a branch in the town, but even having his name in the county. Cuihua, our Northeast Nagada, the years are not forgiving, her face has left traces of time, but in that eyes, the love of life and the concern for her family are just like the winter in our Northeast, no matter how cold it is, she can't freeze that hot heart. One day, Li Erniu received a phone call, the voice on the other end sounded a little raw, but it was a cordial, it turned out to be a distant relative, who came back from overseas and wanted to come to see Li Erniu, who had helped their family. When Li Erniu heard this, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly picked up and prepared to welcome this relative who came from afar.

Cuihua heard that although she was old, she was so energetic that she insisted on going to meet this relative together. When the relatives arrived in the town, Li Erniu went to pick them up in person, and as soon as they met, the two of them chatted like a hot kang in our northeast, very hot. It turned out that this relative was also a poor boy back then, thanks to Li Erniu's generosity, he had the opportunity to go abroad for further study, and now he is thriving overseas, opening a company, and making a lot of money. I came back this time to repay Li Erniu's kindness.

The relative said: "Erniu, you were so good to me back then, I have always remembered it in my heart. Now that I'm capable, I want to help you. Your restaurant business is good, but it's always confined to this small town. I'm interested in investing to help you open restaurants in the city, and even across the country. When Li Erniu heard this, he was both happy and apprehensive. I am happy to have the opportunity to take the restaurant to the next level, but I am worried that I am afraid that I am not capable enough and will live up to the kindness of my relatives. He looked at Cuihua, who gave him an encouraging look and said, "Erniu, people are kind, you can try it." I believe that you will be able to do a good job. So, Li Erniu made up his mind and accepted the investment of his relatives.

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

He began to prepare the expansion plan for the restaurant, from site selection to renovation, from recruitment to training, every detail was taken care of by himself. He knew that he couldn't live up to that trust, and he couldn't let Cuihua down. After a period of preparation, Li Erniu's restaurant finally opened in the city. On the day of the opening, it was full of people and lively. Relatives also came to congratulate in person, and also brought many overseas friends. After tasting the food of Li Erniu's restaurant, they were full of praise and said that they would come back often.

The business of the restaurant is getting better and better, and Li Erniu is getting busier and busier. But he has never forgotten where his original intention and roots are. He often took his daughter-in-law and children back to the village to visit Cuihua and bring her all kinds of delicious and fun food. Cuihua looked at the happy appearance of Li Erniu's family of three, and felt extremely relieved in her heart.

One day, Li Erniu met an old friend in the city. An old friend told him that he had been doing a big business recently and needed to find a reliable partner. He took a fancy to Li Erniu's restaurant business and character, and wanted to invite him to do it together. When Li Erniu heard this, he was a little hesitant in his heart, he had to think about it carefully. Oops, this thing is really not covered, Erniu, this buddy, really bumped into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But he also muttered in his heart, afraid that he wouldn't be able to handle it himself. No, he ran back to the village and discussed it with Sister Cuihua. When Sister Cuihua heard this, she frowned, pondered for a while, and then slowly enlightened him: "Erniu, take a look, you are not the stunned young man who could only pick up a hoe back then. You have the ability in your hands, and you have a way in front of you, and you can go to a bigger stage to show your strengths. But no matter how far we go, we have to remember where our roots are. No matter what obstacles we encounter, we must adhere to our original intention and principles. ”

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin

Li Erniu listened to Sister Cuihua's words, and the brightness in his heart was like eating a hot dumpling. He understood his direction and purpose. He decided to accept the invitation of his old friend and explore a bigger world together. But he also knows that he can't forget his roots and original intention, he wants to make this career prosperous, and at the same time, he has to give back to the society and his hometown.

So, Li Erniu and his old friends stood shoulder to shoulder and embarked on a new journey. With the good reputation and hard power of Li Erniu's restaurant, they quickly gained a firm foothold in the market. Business is getting more and more prosperous, not only opening a number of branches in China, but also beginning to enter the overseas market. And Li Erniu has never forgotten his original intention, and every year he will take time to go back to the village to visit Sister Cuihua and the villagers, and bring them help and welfare. He also paid out of his pocket to build a school and hospital in the village, so that the lives of the villagers could be improved.

In this way, Li Erniu has grown step by step from an ordinary farmer to a well-known entrepreneur. But he never forgot his roots, he used his sweat and wisdom to write a legend, and also used his kindness and love to warm the society and his hometown. And the family affection and trust between him and Sister Cuihua have also become the most touching stroke in this story.

The cousin died, and the cousin violated the cousin and found that the cousin was a virgin